Hermes NFT (Private)

Practicality, enterprise, energy. Master of trade, sales, finance. Master of business negotiations and communications. Handsome and charming as always but with a 21st Century twist… :yum:


Greek historians testify that in ancient folklore there are several prototypes of Hermes. This can be confusing to a person uninitiated in Greek culture. The first was the son of Hemera and Uranus and became famous for his sympathy for Persephone. The second, a descendant of Coronida and Valentus, bore the name Trophonius and lived in the underworld. The son of Maya and Zeus was the third image in the myths and the parent of Pan and Penelope. The Egyptian deity Hermes was the son of the Nile, and another character of Egyptian legends in the form of Hermes just gave people writing. His middle name is Thoth (During late antiquity, the image of Hermes Trismegistus (“thrice the greatest”) arose in connection with Hermes’ proximity to the otherworld; occult sciences and so-called hermetic (secret, closed, accessible only to initiated) writings were associated with this image).

In alchemy, Hermes-Mercurius was “quicksilver,” the spirit concealed in matter. He was the symbol that united all the opposites: metallic yet liquid, matter yet spirit, cold yet fiery, poison yet healing draught. As a substance, mercury adheres only to a precious metal; metaphorically, Hermes can show you the way to find spiritual gold. That is, a fully fleshed out, fully realized Hermes. Hermes as, ultimately, a champion of humanity and a god of Transformation.

The deities of ancient Greece are described as unearthly beauties, but their characters are very ambiguous. And yet the god of whom we are now going to discuss, managed to eclipse the others, because it is Hermes himself. Thanks to his cunning and resourcefulness, traces of Hermes are visible practically in all shenanigans of that time.

Of all the functions under his domain, one quality of Hermes that cannot be underestimated, indeed holds him apart from the rest of the Greek pantheon is the fact that Hermes is a god because he decided he would be one and then acted immediately and with intention. From his earliest days, baby Hermes exhibited his extraordinary ability as a trickster in service to his own transformation first and foremost.

Hyde, Lewis. Trickster Makes This World

“ If we turn to the Homeric Greek tradition, we will find a similar pattern, though somewhat differently elaborated. The Homeric Hymn to Hermes tells about the days immediately following Hermes’ birth.9 He is the illegitimate child of Zeus and a nymph named Maia. At the beginning of the story, the newborn babe wanders from his mother’s cave, stumbles upon a turtle, and, from its shell, makes the first lyre. After singing a song about himself on this instrument, Hermes lays it aside. “His mind wandered to other matters. For Hermes longed to eat meat.” He sets off to steal cattle from the herd of his half brother, Apollo. In many a Coyote story the phrase “he longed to eat meat” would lead willy-nilly to some sort of disaster. And the frank declaration of carnivorous desire in the Homeric Hymn makes it clear that this Greek trickster is a cousin to Coyote, as does a later remark that Apollo makes when he finally catches his thieving brother: “You’re going to be a great nuisance to lonely herdsmen in the mountain woods when you get to hankering after meat and come upon their cows or fleecy sheep.” So the Hymn itself lets us know that Hermes is a meat thief like Coyote, and given his transgressive nature, we will not be surprised if he breaks the rules and eats the cow he steals. But the plot of this particular story differs in one significant detail. The crucial scene occurs after Hermes has led the stolen cattle to a barn near the river Alpheus. Having kindled a fire in a trench, Hermes drags two of the cows from the barn and butchers them. He cut up the richly marbled flesh and skewered it on wooden spits; he roasted all of it—the muscle and the prized sirloin and the dark-blooded belly—and laid the spits out on the ground … . Next he gladly drew the dripping chunks of meat from the spits, spread them on a stone, and divided them into twelve portions distributed by lot, making each one exactly right. 10

Hyde, Lewis. Trickster Makes This World (pp. 32-33). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.

Footnote 10: There is a bit of a joke here. There are twelve Olympian gods and Hermes is one of them, or rather he’d like to be. Here he includes himself in the sacrifice so as to stake his claim. He’s like a politician nominating himself for high office, seconding the nomination, and counting the votes—all in secret.

Hyde, Lewis. Trickster Makes This World (p. 418). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.

And so begins Hermes well deserved reputation as a clever and cunning trickster, skillful diplomat and merchant, he is the most charming swindler of the ancient Greek pantheon. He is a messenger of success, and success itself accompanies him in everything endeavor. Hermes can be rightly called omnipresent and very versatile. An example of this is the destinations that were under his patronage. The Greek god of trade, exchange, thieves, communication, and social interactions (In Roman mythology he is called Mercury).

With his unique eloquence and ability to play on human weaknesses, Hermes could sell any commodity - both really high quality and quite questionable. With the development of the market economy, Hermes became the god of trade, a natural extension of the deity’s agricultural and livestock functions. Since agricultural products, livestock, trade itself is associated with travel, and sometimes also with fraud, he became at the same time the god of travelers. Incidentally, thieves also respected Hermes for his talent stemming from that heretofore mentioned first incident with Apollo’s cows on the first day after his birth. Visitors, merchants, heralds and ambassadors, physicians (as he was a good doctor and knew a lot about medicinal herbs; he reveals to Odysseus the secret of magic herbs to save him from sorcery).

Along with Zeus, Hermes was revered as the god of hospitality and travelers and rewarded hosts accordingly…

To Hermes the merchant mankind owes the system of measures and weights, as well as the introduction of the concept of profit. One of his attributes is a bag (purse) with money. In the hypostasis of the patron of trade, he could point out treasures and minerals, including gold-bearing ores.

Hermes was the god of dreams, and the Greeks offered him one last libation before going to sleep. He was the patron of music - he was credited with the invention of the ciphara. He was the god of eloquence and directed some kinds of popular divination. God of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and carriers of goods, god of roads, protector of all travelers and wanderers. Treasure accidentally found was his gift, and any good fortune was attributed to this young merry god.

Cunning but very nice, dodgy, funny Hermes was always teasing others. For fun he stole the scepter of Zeus, the bow and arrows of Apollo, the trident of Poseidon and the arrows of Artemis, and the belt of Aphrodite. Zeus loved him and forgave all his pranks. Impressed by Hermes’ ability to persuade and bargain, Zeus made him an envoy of the gods. From this moment Hermes becomes the patron of traders and diplomats (if somewhere or somewhere it was necessary to deliver the message, an artifact or will of gods, anybody could not cope with it faster than Hermes).

The role of Hermes as a messenger and traveler is well seen in his attributes. The real symbol of him was the caduceus, a staff on which two snakes are twisted. Of course, this staff had magical powers: it could put mortals to sleep so that messages from the gods could be delivered to them in the form of dreams. The god is depicted wearing a wide-brimmed hat, symbolizing his role as a traveler, and sandals with wings that allowed him to move quickly from one place to another. In spite of his frivolous character, garrulity and propensity to tell lies, he carried out his work in a perfect and exemplary way, for which he often drew praise from Zeus, who made him one of his favorite sons.

Hermes showed his cleverness and ingenuity not only in trade matters, but also in love. Myths tell of all kinds of love adventures of the god, but Aphrodite stands out clearly. The beautiful goddess of love, albeit not immediately, fell victim to the charms of the young trickster lol :grin:

Hermes had jurisdiction over athletic events and gymnasiums. He was regarded as the god of youth and sport and as the embodiment of radiant youth and fervor. Hermes was put in charge of athletic competitions and schools and stadiums were built in his honor. His statues were placed in the palaestras and gymnasiums, institutions where wrestling, fistfighting, discus throwing, running, jumping, etc. were taught.

Hermes often acts as a faithful assistant to the gods or heroes. Many heroes were grateful to Hermes for his help, including Perseus, Hercules, Orpheus and Odysseus. He is most noticed in the legend of Perseus. He taught the young hero how he should defeat Medusa Gorgon. To do this, he gave Perseus his own winged sandals.

The common people, for whom this “god of speed” was a model of good humour, saw Hermes as their patron and protector. Ultimately, Hermes took on the mantle of Prometheus as patron of humanity as noted in this passage from the Iliad as described by thehistoryofwesternthought blog post entitled

Hermes Archetype of Transformation

“In Book XXIV of the Iliad, Hermes is sent by Zeus to ensure safe-passage of Priam from his safe and living world of Troy to the camp of his opposite number, his dead son, Hektor, and his son’s murderer, Achilleus, who now holds the body of Hektor hostage. Priam must therefore leave his home, cross the battlefield, and then “kiss the hands” of his sons’ killer–transitioning both his physical place and his state of being across the battlefield. As Zeus commands Hermes down, he makes an interesting comment about Hermes: “Hermes, for to you beyond all other gods it is dearest to be man’s companion, and you listen to whom you will, go now on your way, and so guide Priam inside the hollow ships of the Achaians…” (Homer, Iliad, Bk XXIV 334-337. Lattimore tr.) And then again Hermes is described: “He caught up the staff, with which he mazes the eyes of mortals whose eyes he would maze, or wakes again sleepers.” (Ibid, 343-344) One observes from these two descriptions two important aspects of Hermes: he of all the gods most cares for man (ostensibly, now that Prometheus is out of the picture), and he has the capacity to wake or put to sleep a man. What this means, is that Hermes is the archetype, par excellence, of the transition between one state of being and another, or transformation (for it is humans who go from sleeping to waking, and alive to dead*). Just as Dionysos represents the space necessary between states, so does Hermes represent the active process of transformation, though this transformation can be positive, waking, or negative, being put to sleep, both aspects are essential to transformation.“

It is difficult to imagine the myths of ancient Greece without Hermes. He does not often play the role of the protagonist, but his image is very important. Despite his contradictory temperament, he is a kind guy who strives to help people and do good deeds - albeit with a certain amount of guile, seduction, cunning, and charm. :relaxed:

Possessing the full range of rascal traits - speed, charisma, sexuality, cunning, eloquence, and the ability to make profitable deals - it is the most ideal good luck charm in our information age. It is the lord of social interactions and the world of information exchange. He is the patron saint of techne. This Greek word means craftsmanship or skill.

A brief version: thoughts on how this NFT can be used

Mastery of all communication - encompasses all forms of persuasive communication, eloquence from the written to the spoken word, bringing a certain elegance to them. Activation of oratorical skills. Total victory in any disputes. Ability to persuade (negotiate) the interlocutor, using semantic / lexical tricks and stratagems

Ease and naturalness of communication. Attraction of the necessary and useful acquaintances naturally

Influencing the interlocutor in the “right” way to achieve their goals. Cunning and deviousness (with a certain elegant flair)

Trusting vibes. Protection from any negativity in social interactions. Absolute constructiveness and positivity in communication, ability to say compliments naturally

Charm, attractiveness, sexuality, charisma, sense of humor

Creativity of thought. Dexterity / cunning of mind, wit

Assistance in making any kind of profit. Total intercession / patronage in trade, sales, exchange. Absolute success in any transactions, business processes

Ability to see signs, and accurately interpret the behavior of animals, birds (Hermes - Patron of the soothsayers)

If necessary - connection with the right person (who is out of range) and transfer to him important information conceptually / telepathically

Inspiration. Good luck in any endeavor. Activation of personal talents

Full intercession in travel, trips

Hospitable atmosphere at any receptions, official or unofficial meetings

Full patronage and good luck in athletic fields, competitions; additional strength and dexterity

Assistant in various divinations, in interpretation of dreams

Most of all, Hermes will facilitate your transformation in whatever way best suits your fate pattern.

Additional facts & Hermes Channel. Practitioner Tips
  • Hermes sandals often appear in advertisements and logos as a symbol of speed and reliability. Goodyear, for example, used this symbol to sell its tires. Similarly, the logo of flower delivery company FTD features Hermes rushing past with flowers in hand, symbolizing the speed and reliability of its delivery services. Hermes has also been used in many national postal service logos.

  • Statues of Hermes were put in particular at crossroads (hermes - tetrahedral columns with the image of his head and with inscriptions, informing where the road leads), they often decorated medical institutions and almost always - sports facilities. Hermes and his attributes (especially the winged hat) in the last century adorned almost every bank, insurance office and chamber of commerce.

The basic qualities of Hermes energy:

  • Activity, Dexterity, Intelligence;

  • Ability to organize structures;

  • Ability to profit - some kind of activity;

  • Passion for travel (research);

  • Interest in technologies of development: any applied technologies, how it is possible to activate business, to receive some material result. ~

In the energy stream there is a lot of information about business, trade, organization of business processes, there is experience and knowledge in sports (Many bodybuilders have Hermes initiation)

Hermes works with aspects of:

Popularity (a person who gets attention). Popularity is necessary for people who are in public activities, politicians, artists. The person begins to attract attention, his fullness, there is significance.

Motivation (motivation for business, finance, management, sports)

The Wealth Channel, activation of luck and the right probabilities


To be continued tonight ;)


Interesting and well done. I tend to identify more with the Greek/Roman deities, perhaps because that is what is taught more in the West where I am from. Didn’t realize this was even going on. @Ugninis you are truly a master.



Excuse Me for not being this fabulous


That sounds amazing!! Congratulations :money_mouth_face::partying_face:


As always :clap: :clap: :clap:

Congratulations! :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


Incredible UgniS!


First impressions.Infusion of young energy and lightness, athletic strength.The thinking of Hermes, the master of trade.Like in computer games:highlighting points of interest, benefits, prospects.only personal opinion)


I would venture to say that Hermes is probably the most underestimated god in the Greek pantheon. Most people tend to think of Hermes only as a charming trickster - the messenger of the gods. As such, people know that he reigns over communication and is responsible for the tricks played during the times when the planet Mercury is retrograde. But the truth is, he also reigns over so much more including business, commerce, and hospitality. Interestingly enough, like Hekate, he’s a psychopomp and along with Hekate they rule together over the crossroads.

Little known fact, Captain designed both the Hermes NFT and the Hekate NFT to work separately or together as part of a sacred union (you’ll notice she has his glyph @ bottom right on her NFT and he has her moons across the bottom of his). In fact, I would go so far as to say that if you have one then you have the other vis-a-vis the mutual symbolism… meaning you can choose to work with them separately OR together. Brilliant innovation by Captain!


well… i guess im gonna get a bit of this fabulousness now haha :D

i am sooo thrilled i got to trade this!! for soo many reasons :smiley:

I work in Hospitality
on Sales
trading commodities is one of my passions
healing through herbs and creating healing concoctions
studying and deciphering dreams
using different divination methods
travelling every where
living every where
joking and teasing people lolol

and last year i had a vision with the end of his caduceus that was so far ahead im still trying to understand its meaning!

im so happyyyyyyy

thank you for this!!


Congratulations! I hope you know you also have access to Hekate as well! :smirk:

:woman_mage: :fire: :fire:


yassss i remember your comments on that ! getting closer to her



Excellent! Although I suspect you can already see in the dark :wink:

Meaning: You likely have long had a connection, you just didn’t know her name. :sparkles:


hahaha i was jusst thinking that, and you know that night when Hekate was posted here… me, not having her, was for like 2 hours reading all about her on the net, and going like ohhhh thatd be interesting so i can do this and that until i went like…wait a minute, i dont have her!! lol


This is not exactly a review of results yet but my first impressions with him which i thought was cute and funny :grinning:

So i got this the night before yesterday and it was late.

Before i even went to confirm id gotten him in my wallet but was confirmed as sent i felt all warm and cozy.

Then i went to bed.

Yesterday morning going to work, i stared at the pic and just say “i dont have anything exactly to ask you for today, so just hello :wave: thanks for being in my reality, all im gonna ask is for you to be the one talking for me, emailing for me, being with my buyers prospects for me, meaning all that might come from my mouth, fingers -typing- etc would be you”

I sent a few emails to clients for meetings.
I met with one.
I had a call with another one.

Results = no answer from any :rofl::laughing: haha

I didnt feel him. At all lol the whole day :see_no_evil:

Last night i was recapping my day and I was like wowww… i guess imma have to charm the charmer :laughing::smirk::woman_shrugging:

I laughed and went to bed. I was tranquile because on just a few occasions here and there this has happened with fields mandalas etc. Where i dont feel a thing the first day or 2 and them baam it all come in once and im like :exploding_head:

I woke up at 5am (before the alarm went)
The mini stack i made last night with the last audios on youtube was still playing and since i made the stack to finish with Powerful Positive weaves by the waking up time then thats the one that was playing.

Now ive been listening to that one as soon as i wake up because it always puts me in a great happy mood and always always makes me dance to it.

So while still in bed as i was waking up heard the song and THEN i felt him!! Like embracing me and accepting Me and it was sooo funny because as i said PPW always makes me dance but because i was still in bed i was like moving my body to the rhythm while also happy dancing because i felt him smiling at me like telling me ok… you are approved lol im.with you now.

It literally felt like this ahahahaha :



And then i decided not to go to the office but work from home… i founded weird since i was feeling ready to slay demons at work with him by my side, his message was crystal clear.

Yesterday while i thought i wasnt feeling anything or that why i asked didnt get through … He was indeed very much in my reality and indeed working.

I didnt feel him because he was in the corner analyzing Me, my work place, my coworkers, probably my clients wherever they were, etc. He was checking out and taking notes of my whole current life.

And its like now he knows exactly what needs to be done, what needs to be changed in Me what should come next etc… i dont know it yet, but i can feel he does.

And today he wants me at home away from an environment that gets toxic at times…

He wants me to meditate with him sit and write down all the possibilities i think could work or i want or i would like, at work, general career wise and or businesses.

He didnt want me to go to work because he knows the chances of a sale up to today were none because of the circumstances around the clients, i could see (which tells me something reaaaaally cute about him as well and i love him for it…)

That he can be a trickster and all of it, and though he uses them to get what he wants YET…he does it in harmony with the overall well being of the people he uses his tricks and charms on.

Let me tell you something…

My job is a beautiful job but unfortunately there are a lot of deceiving people in that industry. Theres a lot of people that are so greedy that take the good desire of people to enjoy something good to strip them down to their last dollar, no matter what lies they use, they dont care afterwards.

Ive been in this industry for 5 years and thats why im always saying its hard or id like to work somewhere else or i leave then come back. And its because of this, ive seen people working in this stinky rich, yet the means used to get there werent all that good.

Ive had lived good while working in this but i am not rich, i dont lie, i dont trick them i dont rob them even at times where i can tell the people in front of me would buy whatever i offer them at whatever price and me needing that sale asap. I still dont, and thats why it has been bittersweet for me, hating this industry while loving it. I know the potential and the benefits but i just dont want to keep solving wrong things the previous people did to my clients. Its tiring and then while trying to solve things, i lose chances of making money because i first care about helping the ones that WONT buy from me but already are deep in the business because someone elses lies.

Then wasting time i could use to get my sales with other people. :roll_eyes:

This is why i wanted Hermes by my side, i read the description so many times and tho there was this little fear inside or question as if him would get me all sales i want but then… would those sales really benefit those families? Am i going to be tricking now too?

Im a human, not gonna lie i asked myself that before trying to trade to get Hermes, but then i nervous still knew and remembered that Captain always considers the possible downside of fields effects, and protect us from that or take that same thing and turn it into a beautiful amazing benefit.

Which is exactly how this feels.

Hermes didnt want me to go waste my time at work, he knows the families i have in house now, could not, should not buy more. What they have its enough for them. (Actual crying because it feels so beautiful)

Omg i got so emotional now the more i type the more i feel him approving of my reasoning.

He is going to bring me all the success ive tried hard to get in this industry that i still love, he is going to help me discern who i should approach to sell because just like Me, He too wants to improve the life of my clients not just getting me rich.

Thats what a real sale is. Thats what a real negotiator is!!

And I want to be that. I will be that and i will also succeed :facepunch::handshake::muscle:

Phew! That was intense. What a roller-coaster of emotions this review lol

So last note…

If any one out there was thinking or wondering the same… rest assured that this man is fully honest. And cares about others

He’ll find the perfect environment, prospects, your own charm and abilities to make you shine and sprinkle his energy and luck to set the deal!!

Thank you!! :heart:


Classic Hermes!


LMAO. Im crying watching


Here’s a great article that speaks to the sacred union aspect of the Hermes and Hekate NFTs.


Is the energy or something from an Unicorn in this NFT, i keep seeing and feeling one



:woman_shrugging:t2:Maybe Hermes shapeshifted into one to seduce you! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hahaha :smirk:


Seduced by a Unicorn……hmmmm