Hello my dear Sapien family, what do you think of whey protein powders?

I recently started body building and I used to abuse soft drinks a lot, so my kidneys may not be in best shape. And i just started whey protein,

Is it bad for you? Can you guys please help. Is once a day okay? I am scared

I didn’t drink enough water yesterday after protein powder and had a very tight feeling around my kidneys yesterday.

Can you guys please explain how it is?! Thanks

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There’s plenty of information online about kidneys health and whey protein. The consensus seems to be that if someone has pre-existing kidney issues, then they should be cautious, and if they don’t have kidney issues, they should still be cautious but perhaps can get away with being a little less so. So just research and remember to drink water. And see a doctor if you’re concerned.

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Why would whey be bad for you? If you are not able to fulfil your daily protein requirement by the meal(s) you consume then it’s a pretty solid option.
I am a vegetarian and the country I live in, vegetarian food is expensive so the only option I am left with is whey to fulfil my daily protein intake, I take 3 scoops everyday 1 in the morning replacing my breakfast and 2 scoops after workout specifically before my anabolic window is closed which basically replaces my dinner as I am on a cutting phase, the only issue is that sometimes I feel bloated and have acidity but that’s not such a big deal as we have fields by captain available on youtube also don’t forget the hidden gem which is increased nutrient absorption I also charge my protein shake with dream seeds water charger and followed by ganges water charger and amritsarovar to bless thy protein shake, if whey is such a concern for you then try plant based protein there are plenty of options available in the market, talking about your kidneys, you can definitely use the youtube versions of kidney regeneration or endocrine system rejuvenation to restore them back or use gentle internal healing or enhanced organ functioning, captain is a gift that just keeps giving, there are plenty of options out there.

This is something that you genuinely need to work on and increase your water intake.

Take it with caution, start with low doses.

In my opinion, meat-based protein is better than whey-based protein, it has no fat or cholesterol, just pure protein.

You can also use kidney healing field some days to heal and restore your kidneys

I’ve been taking Gold Standard Whey Protein with natural occurring amino acids for seven years and my kidneys are fine. I’ve tried many different whey products and most of them are either trash or too expensive.

It depends on the brand, so choose a reputable company; Optimum Nutrition is reputable and it’s where I get my Gold Standard Whey from and they have a huge variety of flavours you can choose from, I usually get Double Rich Chocolate since that’s the best tasting one out of them all.

Stay away from the vegetarian or vegan whey products since they are rather toxic, in my opinion from experience. I usually felt fatigued and ill over time after taking these, whereas Gold Standard makes you feel good afterwards.

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