Holiday sale of 18% off Gumroad & Teespring until May 23rd

Thank you very much Captain for being so generous with us, these are unexpected gifts!!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


Thats the one I used before, that didnt work, lol


Yeah but after that it worked again.


As @anonymous48 mentioned, I believe that one code is for the US$-priced items and the other code is for the £-priced item.

I remember Cap’n posting that (with an explanation of a distinction between the “legacy” system or items) somewhere earlier this morning (my time), but I no longer can find the post with that information to quote. (Perhaps it was changed? :man_shrugging: )

So, it.can make a difference which code you use on which product. (The post specified on Gumroad, if that’s a help.)



(I knew I had seen it somewhere before. :laughing: )


I have tried to buy one on Gumroad, entered discount code SAPIENEWND, but the system says invalid
Then I tried SAPIENND, still invalid
What is going on?
And what is the valid discount code that we can use this weekend?
Someone, please help me! @SammyG @Captain_Nemo
Thank you

Yup, I try enter the discount code but it invalid

OK, it wasn’t just me… it must be system
I wonder Teespring is working ok…

Posting this helpful reply here in the current thread about this sale:


Oh…i see, cause i want to buy audio at GumroadUSD currency

I tried both code for the item on Gumroad, but both were invalid
Could it be system?
I tried the code on Teespring (didn’t buy though), it shows discount.
Is this the problem of Gumroad?

Thanks for this sale Captain, Sammy! :pray:

SAPIENND worked for me, 18% came after a long time! So, purchased these, hoping they would help with my receding hairline along with the Legendary Hair Serum.

The Microcurrent Facial Simulant +
The Plasma Glass Skin
The Carboxytherapy Field

@Hauru Let me know if I missed anything that would help with my receding hairline. :smiley:

@Captain_Nemo @SammyG I plan to purchase Soul/Core Energy Restoration but am waiting for Shielding Protection 3.0.

Would Shielding Protection 3.0 + Negentropic Three Treasures + other life force fields like (Force of Life, BoL, and Flower of Life) are enough? Or Soul/Core Energy Restoration has a separate purpose on its own?

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This helps my hairline @Kalacakra


Try to pay with something where you won’t have to pay to convert currencies, if its even possible.
The total amount you pay will be more than what gumroad shows after the discount.

I was able to pay lesser with my debit card than with paypal.

Finally, I was able to apply discount code :+1:

I had so much difficulty with Gumroad last night.
I typed in the code very slowly, and each time I type in alphabet, the system said invalid code.
You know, Teespring has “Apply” bar/button when you apply promotional code. You enter the code and click “Apply”, then the system shows you the amount you pay.
However, Gumroad does not have “Apply” bar/button when you enter promo code. So, what happened to me was that each time I enter alphabet from code, the system showed “invalid” message.

I wish Gumroad has “Apply” button too
I was very confused last night…

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Glad it worked for you, Candy! :slight_smile:

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No code for Soundweave has been shared at this point.

Anybody having troubles with purchasing something on gumroad with a paypal ? After pressing the button I got message on email that transaction did no go through…

I had trouble with my card but PayPal worked fine. And my PayPal was linked to the same card :woozy_face: anyway it worked out for me

Got Arms Shredded & Jacked, gonna be the next Phil Heath now :muscle: