Subconscious/Chakra/Ego Blockage in the stomach area?

I’ve been listening to the PONR stack + some others like Amygdala Healing, Alchemical Crucible, Become Whole, Energy Blockage Removal and also have a separate Attract Wealth, Probability Alteration and Unexpected Gifts stack as well for a month. Have yet to see a lot of results in the 3D, which makes me doubt the effectiveness of the fields sometimes (more loops of subconscious limit removal maybe) but I do notice a decrease in the depression, worry and fear momentum caused by circumstances such as low on funds, which I suppose is a win.

The issue now is that sometimes whenever I listen to certain tracks, especially when it comes to Wealth stacks and Love Gratitude & Appreciation, it almost seems like my stomach area (I presume it’s the solar plexus, sacral chakra area) just starts “contracting”, I’m not sure if it’s a chakra blockage, an ego thing or some kind of subconscious limiting belief going against whatever the field is trying to program. The field could be creating a nice mood and I could feel like a billionaire in my mind but I’d still feel that crunch in there. It’s almost like it’s trying to tell me something or fight me on something but I don’t know what it is.

Is this actually a thing? If anyone has any insight, and if any, solution or fields to tackle this would be nice too.


You are feeling the location where the energy needs releasing. Not surprising that the solar plexus would hold the resistance. That is one of our great opportunities - to find the emotional blockages that we can release. You want to be wealthy, but what does that mean to you? Are you approaching the concept with the thoughts that maybe the wealth is something that can be taken from you or lost? Like you don’t have power in the situation?

I was just writing in another thread yesterday that the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a “real” event and an imagined one. Spend some time in living your life as fulfilled, abundant and blessed, regardless of what 3D might look like at the moment. Then as the feelings come up that appear to be fear or resistance, let them go and be happy that they are no longer a part of your consciousness.

Captain says the Abundance Mindset field is one of the best for this situation. I can attest to that.

Here’s a testimonial thread that is fun: Abundance and Million Dollar Mindset Journey


Hi, thanks for the reply. I previously made a thread here where I did mention coming from a long time NEET background due to deep depression and social anxiety, and with advice from many kind hearted folks, got started on listening to the PONR stack, because I felt like there was so many layers of negativity to work through, then adding a few more here and there for starters. Suffice to say, with such a background, I didn’t have the luxury of having great finances, quite the stark opposite in fact, finance was nearly always a source of worry, hopelessness/powerlessness (as you rightfully pointed out) and arguments among my folks, which probably is a kind of trauma that needs addressing in and of itself.

I think the wealth just means freedom, and freedom is extremely important to me. Also the ability to be able to give back to my mum, who very fortunately didn’t decide to just kick my butt out all these years (they did nag at me to do something but were never forceful for it, which is something I really appreciate), she’s been the pillar of support and I just feel like a failure of a child sometimes, which is definitely something I struggle with as well.

Thanks a lot, I just gave a listen to this field while doing some visualization a whirl and it’s the same deal. The mind sort of feels good, though I realize there’s always some kind of a background doubtful voice like “this isn’t realistic, nothing ever works out for you” or “do you really believe this is going to happen?” going on and then the stomach contraction happens, which I think will give me a flatter stomach than doing crunches and sit ups at this rate.

I’ll give the thread a read as well in a while. In the meantime, I think adding the abundance mindset field and continued usage of Energy Blockage Removal might be the way? (Can’t afford paid fields yet but I hope to one day)


Actually I think Crucible is better for this, as it is fear-based (your block).

Don’t want to overload you with 100 more fields but:

Absolute masterpiece.

These two I had to mention.

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The field gradually and gently replaces your current limited beliefs with a wealth mindset. The negative voices coming up means they are getting flushed out for you to release and remove, not listen to like they were some wise grand poobah. :slight_smile:

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