Hit my head

Today I was cleaning the machinery,I had a heavy metal block hanging over me, which I somehow didn’t notice
So I got up and hit my head really badly
People helped me, got me a sit and an ice pack
But I started having a panic attack because my vision was going dark and I was dizzy
I was like - nice, I get to die at work lol
So apparently I’m not dying but my head hurts and I’m dizzy and I’m worried
I feel like there is no point of going to the ER
They’d make you wait for 10 hours if you’re not dying right there
Sooo. What field will save me this time?
Oh and something for guilt and shame please? Because I caused this scene there, with all the crying and hussle I feel bad
I hate feeling guilty yet I do so ever often grrrr

Thanks friends

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Plasma brain of youth, it’s a bonus field to smart stem cells

Plasma light + brain Regen if you’re looking for something free… hope you feel better man


Thank you friend


Hi i can send you healing with the Caladrius (NFT) If you’d like…


Please do, I appreciate it friend


Ok, np midthunder, healing has commenced and will last 3 hours


Thank you so much


You’d better listen to your doctor. I think you need a brain MRI. Anyway, if you felt dizzy for 2 days, you must go to the hospital.


I’m looping the stroke help and I’m so much better
Thank you :white_heart:


Wait for few hours. If you still felt dizzy, listen to Multiple Sclerosis.
Take enough rest in between.
Continue this procedure for 2 days.
If your dizziness didn’t heal after 2 days, as I said before, you need to go to the doctor.


Listen to the MS 2.0 field very broad in the range of things it can help with @anon83804375

Loop it

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Multiple sclerosis?

Yes but the 2.0 field, feel better

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Thank you, will listen now :relieved:

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Hi man how are you feeling?

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The pain has decreased and the dizziness went away for about 70%
Thank you for asking :blush:

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