Ho'oponopono Guided Meditation with Energy Programming (Emotional Release & Grounding)

Enjoy this deep emotional release and grounding Ho’oponopono meditation with embedded morphic fields that guide the process within. It is a visual meditation so all you have to do is follow the phrases and say them in your mind or out loud. Feel them as well! Once you get the flow, you can also close your eyes and continue saying the phrases.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burdened by emotional baggage, this meditation is designed to help you release what no longer serves you and reconnect with your inner peace and strength.

This meditation is fielded with fields to get you into the flow and enhance the effect of the phrases to a much deeper level and with a longer lasting effect.

This meditation also pairs well with our Emotional Mastery audio up for sale now: https://sapienmedicine.gumroad.com/l/


I yawned a lot to this.


Awesome X3! :partying_face:
A true blessing, thanks ya’ll! :slight_smile:


Thank you Sapien. Such nice music… one of my favourites of all fields to date


This was the Leos (aka I got it through number 8 synchronicity).

I was just thinking how the gate didn’t let me pass through it without some cleaning. I was thinking this already but reading through old posts in the forum (wich I wasn’t gonna do lest it made me stay awake xD) led me to some Lion’s Gate video on YT. But at that moment I see 8 notifs and open and see this. A clearing :man_astronaut: :handshake: :lion:

Thank you as always Captain. Was unexpected and well received (even without listening to unexpected gifts :P).

I wasn’t even using it properly, just checking how it was, and I’m already feeling peaceful, and a bit emotional too.

Yeah…plus ambience music and running water. I’m defo sleeping with this in some mins (sorry :pray:).

Thank you, thank you, thank you :bowing_man:

I think this field should be listened to before any other field, to get into the flow, and then, alongside any other field, as it may clear some things that need clearing and that weren’t before.

I think it may also respond to intention, so you can ask it to go exactly to those unhealed parts. All the parts that need some acknowledgement and love before they would agree for your desired changes to happen.

This also has to be taught to servitors definitely, and then request to assist with it when using any new field or practice.

As of now, it makes me want to not do anything and just stay close to the field. I feel it makes energy or consciousness flow. Like it keeps things flowing no matter what. And that sorts of demands my attention and keeps me hooked.

Imagine a body of water. This is like a pair of hands moving it physically and not letting it stagnate, but keeping it vortex water. Feels like it is doing so much effort xD

So I can really feel the flow aspect. I guess each statement is a different energy so it keeps shifting the energy.

But then I’m also on a fast. But as for wanting, I feel like I don’t want nor need anything, I’m fine and complete with this field. I will see if it works the same after eating.


This was beautiful, i definitely feel still and present

i like the reading part of it, it kept the conscious engaged


This is actually a clever tactic to keep our focus. Perhaps they can use this for their fields going forward


This is so good. I’ve always loved this exercise and this field/video takes it to another level of impact. Thank you :pray:

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Glad you guys enjoyed. Was fun and not too difficult to make.

Hmm, can you elaborate?




I was tapping to ho’oponopono and had it in my mind the last few days :milky_way:


the white serif font is very neutral, blending into the natural environments nicely


Meditation whereby one sits, closes their eyes, and 100% focus on the energetic music is not easy, and so most people simply listen to them passively as they go about their lives.

Those are opposite ends on the spectrum.

However, i believe that in the middle of this spectrum is seeing the words on the video and verbally repeating them since they catch more of my attention, thereby intensifying its energetic integration of the field into my being (of course one could still passively listen but the words motivate me to repeat them aloud).

Therefore, saying the words aloud are not as good as complete meditation but better than passively listening. This is the reason for my suggestion that yall can use this tactic to engage the listener more in future fields, enabling our energetic experience to be more meaningful.


Could you please upload it on patreon?


yes, please please! patreon!

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i just came on to ask this

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Hmm, this makes a lot of sense. I’ve been trying to experiment with this for some time. Engaging the listener to more actively work along the field’s intentions.

This is my first time working with just text on the screen though so I’m glad its worked well for some. Was close to adding voice but thought that it might be distracting and mess with your one’s flow if they’re just repeating after me. Also might sound like I’m asking you for forgiveness and telling you I love you haha.

As for patreon… audio only or the video? Typically don’t upload videos. But I’ll talk to dream bout it.


audio only? why not. thx!

So lovely!


Is this field a replacement for the first emotional release?

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