Help! A maggot came out of my nose

I was sick for a week and blew my nose just now and found a small white worm crawling out, i’m freaking out my mon refuses to take me to the doctor i’m scared i’m gonna die please recommend me an audio or something


Smart Hulda Zapper
Parasites fields, like Parasite Destroyer
Detox fields
Detox sigils and cards
Immune System Supercharger
Brain Regeneration


Thank you :sob: i’ll be spamming these now

Okay an update: played the parasite audio for 20 times now, i know i probably overused it but i was panicking lol and wanted to make sure there are no parasites crawling inside me, better safe than sorry right? anyways i’m feeling way better.
The weird feeling i had inside my sinuses is gone and i’m sneezing way much lesser now. I’ll listen to the rest of audios now.
Also I convinced my parent to take me the doctor tomorrow morning. Will see how it turns out.


Hey! Stay strong. This is just a test. First rule: Don’t Panic.

There is an amazing audio missed by most called Ivermectin: Ivermectin

It is a very strong parasite destroyer audio I used extensively on myself. Read instructions. You may experience massive headaches (in your particular case). Also, once you flush the baddies out I would suggest the How Smart Are Stem Cells audio on Gumroad, as it has a hidden gem track called the Plasma Brain of Youth, these two will help you recover very fast.

Also you’d better do an MRI brain scan to understand what that was.

Hope this helps!


Meanwhile you can listen to Smart Hulda Zapper…it was kinda designed for that.


Thank you and that’s impossible and expensive to me unfortunately :sweat_smile: hopefully i’ll be able to do it in the far future


Did listen to that one 3 times yesterday! i’m not sure what’s the limit so I stopped at this


2-3 times is usually enough. However, as practice shows, if your body can handle more, then you can listen more times.


It can be looped for hours actually. Unless your body tells you to stop.

Detox can happen too. Which may be aggressive depending on what you have.

You can always stop listening and ground yourself. Listen to some anti-inflammatory or antioxidant field.

You could even use detox, but ofc those would detox. And those are the ones that shouldn’t be looped, probably. But they are around 10 mins, most of them, so that’s 30 minutes of listening to any of those fields…it is enough.

Smart Hulda Zapper can be looped though.


I only got 3 hours of sleep because i was anxious and woke up with worser sinus infection i don’t know if this is normal? I did listen to the immune system charger too, anyways i’ll be going to the ENT in a few hours, keeping my hopes up :pray:


Sweet! I’ll be looping it later, thank you :blush:


How did it go?


I forgot to update but i went to a GP and an ENT, the GP was concerned and said it most likely came from eating sushi, gave me some antibiotics and anti parasitics then asked me to do a lungs x ray because i was having an horrible sinus infection and cold symptoms that time (which i forgot to mention here), he thought there was something going on with my lungs however everything came out fine.

Then a few days later i went to the ENT, she suspected the maggot came from a fruit i ate and got stuck in my sinus somehow, she did prescribe me stronger antibiotics and a nose corticosteroid spray, i took neither though.

3 days later i was blowing my nose as usual and that time i found what looked like a dead maggot, i freaked out as usual due to my high anxiety lol and got an x ray of my sinuses.

I received the x ray today and it seems fine to me, i’ll be showing it to my ENT tomorrow. But so far i doubt there are maggots in my nose anymore.

Update 2: i showed the x ray to my ENT today, nothing related to parasites showed! i have inflammation in my sinuses though but it is nothing new to me. We’re good!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: can’t believe that i was freaking out so much a week ago because the internet told me it meant i’m gonna die lmaoo
I appreciate the help i got here and sapien’s work 🩷