Help me with this doubt 🤔

Community referring to the ego dissolution field how long will I notice the results?
I have social anxiety and low self-esteem my ego is strongly resisting change :pensive:


Everyone’s different.

As you mentioned, everyone’s egos have different qualities.

Plus everyone responds differently to fields in general and differently to the same field.

Plus everyone has a different ways of measuring “results.” For example, if I had social anxiety and low self-esteem and I was using my benchmarks for those conditions as my measure of whether ego dissolution is providing “results” for me, I might have a longer time until I notice results, in part because ego dissolution doesn’t directly affect those conditions, you see?

ETA: As an aside, you might consider using different titles to your many threads, for 2 reasons:

  1. It can be helpful to you to have different titles so that later on you can know which nugget of answer is in which of your threads and
  2. A title that gives us a clue of what you’re wanting will call to you more of the people with the answers you’re wanting.

In addition to ego dissolution, I’ve been using the field subconscious belief removal for 15 days now and nothing :disappointed:

Subliminal audios and self-help morphic fields only work in the first 3 days after that deadline I can’t get any more results…

@Bruno22, sometimes it takes a long time to see results, it varies from person to person and from situation to situation; I would recommend you to use cards, mandalas, plus other audios, besides ego dissolution.

For cards and mandalas (including instructions), please, read that thread, it might help you; also, try yoga, meditation, mantras, so that way you can make your energy body more attuned to energy work, fields, etc.

I would recommend you to start your day with point of no return, for at least a month (to help you clear your energy, to help you release negativity, bad emotions, traumas, possible entities, etc.):

You have underlying issues/causes for these problems, so you have to dissolve the problems at their roots; it may take months, at least, since yoy basically need to change your mental and energetic structures, to clean, heal and update them.

Take care and all the best! :pray:
Remember, You are STRONGER than all your problems, you got this, trust the process, learn to trust and to love yourself!

Also, if try to upgrade your life in all possible ways, be active, do exercises (on a stationary bike, if you dont want to go to the gym, for example), eat healthy, watch out for needed protein and necessary ingredients for your brain and entire body.

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It’s not about how long it would take you, but rather what exactly is it that comes up during this dissolution, and how much you realize it in the moment enough to make this change last longer

Ego dissolution would let these issues hold less grip onto your reality. You are the one who would identify, quicker than how you normally would, these things that have less grip over you now. And make the changes from there


Friends, thank you very much for the advice and suggestions of each of you :clap:

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That’s really not a lot of time. Particularly for an ego that is strongly resisting change.

And how are you measuring your nothing?

Because the two fields that you’re using have subtle–dare I say “subconscious”?–effects, which make them uniquely difficult to accurately measure. They’re not like–say–the hair growth field, where we can or measure hair that’s growing.

And I’m going to quibble with you about your “nothing,” because weren’t you, only yesterday, worried about stomach reactions you were having to this field you’re now saying “nothing”?

IOW, you are getting something. You just haven’t yet factored in the something that you’ve been getting into your noticing.

As I mentioned in my original reply, perhaps that’s because of the benchmarks you’re using to measure your results.

When we use the wrong benchmarks, we usually wind up looking where the results aren’t, which means we miss the results that we are having.


This is a helpful post, you can try few fields at a time after going through what the fields do and that is what you want incrementally.


You know you’re resistant to this one.

You also know lots of people swear by it.

Don’t worry about time. It takes less time for an ex-SEAL to get in shape than someone from My 600 Pound Life.

You will integrate it in your own time.


I feel called out already and it’s only 2 sentences haha

i tell myself the same thing about the alchemical revision fields lol


Thanks everyone for the advice and suggestions :pray: