Hello I am new and have a question

I noticed that the logo SM uses is a double serpent staff, and I’m concerned if it’s satanic related, even though the WHO logo is a single serpent staff. Does SM use a double serpent staff simply because it thinks the logo represents medical care? Hope for reply

Double serpent comes from Old Testament in the Bible which then became symbolism for healing, there is nothing satanic about it.


The Sapien Medicine logo represents a caduceus (a wooden stick with two snakes and wings).
It is an ancient Greek symbol. Attribute of Hermes, the caduceus was used to heal snake bites.
It is also called “the messenger stick” and some other gods and goddess have been represented with one. :herb:🪽 :sparkles:



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So you come to the guy’s forum to ask this question?

What a bizzarre way of thinking…

Let me tell you why you’re here.

Deep inside, you know you’ve been fed a load of tosh your whole life, and your subconscious is screaming at you to snap out of it.

God is above all, it has no enemy.

What the cadeusus actually represents is unity and peace, as well as wisdom and ascension.

Hermes is an exalted trickster, his function is to help people learn, not to deceive them.

What the Cadeusus truly represents is the resolution of the internal conflict everyone has within, and the discovery of the eternal truth, which is God, the supreme - the highest. It is a symbol for the Kingdom within - true heaven.



Welcome Path 1


Well, goddess Iris, Hera’s and all gods messenger, also had a caduceus as an attribute in the Greek mythology. It is one of the attributes of Hermes ok, but not something related to trickery.

Iris for example was loved by Hera because she would only bring good news, she was depicted as a beautifull young goddess with fairy like wings and had a rainbow as her symbol.

So, is the logo Hermes’s or Iris’s caduceus? Who knows? Does it really has to be one of those two’s caduceus? Maybe it is just “a” caduceus: a messenger stick that also heals from snake bites.
[Edit: a magical messenger stick with flying snakes and wings that also heals from snake bites*]

:snake::herb:🪽 :sparkles::sunny:🪖🪽 :shield: 🩷 :brain::shield::sparkles::owl::dove:🪖 :sparkles:

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