Help me send back black magic and spells to the sender!

There’s a woman who sends black magic and spells toward my family, especially toward my sister and me. She uses the help of her cousin. This is not their first time. It has turned into a habit for them to play with the life of others. They have spoiled some other lives so far. I know at least 3 victims of them. I’ve sent their black magic and spells back, and a friend helped me heal to some extent. So, their energy has reduced. But they are still active and have not learned their lessons! I would appreciate it if you guys help me to send back their energy, plus give them a lesson.
Please ask your servitors that:
:point_right:these two women leave my family alone.
:point_right:As they pretend they are very good people, I hope they meet new people like themselves in their lives and get stuck with them forever!



“Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves” — Confucius


Maybe Confucious didn’t know some people are garbage to this extent! She knows I’m still under treatment, but she dared to send her trash energy and black magic toward me. They’re hurting others in a bad way, and deserve to take their spells and black magic back, otherwise they continue hurting others. This is justice.

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Wow! This is so good. Thank you.

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I still want to send back their energy to themselves. No more, no less. They deserve to taste their own energy, spells, etc.
Thank you all.

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Hey bro this is only my perspective on this but I believe that changing the internal paradigms will shift your external reality to reflect a more loving atmosphere. I think listening to the crystal pack from PU should help.


Owl made good suggestions.

Forgiveness is very powerful to shift situations like that, as the opposite side usually feels something negative towards you to engage in something like that.

Regardless of you approving of that.

For protection or counter in unfair situations, Justice for all, Angelic Intercession and Michaels Mandala


Love gravitation wave or anything similar and you send it to them.

Love for these people is like sunlight to a vampire.

If you want to hurt them.

But I suggest you just cut cords, bless them and send them on their way…they are going to meet people like themselves eventually.


You mentioned you’re still under treatment. One thing I’ve learned from experience is that hatred can really hurt you physically. Just the energy it takes, and the doing something about it aka revenge/justice etc also takes energy. Precious energy that you need now. You need that energy to heal.

If you pursue some kind of war with them, it will go back and forth. Or maybe they won’t even know it was you- both situations don’t sound like you win anything.

If you’re worried, if you think they can hurt you, that’s what the shields are for. Use them, to release resistance, and from the bubble of safety, send love or at least peace if you can. If not peace, then indifference.

Doing that is not weakness. Doing that is proclaiming that you aren’t a victim. They didn’t get your attention, they didn’t get your energy, and they didn’t get you to do their dirty work for them aka harming yourself.

As it’s been mentioned before a lot of the shields have a reflective quality. And there’s the magic mirror NFT as well.

But try not to dwell.


Perfect answer Jen :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for your answer.
The problem is that they are hurting many other people. I had to make a protective item for myself, but what about the other members of my family and other people?
Those women sent me black magic and spell. For 3 days I was under attack. The third day I fell on the floor and my heart was beating so fast. I made 2 protective items. I wore one of them to survive. My sister wore the other one and the item broke in less than 5 minutes!
Those women do the same things for the members of their own family to earn easy money.
When your enemies come to you and try to take your life, sending love won’t solve anything. They need to be restricted somehow.

(The speed of the internet is like a turtle, it takes me more than an hour to send a short message. Thanks to all of you)


You’re welcome

To make clearer suggestions, the grand jealousy reflective shield and the black mirrored stone shield are worth a try.