

Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations. In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications. It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

Common side effects include fever, itching, and skin rash when taken by mouth, and red eyes, dry skin, and burning skin when used topically for head lice. It is unclear if it is safe for use during pregnancy, but is probably acceptable for use during breastfeeding. It belongs to the avermectin family of medications. It works through many mechanisms of action that result in death of the targeted parasites.

This is smart recreation that only targets parasites and all else that elicits a response.

On its own the side effects are

Serious adverse events following ivermectin treatment are more common in people with very high burdens of larval Loa loa worms in their blood. Those who have over 30,000 microfilaria per milliliter of blood risk inflammation and capillary blockage due to the rapid death of the microfilaria following ivermectin treatment.

One main concern is neurotoxicity after large doses, which in most mammalian species may manifest as central nervous system depression, ataxia, coma, and even death, as might be expected from potentiation of inhibitory GABA-ergic synapses

This being a recreation that targets only the parasites and other elements directly should not have these effects,

of course a massive die off of loa loa worms would be bad regardless of how they are killed as you body will have to deal with it.

The recent usage for viruses is new and it seems there are sides with either heavy support or against it.

At least here, it is presented as a safer alternative.

3 times is a good start and you can gauge how your body responds.
edit: safe for humans and animals


Thank you, Captain! So, this would be useful for parasites in general?


Oh, snap! They try to prevent us from having Ivermectin and @Captain_Nemo finds a way to make it available to those of us who want it. Thanks, Cap’n!

(Oh, sorry NewReleaseBot! When you get back from your break, I’ll post with you, my friend.)


apparently, this was thought to be used to treat C0vid

Ivermectin and COVID-19

Why so many Covid-19 variants are showing up now

New Covid Drugs That Could End The Pandemic For Good

Best ivermectin meta analysis

Ivermectin - A Game Changer for COVID-19?

Is Ivermectin a Wonder Drug? Can it be a miracle cure for COVID-19?

“They need to stop with all approved for emergency use nonsense. Stop using human Guinea pigs. Ivermectin has been around for decades. It’s safe and it works.”"


Thought that might be the reason for this one. I was like hmmm I know this drug is used (or should be) for that .


This is so gangster that we have this. :joy: very grateful, Capt.



I didn’t know anything about this drug but holy snap.


There’s an extensive list in the description. If you’re concerned about a parasite (or group) not on that list, this is a Patreon upload so, if you’re a member, you can research “your” parasite and, if appropriate, give it a whirl and see what happens for you.

By and large, we have a long (30? years) history of this drug being used by lots of people and, with the exceptions mentioned in the description, it’s a very well-tolerated drug. The field usually is even more well-tolerated than the drugs are.


Typically, outside of the U.S., that drug sells for a fraction of that cost. It’s higher (in the U.S. and now) for…reasons. (sigh)


i checked the price in one of the websites (india)… quite cheap per tab…

US is really hurting their own…Recently amazon.com pulled off N Acetyl Cysteine from online shelf (it seems)


OT: Did they? That’s a shame.

Back on topic: Let’s talk about this field! Anyone play it yet? (Am still at work, so I’ll have to play with it later.)

1 Like

Yes! You’re on a roll with the firsts and pioneering today! (Let us know what you think!)


which song or music is that ?

The beat


What would be the benefits of using this without having covid? You guys just using for general parasite cleanse?


I mean…

Smart fields in Patreon for just 4.5 usd…

Where are the complainers? :eyes:


Yeah, also should you come in contact with the virus this drug would make it harder for the virus to duplicate. (From the little research I’ve done) do your own


Best $4.50 a month anyone can ever spend.


Thank you bro!


i am including this in my music lib… it gives me the feeling of Sade’s sweetest taboo …