Hi guys. Is there any field or mandala to attract respect/status in society?

As @Destinus suggested, that sigil is interesting for that. It was my daily until I’ve gotten the IPF tag. Now I go on and off. Check here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/confidence-and-17050769

However, do you prefer to growl and intimidate or just redheads move and raid? lmao, joking but:

If you find the sigil too powerful, a mandala which should assist you with that, go for the Thor one , as it is more “balanced” than the Lion Sapien’s Instagram

If you want a more balanced lion, you can always go for the tag… Which is not available atm

I won’t recommend you the lion mandala 'cause it might not embody well for your specific situation

Believe me, no one would tell you this while invoking a lion.
I actually had some experience with both dominance and the lion, altogether check here if you’d like; Confidence/Self-Esteem/Dominance Sigil + Lion - A Warning

If you don’t want to use Thor, Lion or even the sigil, there’s always the Confidence mandala:

Lastly, also Androstenol is used for dominance and “alpha purposes.”

So it really depends with the type of confidence/dominance you want to assert.