HELP me with my HAIR šŸ„ŗ

No problem man.


Again, yes. :wink:

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Doesnā€™t matter :) you can also see it in the FAQ:


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Okay okay, if I do play this playlist over night tho! What if it loops? Cause tbh i donā€™t know how to only play it once :/ and you said some of them are just too strong to like use it more than even onceā€¦

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For me it never looped on yt :joy::joy:
Are you loop?

Donā€™t include plasma light in the overnight one then. (Anyway it can be pretty energising so maybe itā€™s better for the morning)
Add something to the end like the 8 hour one for sleeping (either on sapien medicine or dream seeds channel), should not be an issue ;)

Oh when Iā€™m on the phone I listen on musi not YouTube directly! There it always loopsā€¦ and 8 hour what ?

And okay I will note that!

This, if you add it to the stack.overnight,.it gets tok long and wonā€™t loop.
I canā€™t sleep with this one ironically, but you can try. Itā€™s for sleeping.

Haha Iā€™m probably already asleep by the time I reach this :sob::joy:

Btw morphic fields still work even when youā€™re asleep ?

Also I listened to a field before but before starting this playlist I would like to be completely flushed and start at 0 basically with a fresh mind, what can I do for that ?

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You should read the FAQ I liked above.

You can listen auric clearing from dream seeds 1x a day, but keep in mind that it clears field you listened in the ~3 hours before playing that field.

So I listened to one field from another creator for approx 3 monthsā€¦ do you think the flush, clearing would be necessary or is it more of a head thing ? Or just dedicate to this stack now?

And well if it clears everything I listened 3 hours ago before the field thatā€™s not good


But itā€™s not a bad idea to use the auric clearing Audio daily for a few days/weeks anyway. As well as etheric cord cutter, just to clear out junk that could make the process slower.

Iā€™ll leave it up to you and how much time you have.