My elder sister has tininitus problem for the last 6-7 years. She is recently listening Sapiens Hearing Loss field .After three weeks she says tinnitus level is fluctuating like one day it gets louder and the next day it gets lower. Sometimes the sound is higher in her left ear.
Some medical research (available on the web) about tinnitus indicate a “damage to the myelin sheath between auditory nerve fibres, allowing ephaptic transmission (cross-talk) between adjacent nerve fibres”.
So although it’s not directly about tinnitus, this post by Uial may be useful. He can also confirm and add further info, if necessary:
This video is programmed to work on your spine and brain to remove the buildup of scar tissue, Nerve growth factor to increase the health of your nervous system and brain.
and finally induced myelination to help restore function.
Sometimes blood vessels getting clogged by plaques can result in atherosclerosis which can also cause tinnitus. Make sure she cuts down smoking (if she does), reduce alcohol intake, increases her exercise (Automated Cardio audios) and use the Heart audio to remove cholesterol/plaque buildup in the arteries
If she is constantly around a place with loud noise, then invest in some ear plugs or probably consider a venue change.
Thanks for your helpful answer. Yes she has high blood pressure and stress after the death of her husband at a very young age.
But im hopeful the quality of her life will improve now with all great suggestions and recommendations in details from my beautiful community.