Ho'oponopono Guided Meditation with Energy Programming (Emotional Release & Grounding)

Here, I would usually go by this thumb rule: Almost nothing is a complete replacement to anything, just partially, sometimes a lot. Best to use or at least try both.


Imo this one works on consciousness more (and does plenty of things that emotional release doesn’t) and emotional release works more on energy and emotions in a raw way. Likewise emotional release does things this doesn’t, or at least not directly.

I just came to say that this field seems to be able to bypass certain defense mechanisms I had, that other fields weren’t getting around. I have not been able to indulge in laziness and there was a strong, natural and not-as-judgemental-as-usual instrospection after using. Almost like a purge, but besides some emotions I don’t understand, it was mostly reflecting (and understanding) on things.

Also, naturally shifting them. I didn’t have to convince myself of anything or even take a decision. It was like my true or wiser self came out and guided me. I just don’t see a choice once finally facing and accepting reality. You know what must be done, and you can do it (I assume cause the field cleared the resistance).

In fact this was part of yesterday’s reading and I’m sure it was all due to this field:

  • The Present Situation - The High Priestess

  • Message: The High Priestess represents intuition, inner wisdom, and a deep connection to the subconscious mind. Today, you may feel a strong pull towards introspection and listening to your inner voice. It’s a day to trust your gut feelings and allow your intuition to guide your decisions.

  • Focus: Pay attention to your dreams, instincts, and the subtle messages around you. Reflect rather than act, and consider spending time in quiet contemplation.

  • Challenges - The Devil

  • Message: The Devil card signifies temptations, materialism, and potentially feeling trapped in unhealthy patterns. You might be facing challenges related to indulgence, dependency, or fear-based thinking.

  • Focus: It’s important to recognize any self-imposed limitations or habits that no longer serve you. Focus on breaking free from these constraints.

This field pretty much forces you to do the work :muscle: :star_struck:

There may be more to this field than just the statements or regular ho’oponopono. Maybe something to do with the full process (assuming responsability for everything in your reality, clearing all imprints and filling the self/identity space with divinity).

Or maybe not, but it works really well.


Thanks for this Dream & Sammy, this looks really helpful. Would it be possible to release an audio version with just one sound in the background (eg the rain or running water) instead of the quick cuts? Easier to focus on :slight_smile:

Since the release, I have been listening to it while sleeping, which makes me sleep very peacefully.


The power of words highlights how positive intentions and spoken words can influence and transform energy.

Reposting here what I shared with my guildies:


I really needed this. I started crying a lot. Thank you.


I have listened to many versions on YouTube, and the Captain’s version feels the most relaxing. :blush: