Loss Sugar Craving?

No, please hijack more! That was very helpful


hey, when did u listen to the dopamine? When you were studying or anytime?

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No worries. we all are thread hijackers we hijack threads. :joy:

Who we are? :thinking:

Thread hijacker! :sunglasses:

What do we want? :thinking:

We love to Hijack all the threads for no reason! :joy:


I listened to Overcome Addiction both when I was and wasn’t studying. I listened to it about 10 times each day for a couple weeks, and then I stopped, completely forgot about listening to it, then I saw results!


Last 3-days, I have been looping the below:

Vibration of Creation X 5
Higher Self Connection X 5
Fat to Stem Cells X 5
Anti Aging X 10
Telomere X 10
HGH 2.0 X 5
Advanced Healing X 10

I wake up super energized and refreshed. My weight loss stack is not making me sore anymore (though I am still yet to see any pounds dropping or definition improving).


I haven’t either!! I recently found out about an anti-histamine diet, and how it can correct the cause of wineries Runner’s Itch, allergies, hives, etc. If someone is susceptibility to high histamine in foods and low DMSO enzyme, it can also affect weight gain/losing weight.

I have all 3 of those issues, and also having gotten slightly bigger when I started breaking out in hives 2 years ago, even though my body has always been slim. My face just always looks full and I hate it. So, I’m currently transitioning my diet over to this.

Do you have any of those issues? There are also complications that high histamine can cause.

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Hmm…not sure. I was always “genetically” big lol, so I put in a LOT of effort on food, diet and working out to stay in shape.

Not too bad, but this lockdown is not helping me haha! I gained like 7 pounds which I am trying to lose.

Essentially, if I go on a strict 18 hour fast for 3-weeks, I should be easily able to lose, but as Roku pointed out, I am trying to go the Sapien way where weight loss is accompanied by muscle definition.

I also added Diabetes audio to my stack last night - in case I have some degree of Insulin Resistance?

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But do you have allergies, hives, digestive issues, nasal congestion?

Diabetes can also be linked to histamine!

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Digestive issues - yeah, since I was a kid lol… lately, no.

Other symptoms - nope.

Hmm… Ok thought it might help. But anyways, I was getting to the point that I’ve tried things before Sapien to lose whatever fat in my body and nothing works, and it could be a sign of histamine intolerance, especially with all my other symptoms

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I just bought a bunch of ice cream, and I listed to Overcome Addictions again today and now I don’t want it. Took me a minute to think about why I absolutely had no inclination to touch it while looking at it. Lol


@Maoshan_Wanderer @uial @This_Boy_Here

Quadible Integrity just released a new audio that is kind of in line with Sapien’s Vibration of Creation! It’s a part of a new 8 part series intended for overnight use. But you can also use it during waking hours.

I’m going to loop both this and Vibration of Creation tonight.



Wow…it looks bad ass!

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IT IS. I listened to it this morning.

What do you feel? I mean how?

I really feel like it is clearing away any blockages from me obtaining results and me “sensing” my spirituality, if that makes any sense. Like, cleared off?

The video is also amazing, flying through the reaches of space


Like instantly, you’d noticed a difference? I has to be good then! Because you’ve got some major blockages…I’m happy for you bro! :grinning:

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How’s the glory tag?

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“8 part series” - and faints! lol

I have a new show on my TV - Breaking Bank :slight_smile:

@3Tulsi - any way to download the audio?


I can’t find it! I moved earlier in the month, and I’m not sure where it is. Lol I need to look again and boost it like 80 times.