Help - anemia

I have a genetic condition of anemia and because of this, part of my cells have different shapes - like a sickle, more specifically.

So, I need help to know what to do to improve this situation in addition to the diet I already adapt to replace iron.

Because I eat what I need, but sometimes I still have pain related to my sickle cell anemia




The Plasma Light And Bioactive Beach
Enhanced Blood Circulation
Alchemical Jing Charged Blood
Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal
Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement
Deep Bone Massage (from Spa Days Album)

Maybe these fields could help you in your healing


Hello DivineEsther !

Maybe these fields will help you :pray::

  • Chi compression into bone marrow
  • Dna repair system
  • Tree purifier
  • Oxygen hyperbaric
  • Bone shaker

The price of these fields is a little higher but they can help you with broader and deeper healing :

  • Blueprint of life
  • Plasma flaunt

If you are dealing with the iron-deficiency type anemia, I would imagine mstate iron would be very helpful. Mstates are different than actual real iron supplementation, but just putting it out there that an mstate iron field may be a potential option that could be useful.

a powerful paid field with mstate iron

also, another great field to help with your bone marrow


Thank you very much for your response and suggestion for a stack of audios. I hadn’t thought about some of these tools for my case of anemia. So I will test them and I think they will work


Thank you very much for your guidance, Limael. I will definitely build my stack of audios considering your help


I didn’t know that detail. thank you very much for pointing it out.

Thank you for the instructions and guidance

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Apart from the great suggestions def add the Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption (i think that ones is only now im Odysee and Patreon)

And Vitamin D and C to absorve even deeper and easier.

Also the Autoimmune Reversal one

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) occurs when your immune system mistakes red blood cells as unwanted substance. As a result, your body produces antibodies that destroy red blood cells, which can lead to a low amount of red blood cells.

That could be your case too.

I hope you get well soon.


A anemia falciforme é uma condição genética que afeta as células vermelhas do sangue, fazendo com que assumam um formato de foice. Isso pode levar a vários problemas de saúde, como dores e complicações mais graves. Além da dieta rica em ferro, é importante seguir outras estratégias para gerenciar a condição:

  1. Hidratação: Beber muita água é essencial para ajudar a manter o sangue fluindo livremente e evitar a formação de coágulos.

  2. Evitar Temperaturas Extremas: Tanto calor quanto frio extremos podem desencadear crises de dor.

  3. Exercícios Físicos Moderados: Atividades físicas ajudam na circulação sanguínea, mas evite exercícios extenuantes que podem desencadear uma crise.

  4. Gerenciamento da Dor: Acompanhamento médico para um plano eficaz de manejo da dor é crucial. Medicamentos específicos podem ser prescritos para controlar as dores.

  5. Evitar Infecções: Manter-se atualizado com vacinas e evitar a exposição a infecções pode prevenir complicações.

  6. Consultas Médicas Regulares: Acompanhamento regular com um hematologista ou um médico familiarizado com a anemia falciforme é vital para monitorar sua condição e ajustar tratamentos.

  7. Terapia com Oxigênio: Em alguns casos, a terapia com oxigênio pode ser necessária durante as crises de dor.

  8. Medicamentos Específicos: Existem medicamentos específicos para anemia falciforme, como a hidroxiureia, que podem reduzir o número de crises dolorosas.

É importante sempre discutir essas estratégias com seu médico, pois ele pode fornecer recomendações personalizadas com base em sua condição específica. Não se esqueça de que o manejo da anemia falciforme é um processo contínuo que envolve tanto cuidados médicos quanto mudanças no estilo de vida.

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Your instructions were certainly incredible. Now I know why they always tag you when they have questions…amazing.

thank you very much, Luna

and I will definitely bring feedback soon

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Yes. When I was born, my mother didn’t know, she only found out when my brother was born, as soon as the doctor did tests on him, we discovered that we both have it.

After that, I take exams frequently and always pay attention to my diet.

Thank you very much for the recommendations, Vane. It is always worth remembering every detail like this for self-care and evolution

Blackstrap molasses is apparently good :heart:

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