The Requests and Fields

A field to help this disease please.

A field to fix sunken eyes with adipose tissue and collagen increase in periorbital area.


Foot posture alignment, ankle muscle strengthening or something like that to help with flat feet.



Eugeroic and modafinil in form of field would be great


Oil gland shrinker or something for BODY acne please… All fields out there only target the face…


I don’t think this exists yet - An item called “the field combiner or the field collaborator”, something like that. Maybe a bracelet or a ring, but basically you play the item up to 5 fields and it will infuse you with them for 48 hours. Then you can switch it up and play it 5 other fields, and they will last for 48 hours.


thought de-indentification so we don’t identify with the thoughts in our forehead area
that’s a big one :heart:

An aid to Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorders

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A Mandala Field and Energy Retainer - or could be called The Energy Closet :slight_smile:

With so many NFT mandalas (and having them printed and laminated) and even other energetic items and different crystals etc, it can feel as if the energy in ones room and apartment can feel somewhat overwhelming with too many different energies.
So it would be very nice and practical if it was possible to create a mandala, that one can print out and laminate, that has something like a one meter radius that retains and shields in all energetic items that is put whitin that field.
So all the NFT mandalas and other energetic items that you are not activelly using, you could put them all in the corner of your room and then placing this mandala there and they would not affect you or the energy of the room any moore until you bring them out of the field again.


Taurine field perhaps as request idk
without bad side effects of course


omg i wanted to request that too haha it would be amazing!! but armodafinil instead of moda

But i held back because we have Alchemical Mind Expansion Blend

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This is a request not for a new field, but if you could put “stomach and intestinal ulcers healing” on Patreon that would be really great. :star2:

Prolactin reduction/Prolactin inhibitor

Prolactin levels get raised in men after ejaculation/post-orgasm.

“Prolactin increases following orgasm.”
“The magnitude of post-orgasmic prolactin increase is thus a neurohormonal index of sexual satiety.”

When prolactin is released into the bloodstream, testosterone is inhibited.

“The majority of men with elevated serum prolactin levels will also manifest decreased serum testosterone”

The man has to go through a refractory period. His testosterone levels will raise after 7 days of abstinence.

Testosterone increased after 7 days of abstinence

“The results showed that ejaculation-caused variations were characterized by a peak on the 7th day of abstinence; and that the effective time of an ejaculation is 7 days minimum.”

The male orgasm effects the male in the same way that the menstrual period affects the female due to high levels of prolactin released in the blood, this leaves him: fatigued, irritable, moody, lethargic, angry, depressed, frustrated, tired and impatient. It happens right after sperm discharge. Most females who had intercourse with their partners can witness a noticeable change in mood, lack of interest and marked withdrawal following the male orgasm.


A woven worlds field for creating a social/ dating life/circle


Tattoo removal by breaking down the chemical bonds inside the ink pigment into nanoparticles and removing said particles via lymphatic system.


Subscription field: Sports & Health Club


Woven Worlds - Love

Ending up with your perfect significant other or romantic interest. Not “the one” as in destiny. But the best match for you. That will make you the happiest that this kind of relationship can. Would surely affect many aspects of one’s life. Might induce some working out, going back to school, finding a better job, discovering and building the right social circle for yourself. And so on.


This one is a must❤️


Could also include a the parental love if they end up with children :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


it is more specific than love then that would be woven worlds - romance wouldn’t it ?