Hi! Please checkout my Playlist and let me know I should remove or add anything

Morning stack:
Probability and luck x2
Unconditional love x1

Afternoon stack:
Ego dissolution x1
Subconscious limit removal x2
Adrenal healing detox x2
Thyroid x2
Brain regeneration x1
Amygdala x2
Testosterone x3
Dht x1

Evening stack:
Facial symmetry x2
Auto mewing x2
Qi skin lightening x3
Qi alpha Magnetism x3

Night stack:
Jing x2
Ojas x1
Probability and luck x1
Attract wealth x2
Automated grounding x1

I really think this is too much. Please do suggest, I would love to know your thoughts, have a great day y’all :heart:

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If you feel it’s too much then it’s probably good to follow your intuition on this. And maybe remove the repeated one - luck - that you already listen in the morning. Also both Jing and Ojas are energizing so I’d put them in the morning instead.

So try listening only to grounding and wealth at night :+1:


Then I would follow your own internal guidance.

When you look at your fields, you’ll see they are geared towards a variety of different goals. An easy way for you to cut back from the “too much” you’re feeling is to sort these fields above according to your goals. Then prioritize your goals, doing one or maybe two goals now and putting the other goals on the back burner for when you’ve accomplished your initial one or two goals.

I would also recommend that you check out the How to Create Great Stacks and the Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks threads for ideas to make your stacks more effective.

Like @Star, I find Jing and Ojas to be energizing. What’s been your experience with those fields?


Thanks for the advice and recommendation. Would definitely read the attached posts.

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Thanks for the advice and recommendations. Yeah that makes sense ill add ojas and Jing in the morning for better effects.

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