Help People, Animals in this inclement Heat

Hellou friends!

For those living on the north Hemisphere.

Please if its possible for you and your heart calls you to do it

Put water containers outside your place, complex, some blocks away, wherever outside really, with water for the animals on the street that dont have any other way to survive in this heat :broken_heart:

And watch out for the gardeners, cleaning people, security etc that have to work outside all day or half a day, their salaries already suck they cant be buying water or sodas etc

Please keep cold water to offer them :pray:

There have been around 30 or more deaths in Mexico because of this heat and itll get worse, people working outside are the most affected.

Thank you so much :purple_heart: blessings

I chose to create a thread instead of commenting under regular ones because i dont want it to get buried fast.

Ill bump it every week to remind you, hope you dont mind xo

Stay hydrated please.

Oh and also loop enviromental love fields when outside as well, everywhere you are close or so to people.

When i lived in Jamaica i had a friend that was a judge and she told me that in hot summer times the murderes and accidents always raise because people is so hot tempered, hot headed etc the understanding, kindness and compassion lowers, and everybody is in this annoyed kinda vibe.

And 5 elements balanced for you :sweat_smile:




your name should be angel heart :heart: :heart: :heart: :star2:

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:kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: thank you

The first part of my lucky/money playlist has all the love ones (which ive been listening to the past hour), its amazing how as our heart expands exuding love it pulls in just the same.



Those poor animals. Like humans, they have to constantly fight for their survival.
When they drink the water from those cups, I can feel their relieve after finally getting water.
But really, in my opinion, Gaia is the real source of the problem here. Her climate, weather and environment are extremely life-unfriendly.
And she doesn’t care at all.
Hundreds of Millions of life on earth have prooved this for me.
There is barely any evolution here.
What happened in the past 1.4 Billion years can be summed up in a few bullet points.
This is not evolution, this is being stuck in elementary school forever and taking an eternity to learn the most basic lessons.
How can it be that a Higher Self can grow so fast with just a few hundred/thousand short incarnations, while a whole planet barely makes any progress even after hundreds of Millions of years?
Think about that!
On the physical level this planet has barely evolved at all.
Which means that the struggles of those animals and most life forms that they are going through to, will continue to go on and on, even when humans would completely leave this planet.
So, as much empathy as I have for those animals, I will not bail them out and invest my personal time and energy.
The problem must be addressed at the source, i.e. this planet needs a big major upgrade on all levels. Until then, I am just a temporary visitor who will not care about the local problems of the place I am visiting.
Gaia refuses to learn compassion, doing the same life unfriendly stuff again and again for hundreds of Millions of years.
Nope, I am not bailing anyone out wth my efforts and energy if they don’t want to learn.
In the same way, you don’t give a drug addict money, because until they are ready to really change, it will just perpetuate the problem.

Until then…

I myself will do my best to follow what my heart inspires me to do, which in this case is to have compassion for the ones that cannot help themselves.

Yes, they cannot help themselves in a blink of an eye, ive seen you writing here and there that you STILL has blockages about this and that, how come? Why still? With the hundreds of tools you have at your disposal and you are still tripping with certain things, hurry up man! Its a real shame the ones above you would say… if they of course, wouldnt understand that you are living your own process at your own speed within the possibilities the whole you can use. Would be nice if you could exercise the same dynamic.

How long would have taken you to reach where you have mentally, physically, emotionally, financially if you wouldnt have come across SM?

3 years ago you were Vegan and used to argue and JUDGE left and right everybody, everywhere in the forum that wasnt. Feeling better and superior just because you were and you UNDERSTOOD the animals suffering. It took you a while to switch your mentality. Why? You were an educated man, with financial support to find resources to deconstruct the Vegan philosophy, long before, why it took you so long?

Imagine if Dream would have never had compassion to teach you and help you in the process to wake up and understand and make the necessary changes through fields, how long would have taken you?

Now you expect stray dogs, cats and other animals along humans that all have known in their life is poverty and no way to learn and escape the mentality they are constricted into to change their lives over night?

And you expect us to ignore them and leave them behind to suffer because well :woman_shrugging:t2: we are visitors here?

Well you do you brother,

I refuse to do and be that, will never do that even if my life gets slowed down because i cant run if i am pulling others that are behind and do not know better, over and over again and i end up coming back to this shit show again and again, i will always do the same, because for me and thank goodness many others love, kindness and compassion run deep within and its what moves us the most.

How ironic you speaking like that being the creator of the most famous thread about love, but oh i understand now ITS ALL ABOUT SELF LOVE.

Has it worked for you? Do you really play that list daily? Because i have yet to meet someone who trully deeply sincerely love themselves and cannot feel love for the ones that are trapped in the darkness around them.

Unless is selfish, egotistical love, and as far as i know and ive felt none of those fields instill that type of love.

I hope you find your way to reach where you want to reach here and anywhere else your soul may be.

And i hope you continue looping the self love stack, so maybe, just maybe one day your cup will finally be full and then love would not have any other place to go but outwards


Thank you for this great initiative, Luna! :green_heart:

As a human being who lives in this planet, why not be the solution?
Try to be an inspiration to others, the littlest ways you can do/be.

There are so many advocacies; even at schools we encourage being proactive for the community - those beach clean up, supporting a variety of local and global eco-initiatives, relief supports, providing care to others less fortunate, ‘green’ activities and so much more.

Believing that each mindful action we take can serve for the better good of :earth_africa: :people_holding_hands: :seedling: :elephant: :swan:

Another one that’s readily available to use, to which I dedicate to play daily for few minutes:

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Compassion starts with myself.
It is a type of self love where you the value of your own energy and time.
One cannot have compassion for others until you love yourself.
Or maybe you can, but at the expense of self-sacrifice.

In this case I am showing compassion first of all to myself, by now allowing my energy and time being stolen from me by a flawed system (Gaia).
My value system is different than yours.
I choose to not get drained by a poorly setup system.
And there is nothing wrong with me doing this choice.
This choice is not spiritually “less advanced” than the choice you suggested.

In my personal value system, self treason is the highest type of treason.
So if you sacrifice yourself, you haven’t yet learned enough self love I believe.

I see you are trying to guilt-trip me here into sacrificing myself for having compassion for the system.

But if you would really understand what I wrote, i.e. that compassion starts with oneself, you would understand that this is not “an unresolved issue” or “blockage” – but quite the contrary, it is me choosing to not participate in a futile vampiristic system.

I have free will and I can choose to not get exploited – regardless of how much empathy and compassion I feel for other consciousness souls. Just because I feel their struggles does not mean that I am obligated to bail them out for their choices, especially when the bail-out is an energy-drain trick.

Feeling compassion towards others, does not mean that I have to give up compassion for myself.

I don’t expect those animals anything. Their souls have their own evolutionary path. Those are the choices of their animal collective.

What I said was, to repeat for you again, is that I am not going to help others at the expense of myself. Caring about them and feeling their struggle does not mean that I have to invest myself – especially knowing how the system is setup. I think you don’t get this point.

I also didn’t say anything about humans, if you read carefully what I wrote.

You are justifying your choice with a “moral highground”, but in the end this is just a system that you can use for learning compassion.
Once you have learned this lesson, it makes no sense to come back to the same lesson again and again.
This lesson will go on forever.

And one day you have to make the choice to move on.
There will be other Earths and other physical universes again and again.
In the end it is all about the lesson.
The whole simulator becomes obsolete once you have learned everything.
If you feel like you choose to help all the animals in the world until the end of days, feel free to do so.

How ironic. Exactly.
Sorry, but I think that you don’t get it yet.
It is called SELF Love because it first of all is applied internally onto yourself before it is applied outwards to other beings.

No, I don’t think you understand yet.
But I will explain it to you again and again, until you wake up from the narrative your spiritual ego is trying to convince you of.

Yes. Extremely well :slight_smile:

Again, you have not properly read what I wrote.
I wrote about that I fully feel the pain and the relief of those animals.
I never wrote that I don’t feel their pains and struggles.
You should really read again what I wrote.
I guess, you ignored that part, because your projected stuff on me – to justify to yourself that helping at all costs is “the only right choice”.
But no, it is not black and white.
There should be a balance between compassion for others and compassion for yourself.
If your compassion for others becomes higher than your compession for yourself, you will end up sacrificing yourself.

And that is exactly the point that I am making:
I choose not to help at any cost, especially not at the cost of myself and when knowing that we have a rigged system here.
You can have all the compassion in the world, but if don’t apply it yourself FIRST, then you will always end up sacrifing yourself.

Compassion is not something you feel towards others only.
It applies also to yourself!
It something that goes into both directions.
Just like forgiveness goes into both directions.
To others.
AND to yourself.

This is all part of the self love lesson.

Thank you. I hope you do so too.

Once I have learned all my lessons, I am instantly out of this Earth game. I will not allow myself to get fooled and staying here for all types of reasons for a single minute longer than necessary. As long as my personal physical resources are limited, it makes no sense for me to try to save the system, hence I am focussed on only liberting souls who want to finish this game asap and leave, just like myself. Which means I cannot save the planet, the system, earth, the animals etc. I can only help to save a few of those human souls who really also want to finish it and get out.

Now to the fix the problem with Gaia. If she can’t fix herself, I guess humanity needs to advance to a level where they can technologically upgrade her consciousness and setup.

Devic intercession or alien intercession for changing the weather?

Sword of St Michael for bringing the rain.



I would have never thought of bothering the Man for that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

That reminds me of the rain drops audio…


Wouldn’t that be a rain of fire and justice?

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Hmmm funny you say that, tho many would envision him with fire i personally see him more with water and air, *like manipulating water and air) or at least thats how i “saw” him once and since i cant sde him with fire, but i have never actually put it in words until now reading your comment.

Spades represent air maybe thats why too.

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If it’s too hot for the animals and your intentions are sincere. I’m sure he’ll assist :yellow_heart:


Aww Bagel!! Cutie!

Thanks for sharing :heart_eyes:

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And Magic!!

The amount of Magic animals gift us when we love them, is amazing.

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WOW!!! What an impressive display of lack of self compassion!!! I hope you too evolve just like Gaia should… maybe then you will feel compassion for yourself and have some for others too… you know the saying “ you cannot give what you don’t have “

Thank you for the reminder Lunamoon !! :heart::heart:

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Yeah, right… :roll_eyes:


Taking Gaia as a role model = evolving back to pre-Stone Age times