Help with restoration of energy body

Hey guys…

Long story short, but I was battling a bout of severe OCD recently and because I was looking for immediate relief, I made the most stupid decision of asking my Higher Self to remove my OCD Body (that’s what I call it, but it could be one of the other subtle bodies for all you know) but afterwards started feeling like I wasn’t in my body and in a constant state of dissociation from reality. As if the illusory veil of reality that makes you feel IN it was removed. So what I tried doing is asking my Higher Self to restore it by saying “Please restore my OCD Body” or “Please fix my OCD Body”, and none of them really worked. Sure, it felt like something was put back, but not exactly like how it originally is suppose to be. There’s sort of this feeling of a weight pulling down on my energy body, like trying to fit a puzzle piece into the wrong segment, if that makes any sense… My theory is that it could be clashing with the other subtle bodies and energy systems… I don’t know what to do, and I only want to continue living life normally. Is there possibly a way for me to have my energy body fully restored back to normal from the inside out, like before I reincarnated? Or do i have to live with this now? :frowning: Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated

You just had an awakening i know it doesn’t look like that now but you will understand it after some time and don’t restore it again or the awakening will happen again next year, believe me when i say it that our souls are just like machines if you would provide the conditions again the the result will rise again. Also check in your kundali if you have pitra dosha.

Hi @doograham

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Energy Awakening Course (Course)

Hi! As much as I’d love it to be that, i’ve had my Spiritual awakening several years ago along with my dark night of the soul (and presumably still am), so it’s definitely not that. This is an issue of me messing with my own energy body

Thank you for this. Ive been trying it all night and though I feel a little better, it doesn’t seem to have completely fixed the issue. Im hoping there’s some kind of field or NFT that mimics the creation state where source/your higher self can fix any inconcistencies in the energy body and reset it anew like being reborn again while you sit back and relax :( Still clinging onto hope that a solution will be provided


I think this is a bit like you meeting Morpheus, him offering the truth, you following down the rabbit hole, but halfway through you hesitate (which is understandable).

I think it is really not to worry about. Think of your higher self as a super user or an admin across time. It can see vastly beyond present circumstance. So if it allowed this to occur, that means you are ready to experience this and indeed should. (For reasons that you or me may not be fully aware of, which is also ok)

I’ll pull a Morpheus on you and ask you:

“What is reality?”

Or also:

Who says how sth is supposed to be?

Or also:

What is normal?

These questions you can think about what they mean to you personally.

Vibration of creation?


This makes sense. I just keep telling myself that everything i’ve gone through the past 5 years, including whatever it is im going through now, has all been predestined to happen (even if we supposedly have free will). It’s all just so crazy. Never in my life would I have thought that this is how my life would turn out. While everyone else goes through their own periods of growth albeit in more conventional ways like material loss, mental health issues, etc… Mine has to do with consciousness itself and reinventing my reality, which honestly is quite a lonely journey because the majority of people will just pass it off as purely psychological and take no account of the spiritual aspect of it all

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I will look into this, thank you. That being said, are you aware of any NFTs or fields that would allow you to reboot your consciousness and bring you back to a chosen point in your life?

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Technically everybody is like this. It’s just that some are more aware of it and some are less. You are not as lonely as you might believe.

Let me think about this…

Blueprint of life?

Although I’m not 100% sure what you mean by rebooting the consciousness

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Kind of like transferring your consciousness from a certain point in your life to override the current one, if that makes sense… But maybe its a crazy unrealistic idea

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Forgot to reply.

It isn’t as far fetched as you might believe, especially on this forum. If you meditate, you can enter states in which you can connect with a future version of yourself who is walking the path you seek, thereby serving as your own personal mentor. The game of life interface can help with this tremendously. Other NFTs too.