Help with stack

Wondering if my stack is too big or if it would clash:

Ego Dissolution x1
Subconscious limits removal x2
Extreme Muscle Growth x2
HGH x3
DHT Overwhelming presence x2
Heart Restoration x2
Jing x4

Also, is there a recommended distance between each listening? Thanks a lot u guys


The stack is not too big. You don’t need any distance between the tracks. It doesn’t clash either. Watch out for too much HGH though. Keep an eye on symptoms of too much HGH.

If you see any of these signs, you can always lower it to 1 or 2 listens a day.
hgh sym

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Yup, be careful on the HGH. Also, maybe add Hair growth-related field if you are using the DHT - I lost some hair till I added that to my stack.