Ho'oponopono experiences and research

i used to listen to this all the time:

catchy song and it had a calming and hopeful effect on me when my previous career gave me anxiety and stress every day.


i’ve also read somewhere (if i come across the article or source again i’ll link it) that calming music and inmates practicing ho’oponopono have improved their lives.

what are your thoughts on this practice? anymore info that can be shared with citations and credible sources? (not saying that my links are credible as i didn’t have any way of vetting them. i just liked what i read). :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


check out vortex success-ho’oponopono SUBLIMINAL. I love it. It’s the same music from alien intercession


Oh been a while, one of my favorites tracks :heart_eyes:


Pretty fun and spontaneous ho’oponopono i did with my dog for what felt like 30min.

I observed how he moved from my side, to my lap, and finally staring at his own reflection for the very first time and I’ve been with him for 4 or 5 years.

He also got non-stop pets and cuddles. Definitely going to do more of that!

Youtube live radio has been playing and will continue to play until tomorrow!

It was nice to fill my present moment with just ho’oponopono. A welcome break from the anxieties i am clearing from my experiences.


I tried this one yeaaars ago, always after 5 minutes listening id feel my heart chakra or actually the whole chest soooo warm and loving and whenever i played this to others they felt the same.
Also it always put me in a half asleep state almost like trance, and then faces of people would come in to my mind, i knew those i had to say those words to, and even ppl i would have never thought i hurt them but i still said them, besides the shaman that introduced me to it told me i could still think of saying to them like ‘i am sorry if crossing your path has brought pain to you and triggered wounds, please for give me, i love you for allowing me to be part of your journey its ok…thank you’ maan this thing is magical. I feel like listening to it and Plasma :joy::joy: Plasma is becoming like Sriracha in my life. I want it with everything lol

I listened to others but meh always came back to this one.


Imagine a tag embued with the energy of those words, like we walk around spreading those words to everything and everybody :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Oh wow ill check that when i get on my computer!

I sing the one that has japanese lyrics in it!

I also say it even when i have a good foundation in a relationship as a reminder to myself and them that we are human and my connection with them is more important than (almost) any difference we have.

I say ‘almost’ because i draw the line with obvious stuff like intentionally hurting others.

Reading david hawkins has also helped give me a new perspective with how magical these words and phrases are.

Edit: i too woud love a tag for ho’oponopono!.. and plasma while we are at it. Haha


hello, just curious, does sapien medicine have any field/auido similar to the effect of Ho’oponopono, especially similar to the power of this youtube video (from the first post),

my chest was like having wind blowing over…feels so good. Thank you


Spirituality Zone has one, it’s so good :pray:


OMG look @SammyG i didnt know i had posted this with my 1st profile lol, i couldnt find it the other day and someone commented on this now and i saw it! so this is the one :D i guess mean time ill connect to this one, but i wanted you to check it out x hope you had a nice Xmas eve with the family,

edit: Theta Binaural Beats + Isochronic Tones thats why, i didnt know back then :smiley:


This one is quite strong. I use it myself once in a while to clear out some bad spirits.

Just think of a time in the past you were aware of negative spirits and then repeat this out loud a few times. The negative spirits are compelled to leave immediately.

But in theory this can be used for any healing, just focus on a past trauma or body part and repeat this prayer. Voila.


The idea is simple … you discharge magnetic power (karma)… so you free up willpower and energy.