The Requests and Fields

Can we please get a panic attack field? It’s very debilitating and hopefully we can get one to use when an onset of a panic attack starts


It is awful indeed.

Mean time loop the Anxiety one.

You know Panic Attacks are the peak of anxiety and we feel it raising and coming.

Must be tackle before it reaches that point

But also Angelic Intercession works fast to calm you down and put you in a peaceful state


Thank you for understanding :pray:t4:


Panic attacks are usually caused/ accompanied by high lactic acid .
You can trigger a panic attack (in susceptible individuals) through injecting them with lactic acid.

So something to eliminate or prevent excess lactic acid formation from forming would be great.


Something that has helped quite a bit are affirmations on YouTube, more specifically “The Anxiety Guy”

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not available anymore.

Whole Body Regeneration.


Alpha 2 Macro Globulin

(Ameliorates Inflammation, promotes Anti aging)

(Saw it mentioned on cosmic disclosure)

Ultimate Brainwashremoval

Clearing all aspects of your beeing, (sub)conscious,thoughtforms etc. from any nonbeneficial programming.
fully aware of blacked out/repressed/hidden Hypnosis,Affirmations,Frequencys,Fields,Subs,Trauma etc.
Easily replace them with positiv commands. Dissolve any influence of them in your life and get immune to future unwanted programming


We have! You just need to be consistent

You can even just choose 1 or mix a couple from:

1-Plasma Light
3-Advance Healing + Antiaging
4-Elemental Alchemical Ability
5-Quintessence of Marrow
6- Myofascial

And if you have a bigger issue like any Autoimmune condition, or Brain issue (which are the 2 ones that would need extra attention)

Then just choosing one of the above + the Autoimmune field would do it.

And one of the mentioned + brain regeneration

Thats it.


eliminate Gummy smile and tooth gal

There are people in my life who are surprisingly open to the idea of these fields but not willing to spend ANY time listening. My hope is that one day there would a mandala you could place near your bed or under the matress and night after night it would gently rejuvenate your body. Better blood circulation, better energy flow, that sort of thing.

Here’s to hoping.

A general question about the tags: How is it possible to charge the tags with a energy field?
I want to create a SLR Tag for myself as they are not sold right now and I am interested in the process of transferring or charging fields.
Best regards,

Sebaceous cyst removal

Healing the affected gland and bringing it back to it’s natural pre-existing state with plasma and fixing the clogged up gland while draining it at the same time.


Childlike Mind (I guess):

As a children we used to see life in a very different manner as we do now. Without any judgement, ego and any kind of filters based on past experiences. As we grow up our outlook,mindset and behavior changes due to the unhealthy experiences we receive during our lifetime and as a result it affects our mind, outlook and by extension, our reality. And as a matter of fact, we always tend to see the evil in the outside world that subconsciously resides inside us. And that’s not our fault but the fault of the people and environment we grow up with. Now imagine a field that would reverse all the unhealthy experiences we had during our life in a subconscious level and bringing back our mind to it’s healthiest pre-existing state. So we can look at the world and experience the reality without the filter of doubt,hate or any unhealthy mindset and see everything around us with a state and mindset of unconditional love. And experience the world around us without any judgment as we used to do as a child. Also added protection layer which will make any negativity or unhealthy experiences avoid you and you’ll avoid them at the same time so you don’t go back to the negative mental pattern again. As a result we can become more pure, less judgmental, depressive or destructive or get rid of whatever negative tendencies we tend to pick up as adults due to our own mentality and experience. So overime it can become a natural state of your being. Perhaps a smart field with negentropy combined with childlike wonder and regain your innocence. Can work differently for each person based on whatever he needs to achieve the desired goal of the field. An overall belnd to refine our mentality on a much deeper level. I know regain your innocence field covers some aspect I mentioned but I’m asking for something more refined and defined overall. This should also help to dissolve the negative aspects of our personality that we develop overtime such as laziness, anger, greed etc since as a children we didn’t have any of these.

I hope this gets made or at least something closer to this as I believe it can be something quite special imo

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Until then

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Yah I know about these fields. Thanks for your suggestion

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A really cool audio is one that uses the same technique as the guided path audio but aim to find our individual style that expresses us in the most flattering way.

its customised differently for each person so for example, it sees a specific body type then causes the person to make choices to get suitable clothes for it another example is knowing the hairstyles that suits our face shape or the right products for our skin/hair routines and such…

it would be cool if it can check from our memory what our preferences are and what message we are trying to express to the world thus suggest ideas based on it as well

obviously beauty standards are different for each individual person but I’m pretty sure each type of body , face , skin and such is enhanced with specific styles regardless of what society promots.

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Shoulder regeneration


Automated Grounding v2