Higher Self Healing -- Psychic University

Disclaimer - This field is created by a third-party vendor and not by Sapien Medicine. Third-party fields are not vetted directly by Captain.

This field will start a process of physical healing entirely done by your Higher Self.

Keep in mind more specific approaches tend to give you faster results, so you may give a priority to this field over Consciousness Repair if your intention is to heal something in your physical body.

This is a powerful tool against annoying conditions that are hard to treat and heal, and of course against unknown threats.

I suggest starting slow on this, as the detox can be strong.

-11:05 min audio-


Anyone who can report experiences?

Dunno yet. Bought this one next to the arcturian plasma one… :blush:. Will come back on it.


Any new experiences with this one? I am very tempted since Christmas ruined my field shopping list and I won’t be able to get Plasma Flaunt.

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I have something to heal, and I must say I feel it working on me in a very strong way. like someone else said, it’s a very good addition to the plasma and other healing energies.


I get a lot of light pressure/light pain of this field in the abdomen and chest area. I suppose some kind of healing is being done


Hmmm. This field is something else… it kind of lowers my heart rate and grounds me after a few times of listening. It also heals, you can feel it. Once after a few listens, it actually cooled my body (same feeling after a Cold shower). It also seems to work on different areas (legs, intestines, etc).

I feel this field a bit more than the arcturian chamber… although the latter will probably heal, it will be more subtle.


To my limited understanding we are always connected to our higher self - so our higher self should be aware if we are ill and suffering. If higher self knows that we are suffering and did nothing to help until now, what does your field do to convince it to become active and heal us?

Sometimes illness is said to be a sign of our soul/higher self to change our way of life. If this is true, how could your field convince higher self to stop making us ill? Many people would just continue to live as they did before their illness and higher self would be “unhappy” in that case. Would the lesson then be presented in another form? Or would higher self make us change our life to allow healing (but then I would ask my first question again - why not before?).
Or lets just say that illness often times has psychological/psychosomatic reasons (you may e.g. know the famous books of Dahlke and Dethlefsen). Could higher self then heal it without us changing our lifestyle and negative beliefs? Or would it make us change our lifestyle? This question is of course also valid for all of captains healing fields and conventional medicine.


I think it all comes down to this (my personal understanding):

The HS knows that the physical incarnation is just temporary adventure of one of its consciousness fragments (you).
It knows that the physical world is also complete illusion, a simulator.
For the immortal eternal HS none of the stuff that happens in the physical universe is of major concern in the end.
It knows that no one and nothing gets out “alive” out of the physical universe.

What is of major concern for the HS though, is the growth of consciousness experienced while doing the simulator adventure.

Growth of consciousness comes from making experiences and from having realizations.
But also from developing real free will and making your own decisions independent of circumstances, which then also leads to the skill of manifesting your own reality.
You can only manifest what you want when you are aware. And when you have ability to choose and decide.

So my answer would be that it all comes down to the HS wanting you to reach certain realizations, primarily through observation, self-reflection and experience.
Illnesses are just tools to come to certain realizations.
The HS is mostly very detached with that.
An incarnation into the physical is simply a fragment of the HS “jumping into cold water and let’s see what happens”.
It may feel absolutely real to the fragment being inside that cold water, but the HS knows that it is just an experiment and an interesting experience.

About people developing diseases:
With enough developed intuition and conceptual realizations skill, one can skip the painful parts and go straight to the realizations.
Aka “learn the lesson” without the “need to escalate”.
When people do not listen to their intuition or “act mindlessly”, situations in the simulator escalate to illness and other bad experiences.
This applies to most cases but not all of course.

The HS also wants you to develop free will.
Also, if the HS would intervene all the time, how could you ever develop real free will?
Free will is like a muscle that needs to be trained.
And what better way to train it, than under the harsh conditions of the physical simulator?

And why is real free will so important?
Because the ability to love UNCONDITIONALLY can only come from a true free will decision.
Otherwise you simply cannot love.
And the ability to love is for sure a godlike skill that most HS want to develop.

I am also curious to hear Psychic Universities’ answer and view on this.


Well said.


I always play conceptual realization everyday. I suffered enough in the past and rather not go through painful experiences myself. Thankful that this field exist, and help me grow.


@steeler : I can’t comment for @Psychic_University . The only thing I can say this field and another field of @Psychic_University helped me up until now. E.g. I slipped last year in September 2021 in my hallway and fell on my right hip, this audio and Heal All Tissues And Cells With Holy Light And Divine Love (Patreon) is healing the hip. I felt a shift in the hip with this audio (like someone/something lifted the hip in another position) and the other one I got a very itchy feeling in the hip. I am able to do my lotus pose without any pain anymore in my right hip -which is kind of a big deal for me :) -.

I’m still figuring out the Arcturian Negentrophy Chamber :stuck_out_tongue:


@Psychic_University does this also heal brain or addiction?

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I am forever grateful for you @Psychic_University giving you lots of blessings and pure vibes through the bottom of my heart Thank you :heart:


I’ve been using this field only for a week, twice a day.

The melodic track, a soothing companion to the healing process orchestrated by the Higher Self, sets the stage for for a comprehensive and profound experience. What has left me truly astounded is the profound improvement in my overall health.

One of the standout benefits has been the remarkable enhancement in my vision. Colors seem more vibrant, and the world appears clearer, a powerful reflection of the targeted healing facilitated by the Higher Self. Also, the persistent dizziness I used to contend with has remarkably diminished, adding to the list of tangible improvements.
(and to me this alone it’s already worth the money)

The infusion of energy brought about by this field is noteworthy. It’s not just about feeling awake; it’s a vitality that permeates every aspect of daily life. Even my sleep has undergone positive shifts, leaving me more rested and rejuvenated each morning.

Choosing to integrate “Higher Self Healing” into my routine has been a game-changer. The subtle detox effects were manageable, occurring only when I increased the frequency beyond my usual routine.

The decision to share this review stems from a genuine desire to illuminate the potential this field holds for others.
To me, this field has proven to be an invaluable addition and if the fields could have a motto, this one would stand as beacon of potential.