Hermes NFT (Private)

Lol hmmm… so i guess is that special Horse i see. cause i seee oneee ahaha.

Captain must think im crazy.

" *Poseidon bragged about how he had made the first horse so there was no contest. Zeus and Hades quickly joined Poseidon’s team in hopes to win. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades made three immortal horses named Xanthos. Zeus made the horses shine like the sun, Poseidon allowed them to be moved with strength of the sea and Hades gave them the beauty of a diamond, since he is the god of the wealth.

The three brothers bragged that nothing could best their creation.

Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hephaestus, and Hermes teamed up together and created Lampos, one of the two immortal steeds who drew the chariot of Eros. Their horse was a fiery red color to show Ares had blessed this horse for battle, Hermes made it able to move as fast as the wind, Apollo gave it the ability to sing a heavenly tune that would make everyone envious of it, Dionysus blessed the horse for where it stepped wine sprung up and Hephaestus place a solid gold saddle on it with reins so that the beauty was amplified. They were sure that nothing could beat their horse for who could beat six Greek gods?

The last group was made up of the goddesses; Hera, Athena, Hestia, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Demeter. Aphrodite, being the goddess of beauty, made a horse that she blessed with her beauty. Athena reached up to the sky and took down six stars, one for each goddesses, and turned the stars into a horn; placing it on the forehead. Artemis placed the moon beams on the head and rear of the animal so that it may shine like the moon and no harm would come to eyes of man. Demeter took dirt from the earth and made the hoofs, the earth would hide the creatures secrets and leave no trace of where it stood. Hera made the creature invisible to the eyes of man for it was men who had started the contest, only a woman of purity could see the creature since the goddesses who made it were pure and had not committed a crime. Finally Athena painted the creature with the whiteness of the clouds. The goddesses admired their work and deiced to name the creature the unicorn.

The other gods were amazed at what the goddesses had done. The Muses declared the team of goddesses the winners and that the creature would go down in history and would be forever remembered for all eternity, never to forget of how such a wonderful creature came to be. Zeus then ordered that two more unicorns be created so that they may populate the earth and spread their good magic across all lands and seas* "



one of the 4 Horses of the Sun :partying_face: they symbolize the Suns Orbit

being Lampos the #3 the bright and dazzling noon one



I was reflecting on some NFTs today and suddenly I noticed this:

There are similarities between Hermes and the Solar Eclipse NFT

There’s also a similar vibe between Hekate and the Hunter’s Moon, though not as much as the above pair.
And I thought hmm, this makes so much sense.
If we think about it, Hekate and Hermes are liminal deities, as the feminine and the masculine aspect of a sacred reunion, combine with the meanings of these two moons, it just clicks.
The Hunter’s Moon is about shadow work and reflecting, integrating the lessons to facilitate changes from the inside, changes in perspective.
While the Solar Eclipse is more about a new beginning, bringing changes in various aspects of life, the changes inside manifested in reality.
This might just be a coincidence or something that was done intentionally :eyes: something tells me that it is actually the latter :exploding_head:
And Hekate and Hermes are made in the way that one can work with them together or in separate.
Such brilliant geniuses @Ugninis and @VMMS for coming up with this incredible concept, a truly magnificent pair :star_struck:
This is just a single-minded analysis though, just for fun :joy:
But I believe many many positivities and potentials are waiting ahead :pray:


to be more precise, it was @VMMS who discovered the idea of the Sacred Union of Hecate and Hermes.

And you touched on a beautiful topic…
a few hints:

we are used to inventing frames and limitations for ourselves, to seeing only one part of something: Hermes or Hecate (or both together) help us see the very threshold of limitations, and see simultaneously what is happening both outside and inside the apartment (figuratively speaking)

there is some objective reality, but our ways of interacting with it are different. We can only grasp a fragment of reality that is limited by our point of view and gives rise to beliefs.

(Like the famous parable where each blind man touched only one part of an elephant, and then they argued about what it looked like more. Each had the belief that the elephant was what they were touching, and yet some had a tail, some had ears, and some had a leg. If one of them walked around the elephant and touched the other parts, they would question their beliefs and probably avoid conflict. This is what people with liminal thinking do)

Hermes (or Hecate) activate the psychological flexibility that allows you to see and change what others cannot.

Hermes helps you see how important a person’s beliefs are to them, how emotionally attached they are to them (you’ll see that).

Hecate helps you see beyond the scope of your beliefs. The picture of the world looks bigger and broader, easier to find workarounds, easier to organize people and find solutions.

By the way, I separate them (I’m more comfortable that way)

these are hints. But such discussions were held in private correspondence
And congratulations to you ;) :clinking_glasses:


Thank you Danny but all artistic innovations are Captain’s.

And actually, I too wondered about the mesh element (for lack of a better term) used in both the Hermes and Solar Eclipse NFTs and thanks to your post, I now understand it’s use. It’s now clear to me that the mesh element appears to represent a portal or wormhole. As you mention, Danny, both Hermes and Hekate are liminal gods - they get you from here to there in all aspects. An eclipse (solar or lunar) functions similarly in so far as they act like wormholes wherein one gets sucked in, tumbled about, and then spat out on the other side totally transformed - never to be the same again. :sparkles:


Beautifully said. Thank you! :sparkles:





I view the prevalent use of the caduceus to represent medicine and the medical profession (as opposed to the Rod of Asclepius - the Greek god of medicine) as another classic Hermes trickster move :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Note that the snake on the Rod of Aesclepuis faces to the right.

Now …for a little fun for the more conspiracy-minded among us…look at the logo of the World Health Organization…the snake faces left… :skull:


Crystals associated with Hermes: