Help with developing a sense of future?

Basically, I’ve always had trouble envisioning the future, and it means that it’s hard for me to set goals, make plans, work towards anything, save money, or, honestly, to have hope. I don’t mean to say I’m suicidal at all, it’s more that the future has always looked to me like a big void. I don’t think that I’m going to die soon, but at the same time I can’t quite picture myself being alive in the future.


Yeah tell me about it…
I’d say the pandemic and the media have amplified this sense of doom quite significantly really, to an extent that many people are staring into this void of depression, even though every single one has massive potential (sounds cliche but i am fairly sure about it)

What you’re looking for is intrinsic motivation and that’s usually only found in the things you absolutely enjoy doing (usually accompanied by feeling terrific bliss). All the successful people are usually very serious about their professions, at the same time exhibiting a childlike playfulness of awe and wonder. They don’t need motivation. Motivation needs them.

And this you need. The only way to find it is to try out a variety of different things. It’s just… When you start sth new you usually suck at it. But that’s fine. Just pay attention to the feeling it gives you.

On a macro scale people would describe this as “finding yourself”, i would usually say you’re living/alive. In other words the light of your soul is pouring out into the world


I would think higher self connection, conceptual realizations, imaginarium divine, crown and ajna field :thinking:


Add Divine Will, Unbreakable to :point_up: above stack. :muscle:

Dream of Purity if you want the full experience.


Seems like the new field could be useful for you :blush:


My general theory is that feelings lag actions, and that it is a mistake to take a “right” feeling as prerequisite for action. Just pick a worthy goal and move towards it. If you do the feeling might just follow. And if it doesn’t, at least you are moving towards something good, which might lead to something else entirely. When I get stuck in the feeling void, I give myself the advice that most people would give me or that I would give them. It’s almost always don’t wait, just get moving.

This folk or common sense approach does clash with a lot of modern sensibilities, but it has the great advantage of being simple and not requiring too much thought. Straightening out ones feelings seems way harder and nigh impossible for many people.

Extreme Self-Confidence is a great track for an act first apporach.

is there something(s) in your life that you feel block you? socially? upbringing?

i ask because i’ve been here. when i was a child i told my parents i was interested in singing as my career and they shut me down with their reasons. their disbelief in me shut my future goals and dreams down until i found my spirituality and stopped living with them.

i share this because there may be something in your life you have yet to realize currently blocks you from seeing more possibilities.

instead of envisioning the future, what about taking your mind and resources to envision solutions to what blocks you now?

really pay attention to how you feel when you ask yourself questions. you can make it fun like a game of hide and seek (just a suggestion).


Yes, I had that as well (people around me shutting down aspirations, and I think I automatically repressed aspirations if I knew that people would shut them down). I still live with my parents and I’ve never had much in the way of friends, so I think I’m still blocked in the same way.
(Edit: I think that the belief that I’m going to die soon is a big part of why I’ve never had much in the way of relationships: I don’t want people to be hurt when I die. And I don’t want to move away from my family because when I die I want everything to end on a good note.)

In addition, there was so much death around me as a child that on some level I think I’ve always truly believed that I’m living on borrowed time and that I could die at any moment. As in, I remember being 8 years old and worrying that I might die in my sleep, even though I’ve never had any health problems. Some people might take the feeling of “life is very short” and use it as fuel to dream big and live hard, I don’t know why I’ve always taken just the opposite approach.

I think it may also be why I’m so anxious to get all the fields I want right now - because on some level I truly believe that if I wait until I can afford them more easily it’ll be too late to get the full benefit.


Are there any fields that you’ve noticed particularly helpful in this regard?

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Start with Subconscious Limit Remover and Ego Dissolution!

These are both available on youtube and patreon.

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Just a side story. I have always been ambitious, set goals for myself, worldly and spiritual, every year and try hard to meet and exceed them. I’ve done that since I was 4 or 5, and I am happy with my approach to life.

But, is that the only right way? Is there a right way? I mean, this is probably a practical and organized way to do things, but …

I have a cousin, who did not do well in school. He was always the black sheep in the family while most of our family is highly accomplished, if accumulating wealth or academics is the barometer for success. He was always ridiculed, made fun of and I was probably the only one who stood up for him (though we have nothing in common). And when he was around 21, he had an idea. He bought a wasted piece of land in San Francisco and constructed a parking lot. In the next few years, he did that with wastelands in many cities. A few decades later, he is the richest guy in our family and last I heard form him (4 days ago), he was having dinner with Elon Musk lol…

So, while I am not saying that the standard protocols of having a goal, being driven, etc. are not useful (they certainly are), but finding yourself is more important, as that brings out your strengths. Focusing on strength is much more productive in the long run than on flaws pre-dominantly. Find your strength and passion first and foremost.

Future is such a fascinating thing. Sometimes, even knowing it does not help haha. One of the last NFTs, I even saw the timestamp when the NFT would be posted the next morning, and still missed it (woke up, forgot and went to the gym). So, there’s that.

In Tantra, we talk of three ways to see the future. The inferior way is one where entities (demigods, semi-devils) astrally communicate the future events. There is always a price for such exchange though. The better way is to develop a high level of consciousness where veils of space and time fade, and you can see and experience events of past and future (or alternate dimensions and timelines) as though you were watching a movie or dreaming. Some folks can control this (I cannot, I am only see what gets shown, though my skills at it are improving thanks to an object known as Sammy’s Stone). And then the third - the Wizard is able to see what he wants, and makes that happen. What he sees is what happens. I have seen many so-called manifestation experts who claim to be able to do this, but naw, this is changing reality in a major way. Perhaps more people are able to do this in a meaningful way, thanks to some of Dream’s technology - 10-years ago, I would be doubtful that many folks would get there, but now, with these fields out there, the possibility is very high!!

Oh, highly recommend the Unbreakable and The Spear of Destiny by the way…

