Help with bad neighbors

I have upstairs neighbors almost terrorizing others. They unlock the downstairs door, stop, slam doors, yell, fight. Even the next door neighbors have complained. I have played the repel negative field, the raise vibration field. I have the feng shut field. It’s getting out of control and no sleep…any ideas?


Plasma Flower

This is working hybrid of two complicated fields

Plasma + Flower of Life on a torsion carrier which piggy backs on the earth resonance to propagate in the environment around you.

The ‘Plasma’ aspect is a kind of strong charge field which in the simplest terms promotes negentropy, to all aspects of your being. In the most simplest descriptions, the instruction of order is given to ‘disorder’ So any disorder is pushed to be reversed.


JUSTICE for all :imp:


I suggest you try listening to the Love Graviton field.


In addition to the other good suggestions, you’ve already received here, I’ll add White Light Waves.

ETA: Also, the Sword of St. Michael mandala or new audio field.


Thank you. They’re on drugs, one has been eyeing me anyway, I’m afraid to use a love field…afraid to sleep…

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Dark Servitors fans! Can we here only discuss about our Dark Servitors?

Create one.

He will stop them
Literally energetically constrain them until they calm
Scold them lol yeah like hed get in their heads and scold them
He wont let them do anything negative at all, they could feel his presence almost intimidating until they start changing their ways and do all the necessary to turn their lives around
He will be right there watching them making sure they do not cause any harm whatsoever

And wont leave them until they are changed people.


If its in their own will in accordance with their higher self, you and your servitor would just be what they needed.

If its against their will and not their path or their time to change then they would leave. They would move. Because just like is their choice to be little sh** heads invading your space stealing your peace and harmony when it was NOT your will, then your Servitor’s duty is to protect you and keep away anything and everybody that does other wise.



I’m not sure which “love” field you’re thinking of. White Light Waves won’t make them fall in love with you or anything like that. It fills the environment with Divine Love. Many people who are on drugs are on drugs because they’ve (temporarily) lost their connection with Divine Love. Furthermore, when anyone is in the presence of Divine Love, they’re not likely to harm or antagonize (or disturb) another.


I heard someone used the banishing negative entities audio…It makes Neighbors, In-Laws, and anything evil run in terror from the noise! And your hearing…


In-laws, lol


I don’t know anything about dark serveitors, I’ll have to read about them


It’s been nice and quite the last few days, did all the above expect dark servitors cause I don’t have one! Thanks for the help