The Requests and Fields

Hi @Dreamweaver , just putting forth a request to see if it’s possible for your consideration. This is somewhat in line with the Homa and mantra series . The Diety in reference is Lord Murugan/Skandha, Karthigeya/ Velan . He is the Son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti and the brother of Lord Ghanesa . He was purposefully created to vanguish evil and protect the good . He has throughout time had won the hearts of many of us and still instill a great admiration and faith in us of him . It would be super good to give thanks and gratitude and embrace his archetype,blessings and protection for us through our prayers for those go find that of value and bliss. So it will be great to have a audio field to experience him and his intercession and blessings upon us . Thanks :pray:t5: Kartikeya - Wikipedia


beautiful face angel bones🙏


Isn’t angel skull shape more suitable for women?

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In fact, it applies to both men and women
There are also beautiful men😂

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Might be :man_shrugging:
I prefer my warrior skull :skull::mechanical_arm:


hopefully both😅

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A field like be the healer, but emotionally. Maybe be the healer already covers this I don’t know, but it would be really cool to have a field that allows us to be able to effortlessly soothe and facilitate the emotional healing of others without them having to go through any effects from blockage removal… just a simple, loving, soothing effect. Even if we don’t know what to say.


Chakra audios and ipf audio should be updated imo. They came out at 2015/2016 and you’ve got lot better at making fields with new methods since then. Or perhaps an audio to work all 7 chakra ( not Kundalini awakening) at once would be nice too since the tag is not sold anymore atm. Maybe chakra audios 3.0 would be nice. To me they feel lot weaker compared to fields that came out recently since the new fields are very strong and works very fast. Not saying they aren’t good but new ones are lot better and also short in duration. Do however you see best. Just my personal suggestion.


Another possible addition to a future hair loss field.

It has been shown that there is lymphocytic inflammation around the hair follicle in male pattern baldness.
That’s probably why I have found that the lymphatic effusion audio reduces my hair loss.
So my first suggestion would be a lymphatic drainage field especially targeted to the scalp to remove the toxins . Btw there are also lymphatic vessels in the brain ,which opens up a whole new possibility for brain fields, but that’s another topic.

Secondly I propose a field to get rid of the inflammation on the scalp, so a blend of antioxidants like vitamin E or the Procyanidin that I mentioned above ,directly targeted to the scalp.

“These data support the idea that the inflammatory process may be, at least in part, responsible for the development of male pattern alopecia.”

“These results support an inflammatory pathogenesis of androgenetic alopecia.”


Genetic White Glowing Skin


Theu fields are always growing, so those are stronger now

Energy blockage removal not only clears them but grows them and that field has gotten stronger too i use it daily

Same the expansion and chakra stimulations cards are super strong now

Sometimes fields dont feel strong because we have grown accustomed to them but that doesnt mean they are weaker that cant happen


I’m aware of everything you mentioned but thanks

Could we please get a Vertigo field! Balance is essential to life!

why does no one follows this? no wonder why nothing is being made lol.


Combo between or something like a Hardcore field but directed for facial muscles (42 individual facial muscles) + Facial Symmetry with Muscle Toning + Auto - Mewing



I would like field to induce overview effect in brain like every astronauts experienced when they were in space
Research even showed changes on their brains were same as on monks after years and years of practicing meditation

From article;

“From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch.’”
Edgar Mitchell, an astronaut

Medical proof and researches about overview effect on brain astronauts;


doesn’t sound much of a monk😂

Oh Yes it does
It’s the same how would some monk nowdays said Putin , seeing what he does to the world

he (monk) certainly would not watch in the peace of nirvana as all the beauty of the earth is being destroyed around him and as bombs fall around him
Nor any person who experienced “overview effect”

read again quote and understand in what situation this astronaut said it to refers to

it was the time of the Cold War as it was said, a time when the Earth was threatened by total nuclear war

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You can combine The Torsion field + Hum of The Universe

And if you want an even greater experience than what the astronauts feel then add the Star Experience too.

And Schumann Resonance so you can even vibrate at the same weave than Earth while up there


So, I’ve just come across Bupropion which is a drug used to treat Major Depressive Disorder and also it’s seen to tail nicotine addiction.

It seems to be different from SSRI’s in that it works with norepinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibition (from what I’ve read up) and some sources say they work in tandem with SSRI’s to have a greater effect.

I’ve never taken it, as with any other medication, but I thought it could be useful looking into! Esp with the way Cap makes his fields personally I’d trust it a lot more than physical drugs, even for people who I care for.

Apparently there are cases of seizures in higher doses, so I’ve put in a page where they outline the side effects/mechanism of action for the drug

If it seems interesting or if anyone has any experience with it, it’ll be cool to hear what you guys think!

I’ll attach some links down!

  • There’s a Reddit thread/subreddit which I thought could be useful for anecdotal/experience based notes + more fine tuned case by case notes.

++ The Book used in the Reddit post is - Nursing 2021 Drug Handbook by Lippincott

+++ If there are fields which do the same, or better than I’d be glad to know which ones! What I could think of generally was Brain Regen, Norepinephrine, Amygdala and the Neuro Album.