HGH 2.0 Gumroad


That gut is a LOT more than just a little HGH. Don’t worry about it.


So what causes it, can u recommend a stack that can prevent that potential?

Injecting a ton of HGH and insulin on top of anabolic steroids.

Seriously, don’t worry about it. That’s stuff to worry about once you start injecting over half a gram of trenbolone acetate a day just to meet contest weight.




will this audio effect the face? due to increase in HGH

Just wanted to bump this thread as i’ve started using this audio again in the past week.

I feel better overall for sure, and I feel it is having a palpable rejevnation effect.

@Josh perhaps you can update and add the link of the audio to the opening post including its description? I know they’re not available through gumroad at the moment though, but it would be nice just for reference sake.

Details here for anybody wanting to purchase this audio.


sure bro


Thank you good sir!

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Anyone know when this will be available again?

A bunch of fields were re-added to Gumroad. (Check the November 2022 Sale thread, towards the bottom, for the list.)

If this isn’t on the list, it might not be re-added (that info is further upthread in that same thread).

It seems like people in that thread are lobbying for their favorite candidates to be re-added. You could try that. :man_shrugging:



I wanna share this with a friend’s daughter. She is 11 years of age though, and I’m not sure if thats a good idea. She is too short for her age apparently (I don’t know all the details). My friend is really concerned about all of this.

Would this field help? Is once a day enough?

(I kinda thought of Lionel Messi who was really short in his teens and had this kind of procedure involving HGH)

It would help but just use the normal hgh version on YouTube. Doesn’t the 2.0 return the hgh levels of a 18 year old? So I guess YT version would be best.


Will this every be added back to gumroad? Really looking to buy this one.

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@SammyG Just a request if this could be added to the Enlightened States store for purchase if the file is still available.

I found out during the week that my HGH is extremely low. I have to go for an MRI of my Pituitary Gland in a few weeks as a precaution. Just incase there is something going on there that is causing the very low levels.

No problem if it can’t, I just thought I’d ask while I’m doing a bit of research through the forum about it.

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Would love to have the opportunity to purchase this field as well, though i’m not sure if it may be a little redundant in light of the Manly Man by Manhattan field.

The healing aspect of reverting your HGH levels to that of a 16-18 year old seems like an immense benefit.

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I’d love to get @Dr_Manhattan’s view on this. I have Manly Man since it was first released but haven’t noticed much if any results except for the first week when my beard grew crazy fast.

Manly Man mentions the Growth Hormone ‘Receptor’.
From what ive found while researching is, If HGH levels are low to begin with, there may not be enough HGH available to actually bind to the GHR. This can result in reduced activation of the signaling pathway and decreased production of IGF-1, which can potentially lead to impaired growth, reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, altered metabolism, and other related symptoms (all of which i have). My IGF-1 has come back low also.

Now obviously, this is very far from my area of expertise so I’d love to know what Philip thinks, but my thinking is that maybe I haven’t been able to reap the benefits of Manly Man because of my low HGH? Maybe we need to work on the actual hormones ourselves so that they will bind properly to the receptors which Manly Man are working on?
I’m not too sure, it’s just a thought.

So I’m hoping that…

will kill two birds with one stone and sort out these shitty symptoms I have been having lately amd heal them, and also hopefully help me to reap the true benefits of Manly Man :crossed_fingers:t2:


It shouldn’t matter too much, but the underlying issue might influence your results


GH receptor sensitivity is rarely impaired, but why not just try HGH field from YouTube and gauge?

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Thanks man. I’ll keep an eye out on how things develop over the next few months. I’m happy that the prolactin levels are normal so I’m not too worried about a tumor/benign tumor on the pituitary gland (I’ve had to have this tested before) but I’d still like to find the root cause of the low levels. It could be dietary or because I can’t be as active as I would like to be. I’ll keep posted once the levels go up and see how the effectiveness of Manly Man rises hopefully. I’m usually good with fields but I need to figure out the root cause of why I don’t feel the full affects before I see them. Mostly trauma, self love, subconscious issues but it’s good to see a different issue pop up to see how the outcome will be when trying to tackle something different from the above issues.

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Thats the plan :crossed_fingers:t2: I’m using the 1.5 version now (music from Vakkuum) and see how things go. Even if the 2.0 version could be reinstated I wouldn’t have started it until after I have the MRI anyway just incase it masked some issues. It was the return of the levels to 16 to 18 years old and the rejuvenation of the pituitary gland that sold me on wanting to (hopefully) get the 2.0 at some stage.

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