The Requests and Fields

or logia devil fruit types :+1:

mythical zoans here and there would be cool too



@Josh is able to morph into such stuff at ease.

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a destined one among the destined ones, a true transcended being


One if the oldest anti-inflammatories .
The most frequent side effects are gastro intestinal conditions ,which could be avoided by a field.


A smart field to balance all hormones! Or you could possibly ask the smart field to increase some levels without it being too high! That would be awesome and we would all be grateful for that haha, ik that many people on this forum have hormonal imbalances including me, if we could heal hormonal problems, we can heal many Health problems!




One for PCOS


@Jen idk if you can, but if you are able to do surya namaskar, do 21 a day for like three months. it should reset the body.also if you have PP2, and the Meno-unpause, ( for now at least !)
also no way. For ho’oponopono; II was wishing for that today when I started blurting out stuff lmao- and speaking of…

@Requests: Tourettes Annihilation. both types,

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Thank you Violet! I will look into these. I’m not sure what my hormone makeup is (like what I’m deficient in or have too much of,) so I’m probably not going to venture into hormonal fields for now but I will look up the first thing you mentioned :heart: Who knows maybe ho’oponopono will do the trick :blush:


For now you can use Plasma light and infrasound beach

Ok! In that case seriously consider acupuncture and those acupressure mats (shakti mat); literally they help so much with menstrual stuff like this, irregular, so forth. SM has a acupuncture audio, too!
Not morphic related but
Sakara also has this metabolism powder that’s deff something to consider; it helped my friend with pcos (in terms of symptoms experienced) immensely.

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Plasma light, plasma charged mitochondria, cosmo-volt

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Joint regeneration too, maybe??


Yes of course but I don’t why is ask for shoulder generation, if it’s muscle,nerves,joints,others…
So I just recommend general free fields for help and not specific

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All awesome suggestions. Did you know Dream also made an acupressure one?? I remember seeing it on Apple Music and am listening to it now :) really nice

I think that given the existence of a great ethnic diversity when assessing the different clinical manifestations of women suffering from this syndrome, we are deprived of being able to enjoy the jewel that this audio would result in.

Most experts agree that it is a multifactorial entity, in which genetic factors are increasingly having more impact. Genes linked to gonadotropins (hormones produced by the pituitary gland that is responsible for releasing the female hormones LH and FSH) and other hormones related to insulin (the inability of the muscle insulin receptor to capture glucose, giving rise to an increase of this in the blood) and its receptors.

In addition, as it is a syndrome, it must not only be approached gynecologically, but also the person’s lifestyle must be taken into account.

Meanwhile, without losing the confidence of knowing that the most unexpected day we will have the specific morphic help to relieve us in our metabolic-hormonal fight, I can recommend the following audios that continue to be great allies:
-The DNA Repair System.
-Diabetes Treatment.
-Vitamin D Production.

Cheer up without losing faith :star_struck:


Would it be possible to have something to treat ulcers? Including mouth ulcers, esophageal ulcers, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, rectal ulcers, and so on. We get ulcerations everywhere on the body with some kind of epithelium/endothelium, so something to help facilitate the process would be phenomenal as some kind of skin scarring/ulcer/burn repair field :slight_smile:

Smart Cloaking

We have Cord Cutter and Smart Cord Cutter. We have Cloaking. I want Smart Cloaking. Knowing how much better Smart Cord Cutter has worked for me than Cord Cutter, I have to wish for this.


Would be great to have a field for the legs like Arms jacked and shredded. :smiley::heart:


A field to help this disease please.