Historical and Cultural Memes

Is this thread necessary?
Or indulged/allowed?
Well, the admins and mods will have the last word.

And here’s a funny meme:


Pretty sure he learned his lesson. Kudos to you, G!

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Haha, he must have learned.
It’s nothing final yet, let’s see if the admins/mods allow this thread or not.
It could be considered a spinoff of meme thread, but with a specific type of memes or it could be considered/rendered unnecessary.

@Powren I’m currently trying your suggestion. Let’s see how it goes. :sweat_smile:

I’m pretty sure they don’t care.

I don’t see why would they overregulate stuff like this. You are free to create whatever threads you want.

There was never a question like that. Just work on removing insecurities and don’t give too much F about it.

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As long as you and the thread are in accordance with the known rules and overall respectful to others, I don’t see any possible problem. :slight_smile:

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you had already asked in the meme thread about this, even made a poll and all. You already made this so just let it be.

it doesnt matter its the rabbit hole category and memes have free pass anywhere lol





@Lunamoon22 All of them are Brilliant.


I have an effective solution for most of the territorial disputes in Europe. All of that back to the Roman Empire!





I would support this only if the move was popular enough, if the diverse populations of Europe would actually care to Revive Latin, on a mass scale/for the masses, otherwise, I would have no interest in such a project, and I’m going to explain why, as a Romaniac (a maniac for Rome, for those who don’t get it, although probably everyone gets it)…

Rome was ALL About Change, it was the very definition of its Empire; they were extremely maleable and very adaptable to their environment, needs, etc.
They took their enemies tech and made it their own, they took the conquered peoples Myths, symbols and religions and artifacts and incorporated them into their own system/state (so called Greco-Roman religion and later Christianity, also mystery schools and cults from the East, the Dacian Draco, which they adopted into the Roman Draco, etc.) And they took other people’s languages and incorporated/integrated them as well - Greek was basically the de facto language of the Eastern half of the Empire, a Legacy of Alexander the Great, later becoming the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of the Roman Empire/Byzantine Empire (when their territories shrinked so much that Latin was no longer the language of the populations they ruled over, the Roman Government switched to Greek).

So, I wouldn’t be surprised if Rome had/would have adapted and used a Latin based language (an evolution of Latin) or even more than one (French like and Spanish like, Italian like languages), in their Western Provinces, had the Western Empire survived in the fifth century.

And I would go even further and say that Rome could have even adopted a GERMANIC Language, at least in some of its provinces and even as the unofficial/De Facto (not De Jure) Language(s) of the Administration (maybe just local).
Why do I say such a thing?
Well, for once thry did it on the surviving Eastern part, And by the fifth century, the Germanic Populations were already taking over in the West.

If Chieftain Odoacer had not deposed Romulus Augustulus and decided to either tolerate him or change him with another Puppet Emperor OR SEIZE The Title Himself, sooner or later, the situation would have evolved into something akin to the Heiliges Romisches Reich, with a Romano-Germanic situation, where the Elites/Rulers would have been Germanic, And would have spoken a Germanic language And kept Latin as the Official language of the Empire.

They could have went the French route and latinize even further, thus choose a Latin type based language, mixed with a/some Germanic language(s) as the De Facto choice.

Heck, the Romans would choose anything that served their interests/needs, even a Slavic language, I bet.

Edit: the Jewish population of Israel revived Hebrew, so If something was done on a smaller scale, it can be done on a higher scale, and choose Latin in Europe.

I mean, until recently, most books were written in Latin, the Church saved the Roman legacy and preserved it quite well actually.

Second Edit: I would choose to keep Latin as a Cultural and Ceremonial Language, akin to the many UNESCO protected places and other things.
That would be my option.

It has shaped Europe, it’s part of our common Legacy.

After thought: Also, One more thing…
Rome could have even adopted Islam, if the circumstances had been different and if they had no other choice (well, its a potential change anyway, since they adopted Christianity as well).

Lol, @JAAJ, you’re right.

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Lol, approx. two-thirds of the English language has Latin roots. So re-introducing Latin as the main language would be a step backwards kind of… :laughing:

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The developments can be also non-linear :slight_smile:

But put it like a joke ofc

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