Hives & Allergies

Does anyone have any suggestions on which audio fields to use to heal hives and other allergy symptoms? This is such a major issue for people… I’ve tried Immune System, but that doesn’t seem to be helping, as it’s not really the immune system.


Perhaps try Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement because it could help modulate the immune system and immune response. It has helped me.


Anti-histamines are possibly the most widely used remedy for allergies. Histamines are a natural healthy immune response to allergens.

But, histamine levels that are too high can cause troublesome allergic reactions. Cortisol levels help regulate histamine levels.

Cortisol levels that are too low can lead to histamine levels that are too high.

So, let me suggest this

Once a day could be a right fit. But starting out, you need to prove to yourself whether or not an audio hits your issue. I would listen to this once every 1 to 2 hours for several times the first day.

Great suggestion! I was just thinking that Endocrine System Rejuvenation may also help with glands which affect the regulation of histamine levels as histamine regulation can actually get quite complex.


Uial is right. There are at least 3 audios that affect adrenals. Please note that I would not loop any and every audio. You can always check the description SapienMed posts along with an audio. It will let you know if there is a safe recommended limit.


Thanks everyone, I’ll try these


Thanks that all worked!! I listened to all the videos here, and I also listened to the Adrenal Glands and also the Stress one (it affects Cortisol levels, and I think that one really did it for me). But I’m sure I’ll have to keep doing it to really fix it. Thank you!!


@3Tulsi You mentioned histamine intolerance the other day. I thought this might be helpful to you to read about. :smile:

From the description of Nerve Growth Factor:

Nerve Growth Factor plays an important role in cognitive function, depression, inflammation, autoimmunity, histamine intolerance, western disease, pain, cancer and much more


@3Tulsi I’m glad you’re better!
I also have allergies, although in just a few weeks of listening to Captain’s videos (fields targeting allergies and not only these) I’m better (not perfect, but better, much better actually :smiley:)!
Thanks to everyone for all the comments!

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