Help with harassment at university


You preach that this is spiritual forum and stuff like that.
Then why the fuck you behave like its reddit?


…that was a joke btw :sweat_smile:


@anon24203759 I have 2 suggestions but both are unfortunately not free .

  1. Armour of light and glory: this field literally pushes away bad people from you. The amount of times this field has gotten me and friends out of potential fights with aggressive people… I would actually get this one first and see how they react
  2. Warrior mindset: I mean it’s in the name, it makes you a knight/warrior and on it you command respect and power.

Unfortunately life can be shitty and people like that will always exist but I do believe with all the amazing suggestions in addition to mine that you will be able to overcome this situation :smiley:

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@SammyG I’m sorry but… Might you intervene please?


It seems you are confusing “spiritual” with “making everyone feel good by telling them what their egos want to hear”.

You have a SERIOUS problem with your own and the opposite gender and that is why you are full of hate, which is then reflected in all the experiences that you are manifesting.

Do you tell your other male incarnations the same things?

In this case I regret wasting my time trying to help you.
You have shown your truly colors and the matrix has a full grip on you because you continue to ignore the fact that YOU are the origin of how all of these people are treating you. Self-proclaimed victims always choose to take the long route by repeating the same experiences again and again and again. Often for many incarnations…


Your manifestations are PROOF that you are.


…says the person whose only responses were personal attacks.


Humanity at it’s finest :expressionless:


Nope. I think you should read again. And then again and again. And again. Until your are reading what is written there and not what your personal filter makes you read.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

It is not okay at all. I will be addressing this very soon.

I am done letting that slide. The level of disrespect is immense.


@JAAJ You have consistently replied to women’s threads such as this one with replies such as calling women out for being a victim or finding a way to blame them for their issues. The abusive boyfriend thread is another example of this.

You don’t once consider the woman’s feelings in the situation. You tend to get so caught up on the righteousness of your beliefs, that you don’t consider how disrespectful and invalidating your comments are.

And then you say things like this.

Do you in all your heart believe these kinds of comments are okay? If so, then I’d say you should work on gaining a sense of empathy because it doesn’t seem to be there for women. And do you really in your heart think that saying these things is going to invoke some enlightening insight? You’re an intelligent guy Jaaj. I personally doubt you don’t know your comments are going to provoke them.

Anger them and set them on the defensive. When you invalidate a womans feelings, she will feel disrespected. ‘Trying to help someone’ with no compassion does not work. You already start your ‘advice’ by blaming the women for her victimhood as if she’s the reason these men are mistreating her. If you can’t see how that is completely invalidating of her experience, then I don’t know what to tell you.

You’ve told this to other women and it hasn’t quite gotten through to them in the past. And it hasn’t done so now. It just leads down these nasty arguments. Yet you keep doing it with this self righteousness to you like you got the objective answers to this here thing. I don’t think you do.

And I don’t either. And I don’t go around commenting on womens problems with full conviction that I got the right answer. That they need to listen to me telling them that they are a VICTIM. And that I know best and then I logically explain it as if it is some objective fact. Disregarding their emotions. Diregarding everything they’re saying because I’m in the right and know best. As if I’ve lived a day in the life of being a woman and know all the hell there is to know about them.

Me nor Dream do not go around doing anything like that. Then why should you? Why should anyone else? It doesn’t work. It doesn’t help people. It comes off as arrogant. And more often than not, completely invalidating of another persons experiences and perspectives.

I regard myself as neutral hence why I let a lot of thoughts through. I don’t want to censor people. I don’t believe in that. But the kind of stuff some of you guys that seemingly come from the incel movement or whatever you want to call it, is making the women rather uncomftorable here.

It’s a number of you know echoing these kinds of thoughts and it always come off as none of you seemijng to respect women. The kind of energy I’ve even gotten from some of you is hate. That is unhealthy. That is self destructive. You need to drift from that. I have been trying to suggest it in all the ways possible but you don’t listen and keep parading these toxic ideas.

I’m sorry but this isn’t the forum for that. Your advice to these women has been nothing but disruptive. It isn’t even some controversial idea that gets us all to think and expand. No, it just gets women angry. That’s not the kind of productive energy we are looking for in this forum. You say you are trying to help women by being truthful and giving them the hard facts but even if by some chance you were correct, ‘Honesty without tact is cruelty.’ You should work on being compassionate and understanding. Your honesty seems more reflective of personal issues of your own.

I don’t want to see this kind of stuff in the forum anymore. I said it from the beginning, this is a forum for everyone. And everyone should feel welcome and comftorable. Now of course, I’m not here to censor people. Be you. Express yourself. But if what you express is direspectful and disregarding of other people’s feelings, I’m not allowing it. Some of you, I’ve noticed, despise women. I read it in your energy. It comes off your posts. Stop posting those things. This isn’t an incel forum. This is an everyone forum and it should feel like a home, not a battleground.

Oh and yeah, I see this kind of thing again and it’ll result in a suspension. This is completely unrepresentative of who we are at sapienmed. And it hurts me to see things like this.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

I tried to open this thread but the forum doesn’t let me. It was flagged to death.

I also know that some of you might call me out for not reprimanding @anon24203759 for her making insults as i saw some of you were flagging her as well. She was provoked and stooped down to that level. Jaaj started it and while I will not condone insulting people and going there, she was merely defending herself. Not everyone just gets offended and acts surprised. Some people fight back. She was in her right to do so.

And in this forum, I give leeway to people defending themselves unless they cross the line. She didn’t cross the line as far as I can see.


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This topic was automatically opened after 6 days.

That psychic mental shielding sigil is free?

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