Hollow under eyes, no wrinkles or dark skin, just need FAT

My under eyes are only dark because the hollow area casts the shadow. I don’t have pigmentation. All I need is fat… I don’t have much wrinkles so I know it’s not collagen related. Not sleep related either.
Would dark circle field help? I don’t want to transform my fat to stem cells because I don’t have any!

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Collagen booster might help too

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Hollow eyes absent of a health issue are caused by a ligament that is basically attached to bone and as the skin degenerates over time the ligament is strengthened- and doubles down on the hollows. I’m colloquializing here but this is how I understand it. I linked a video in the requests and fields from a plastic surgeon who no longer does fillers in the hollow region because of it-

The best thing he says is to support the ligament from underneath which means find a way to raise the cheeks up not fill the hollows.

The best way I could think of to do that is mewing, so Negentropic mewing - I would normally also recommend fat to stem face (for an overall plumping) but you seem to not be so keen on that one

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There was one in patreon and gumroad for face combination. It’s mentioned it will restore natural fat in your face. It actually does as per my experience.


DNA field Worked better for my eyes then the eye bag field


The OG Facelift and Facial toning field is great for restoring under eye fat… loop for 8 hours overnight while you sleep, the way it uplifts and plumps the whole face is amazing… I’d also recommend microcurrent facial stimulator, it strengthens and uplifts all the muscles in the face… which in turn affects your skin, Plasma Glass skin makes your whole face look much better after the facelift…


Sorry but it this is bizarre.
Mewing is not some secret technique, nothing changes by keeping your tongue posture correct, jawlines do not become sharper, or cheeks slimmer. it’s some ‘subliminal’ level nonsense… My tongue posture has always been correct. It really doesn’t have anything to do with the absence of fat in periorbital area.
Don’t take it personally I guess I’m just a bit upset haha

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No there are plenty of pictures that show the exercise changes the face.

But do what you want, I hope it works out for you sincerely


It would be nice to have a smart “fat to face” field.
Fat transfers are also relatively modern anti aging cosmetic procedure - where the skin starts to show sign of sogginess/excess, doctors can transfer some fat.

Though im not sure it’s plausible, the field would have to be very smart to get nice results.


Yes it’s very popular now and a good option instead of filler.

I asked for it in the Field requests in maybe October 2021

Try the stem cells to face, scalp and neck

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That uses up the fat in the face.
I need MORE fat in my face.

I believe it uses the fat in your neck to augment the fullness in your face as well as the skin and hair follicles. Here’s a testimonial

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Eeeeeeee my goodness that would be incredible hahaha!!! WIll give it a go!

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Hi Muse :wave:

Just wondering if you ended up using the fat to stem cells field, and if so has it helped at all?
I have this issue too, and have been looking into under eye filler or PRP under eyes. But would obviously love if there was a field that could fix this instead :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey, I don’t have a definite answer for you right now (had some other health things pop up that are more important than my face lol)

I had filler once, years ago, before I found fields. It kind of worked, but the substance is really not great, and it stays in the tissue for years. So I have not done it again.

I did have some success with a subliminal, for under eyes (can’t remember which one).

I also use micro-current and skin tightener, as well as the collagen, both facelift fields.