The Requests and Fields

The last few years there seems to be a focus on probiotics and/or parasite eradication as the answer to healing digestive issues, but there’s another population too. Many have a hard time with digestion because their nervous system is not primed properly before meals (they’re in a rush, they’re stressed, etc) and their salivary glands are also not producing sufficient saliva. As people age, they produce less and less saliva. This can lead to digestive problems and a cascade of other issues like dental issues. A field to help with producing sufficient saliva and the enzymes associated with it, and perhaps a pre- meal primer to calm the nervous system (maybe vagus nerve does this? Not sure) would be great.


Kidney inflammation field!! Like an antioxidants targeted to the kidney, kidneys are one of the most forgotten organs, hopefully we can have one on deck!


I tell dad and dad say 2 me I can write here :
Spend whole day with Sapien SuperSapien!!!
Thanx @Dreamweaver

There’s a nomade asiatic tribu named The Bajau which are able to spend more time under water than normal humans can, they are fishers.
They can breath underwater for around 13 minutes thanks to their genetic by having adapted to their environment and sumerge for 60 meters deep.
They have a genetic mutation in gen PDE10A which modifies the spleen (they have around a 50% larger spleen than normal persons) and the gen FAM178B that influences the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. This gene allows the Bajau to stay active with low oxygen levels, and makes it easier for them to dive.

Maybe a temporal modification of these genes could gives us these interesting superpowers.


Hard to obtain a good, clean source…


Yeah i get one from amazon that is just the hard-milled tablets, nothing added. Really nice. Previously I had gotten a tub of the stuff, and still sometimes reluctant to use it.




A field against feelings of nostalgia and against feelings of longing for some better times that have passed and left only emptiness and longing for these times

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Crucible of The Past helps not only burning the negative feelings of past events but also the feeling of emptiness from the good ones that are there also stuck in the past.

You might feel them all good and bad sometimes strong the first days or weeks because they are uhm burning you know… so you can help the process with emotional release and become whole after listening to that one.

Memories of joy and The Inner Pillar of Power bring up and keep in you the good feelings as if they were there always with you, no you wont feel how this and that person used to love you yet she/he is not here, thatd hurt more.

What these audios do is to fill up the empty spaces in the body and mind with the energy of those good feelings given to us or lived in the past. So you feel whole, without pinpointing what exact feeling there is. You start not missing them anymore because they are there providing the same positive effect they used to.

Now if its specific material things or people then its more a work of letting go

So then etheric cord on dream seeds or the smart cord cutter, ego dissolution and become whole would help.


I would like to suggest a new crystal field like the kinetic quasi crystal…
such as
the white Petalite stone: said to have the highest vibration, connecting to the higest level of conciousness and killing of negativity (enteties, emf)…would be great to get it in a clear form and it is very rare item also. it should be white (clear ) and not pink, Thank you for your Effords and Time dear Captain!


A new hyper less audio with target not only the DEC2 gen but the ADRB1 and NPSR1 genes.


Stress relief 2.0 maybe!?!


Post 4000!

My idea is a field combination of:

APO(a)-LRx (antisense that dramatically lowers LP(a) )

and Repatha a PCSK9 inhibitor.

Together this would all but eliminate heart disease.
It would reverse existing plaque safely and prevent any new plaque from forming.
You can eat your cake and have pie too…


Please make one to heal vocal chords inflammation… laryngitis. It can be caused due to acid reflux or stress or strain of voice box or even infection or allergy. But end result is inflammation in larynx and loss of voice and difficulty swallowing as a result.

I experience it often and become mute for more than a month when it happens… it’s about 2-3 times a year that I go through this and quality of life remains 20 percent with this condition. Doctors put me on PPIs and steroids almost every-time to heal the voice loss. It gets healed that time but it comes back. Thanks @Dreamweaver

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Sharing my research here:

Some anti inflammatory natural substances are …

  1. Curcumin : found in turmeric and absorbed much better through black pepper … I can’t consume black pepper as probably I have acid reflux causing throat inflammation
  2. Omega 3 : usually taken through fish oil but I am a vegetarian so finding vegetarian sources
  3. Gingerol and Zingerone : found in ginger … again can’t take due to acid reflux
  4. Resveratrol : found in grapes etc… again I have stopped sour due to fear of reflux
  5. Spirulina: algae with anti inflammatory properties through antioxidants
  6. Vitamin D
  7. Bromelian: found in pineapple… I stopped sour food for fear of acidity
  8. EGCG: antioxidant found in green tea is anti inflammatory
  9. Allicin: found in garlic is anti inflammatory
  10. Vitamin C

I am sharing this here just in case captain decides to make a field for inducing effects of these compounds for anti inflammatory benefits

And inflammation why is it caused … it’s immune system attacking healthy tissues so part of autoimmune disorder.

I have been listening to generalised fields whatever I can relate to… doing throat chakra also but can’t overdo it. Requesting a field target to voice box for inflammation healing please.

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Tourmalinated Amethyst
Because it should exist.

Zircon Diamond Shield
Combine the effects of these two stones and focus them on defending the border of your energy field. Here is an excerpt on Zircon and Diamond

“Zircon can work as a talisman of spiritual protection. Worn in faceted form as jewelry, its vibration acts as a ‘shield of Light’ around the wearer, keeping intrusive or dangerous energies away and also gently preventing one from unconsciously sending out ‘hooks’ that attract negative situations. The blue-white facetted Zircons emanate vibrations that can provide a link to the plane upon which certain benevolent races of extraterrestrial beings have their primary existence. This is also the plane of many of the ‘blue gods’ of various mythologies.”

Simmons, Robert; Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 522). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

“Diamonds have long been valued for their magical properties, and Hindus over fifteen centuries ago believed the stones provided their owners with protection from evil spirits, fire, poison, snakes, illness and various dangers.”

Simmons, Robert; Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones, Revised Edition (p. 168). North Atlantic Books. Kindle Edition.

There is a lot more to each of these two stones but these are just excerpts.

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Legendary / Mythical female beauty field


A field for long and and full muscle belly insertion would be a great addition to the existing bodybuilding fields

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A field that targets auxiliary breast tissue.
It’s one of the hardest area to get rid of the fats despite exercising & worse when it’s due to genetics.
Not sure if the Arms Shedded and Jacked helps in this case.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Blue Diamond

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All Schumann waves (from 3hz to 60hz)