Help please ❤

I’m not a doctor (and I’m willing to bet that neither are you). And since neither of us are doctors, can’t it be possible that even though your symptoms may be similar that time and this, your underlying conditions for that time and this might be different? Another possibility might be that you listened to your field that last time for only long enough to soothe your noticeable symptoms but not fully resolve the underlying condition, which has had all this time to re-assert itself from a more entrenched platform, meaning that this time your helpful field has more work to do for you. Yet another possibility might be that that time you didn’t have your limiting beliefs about fields, so they worked for you then and this time, you clearly do have your limiting beliefs which could be interfering with your fields now.

And to be clear, I’m not saying any of the above to spook you or to give you reason to panic. I’m saying this to point out there are many other conclusions you could come to beyond “fields stopped working for me.”

You keep saying this but I truly don’t know what you’re meaning.

Even when a file does get corrupted, that corruption doesn’t cause the results to fade. If results do fade, that’s simply because you stopped a treatment that was giving you results.

I, personally, am not a big fan of playing historical detective, because “back then” you probably weren’t paying too much attention (and that’s NOT a criticism; that’s just the way most of us are. You’re in good company) to what you were doing to have a good handle on the differences “back then” and “now.” It’s just like how we don’t try to drive our cars forward by keeping our eyes glued to the rear view mirror, if you know what I mean.

I have found it much more productive to start from wherever you (and I) are right now and figure out how to move forward toward what it is you want.

You’ve received some suggestions in your thread from yesterday. You can apply them or not, and see what you get. You might also add into your listening, Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limit Remover (both at the beginning of your “stack”), to help you with the limiting beliefs that are one difference between that time and this.

You could–if you wanted to–also bring to this thread some specifics (including whatever professional information you’ve received) about what you’re wanting to heal as well as some specifics as to how you’re using your fields and perhaps that information might inspire us to additional ideas and approaches you can use to heal yourself. (P.S., if you go this route, please let us know in advance if you are willing to purchase fields or need to focus on the freely available options. Also, you might want to know that there has been some talk about removing some or all of the freely available, medical fields. You can read about that in: Charge Back Black List. It’s a long thread but keep at it, because the discussion is in there.)