Herbs your using

Hey everyone :wave: I’m just curious. What herbs are yous using and why? Right now I’m currently trying to get these at the moment

  1. Ashwaganda (calm the body and mind)
  2. Turmeric (cleanse chakras)
  3. Rhodiola (improve cognitive function, as well as calm body and mind)
  4. Lavender oil (oil to rub on breastbone gently above heart for ojas)
  5. Lavender incense (before bed)
  6. Mugwort (before bed to help with lucid dreams and possibly astral projection)
  7. Haritaki (many reasons but it’s good for the third eye)
  8. Ormus gold (to help with meditations)
  9. Lobelia (to help my nicotine withdrawal)
  10. Palo Santo incense (to use when I feel negativity)
  11. Nag champa incense (clear unwanted energy as well)
  12. Positive vibes incense

Today I actually started using ashwaganda and I’m really liking it so far. I have never felt so calm but so alert at the same time. I would highly recommend it I’ve been in like a meditative state all day and honestly feel like this might help me astral project even. I’ve been feeling like I’m seeing out my forehead lol and I just feel so grounded. I’ve honestly never felt so good


Shatavari gulam for me as I’m breastfeeding. Some Chinese blends to build and nourish the Qi and blood.
There are so many amazing dream herbs to choose from. Personally I prefer passionflower and lemon balm before bed because it’s a soothing sleep. The fields already give so many dreams.

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