The Requests and Fields

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Hi SapienMed icons, my biggest appreciation for Eyebrow growth or enhanced field

How much will it cost?

I’m working on it :grin: not sure when , it costs 225$.

edit: started a thread

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Sardinian Cistus Incanus

A simple treatment of many – if not most – chronic illnesses

The number of healthy living years – the “health span “- is continuously decreasing and reaching epidemic levels. Neurological illnesses, chronic fatigue, insomnia and chronic pain are increasingly affecting younger populations, including children. The causes are well known: exposure to farming chemicals in the food chain, polluted air and the ever-increasing exposure to microwave radiation. The Medical diagnosis of the induced “new” illnesses includes ME, CFIDS, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Parkinson, ADHD, Depression, MS, also Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Leukemia and many others. However, underneath the illnesses common denominators are found. In the 80s many physicians diagnosed “Candida” – a common mould -, in the 90s it became EBV and HHV-6 – members of the herpes “family”- and then it became “Lyme” – a bacterial infection with many co-infections and symptoms associated with it.

Through the meticulous work of brilliant viral researchers (Frank Ruscetti, Judy Mikovits, et al), it became clear that any of the above infections only become symptomatic if there is an underlying, hidden continuous activity and virulence of human endogenous retro-viruses (HERV). These viruses have been embedded into our DNA since the beginning of time but used to be silenced by our inborn brilliant defences: DNA methylation, acetylation and other mechanisms.

What happened?

Through environmental “epigenetic” influences, such as the uncontrolled bombardment of our systems with toxins and electromagnetic fields, our gene-silencing mechanisms are failing. We have to help our systems to survive this crazy time, until there is the political will and action to contain the destructive influences.

What can we do?

Through our own ART- guided research we found a simple, effective and affordable solution: 6 cups of Cistus tea sweetened with whole leaf Stevia.


Cistus incanus (Ci) is also called Mediterranian Rockrose and found in Italy, Greece and Turkey. It is the only brush that has not only survived years of drought in Sardinia but prospered. In our research only the Sardinian wild harvested Ci, never sprayed with anything chemical, has the properties we need to fulfill our criteria for whole body healing.

A study in Scientific Reports from 2016 shows Ci to not only be effective in a brilliant invitro study against the worst of the retroviruses, HIV, but to be effective in the most drug resistant cases. Rebensburg, S., Helfer, M., Schneider, M., Koppensteiner, H., Eberle, J., Schindler, M., … & Brack-Werner, R. (2016). Potent in vitro antiviral activity of Cistus incanus extract against HIV and Filoviruses targets viral envelope proteins. Scientific reports, 6, 20394.

It has also been shown to be effective against Ebola, the flu virus and Lyme/Borrelia Labdanum from Mediterranean Cistus species: GC-MS fingerprints and relative quantification of Antispirochaetal manoyloxides. Planta Medica, 78(11), PA10 Kuchta, K., Grötzinger, K., Birkemeyer, C., & Rauwald, H. W. (2012).

Rauwald, H. W., et al. “On the antispirochaetal activity of manoyloxides and carvacrol from the oleoresin labdanum of Cistus creticus L.” Planta Medica 79.13 (2013): PN53.

Also against mould and other bacteria (Bouamama, H., et al. “Antibacterial and antifungal activities of Cistus incanus and C. monspeliensis leaf extracts.” Therapie 54.6 (1999): 731-733…

Ci is also a very effective biofilm breaker, unmasking persistent infections. Hannig, Christian, et al. “Effects of Cistus-tea on bacterial colonization and enzyme activities of the in situ pellicle.” Journal of dentistry 36.7 (2008): 540-545.

Whole leaf Stevia has been shown in a study by Northwest University in the US to be as effective or more effective in the treatment of Lyme disease than triple antibiotic therapy, including the use of Daptomycin Effectiveness of Stevia Rebaudiana Whole Leaf Extract Against the Various Morphological Forms of Borrelia Burgdorferi in Vitro. Eur J Microbiol Immunol (Bp). 2015 Dec ;5(4):268-80. Epub 2015 Nov 12; P A S Theophilus, M J Victoria, K M Socarras, K R Filush, K Gupta, D F Luecke, E Sapi

So how do we use it?

The Sardinian tea leaves are brought to an ultra-brief boil, then simmered for 5 minutes and cooled down. The pot/pan has to be covered with a lid to avoid the escape of the volatile oils from the plant which contain the precious manoyloxides and labdanum – responsible for the powerful anti-Lyme effect. Whole leaf Stevia tincture is not just added to sweeten the tea but for its important anti-Lyme effect. Do not use the commercially available clear Stevia extract! I use the products from KiScience only, which fulfill all of our criteria to tame the retroviruses, mould, Lyme and other bacteria and viruses. The same tea leaves should be re-brewed 2 more times, since other polyphenols and plant adaptogens are extracted when doing this.

Case study:
A case from my Swiss practice (Swiss BioHealth): a 29 year old woman was mostly confined to bed for the last 8 years. She was diagnosed with Lyme disease, ME, POTS and Leaky Gut, and had been on multiple antibiotic regimes before coming to my care. She was highly sensitive to almost anything taken orally and restricted to only 3 foods she could eat. She was depressed and her parents had run out of money unable to support her beyond her immediate needs. I started her on ½ capsule MegaSPore Biotic until her food sensitivities improved and she could expand her food choices. We increased the MegaSPore to 2 caps/day. Then we added the Stevia-sweetened Sardinian Cistus tea. At first she could only tolerate 1 tablespoon twice daily (she kept the prepared tea in the fridge), and we slowly increased the dosage.

Over a 3-month period she was able to drink the recommended 6 cups/day and reported, that with each increase of dose, symptoms she had for years “fell away” – first the nausea, then the insomnia improved and the anxiety lessened, then the brain fog lifted, then the muscle and joint pain disappeared, then she was able to walk increasingly long distances. When I saw her again 6 months later she was basically fully recovered. At that time we needed to do some psychological interventions (PK, MFT) to deal with her remaining low level depression, which responded beautifully to identifying a “systemic issue” and bringing some healing to it: her mother had lost a sister very early in her life. I have also seen beautiful outcomes in children with autism and ADHD, adults with ME, food intolerances, MS, a case of breast cancer, most patients with Lyme….

to date, my clinical work with wild harvested pure Sardinian Cistus tea and whole leaf Stevia is the least invasive yet most effective treatment for Lyme disease and many other modern chronic illnesses, caused by persistent and hidden infections.


I was just reading about clove oil and hair growth. Thanks for the link.

@anon71013580 ordered some cistus tea. Very grateful for info! :)


Height growth 2.5

Works like 2.0 along with some additions
gathers more steme cells on growth plates by converting fat cells and then then the steme cells starts producing chondrocyte to create bone


A Sapien perfume or body oil filled with magic :star_struck: to make you smell heavenly :sparkles: I can never find the perfect perfume…but maybe Dream could make it?


Ooh yeah sandalwood and rose or jasmine - yummy!


Phimosis/frenulum breve is a common problem with penises- basically, phimosis is being unable to fully (or easily) retract the foreskin due to tightness, and frenulum breve is when the ‘string’ under the penis head (similar to that part underneath your tongue) is too short/not stretchy enough (sometimes due to scarring, lack of growth etc.) which can be painful during sex/cleaning etc.

A field that would solve this issue (particularly the frenulum breve- phimosis can more easily be solved through regular, gentle stretching exercises, but the frenulum ‘string’ is a lot less pliable and more easy to scar and become less flexible through overextension) as well as anything to restore sensitivity to these regions, as the dry friction/tightness from these things can cause issues with that as well would be excellent.

Something to increase cell growth/elasticity/heal scarring in this frenulum area is an idea for how to do this, maybe?

This is a relatively common, but not especially well known issue (probably due to being a more private issue that isn’t often spoken about) that a lot of people could really benefit from help with. Thank you.


An addition to a future hair loss field:

Procyanidin B-2 targeted to the scalp and hair follicles.
It has been proven effective in a few studies but it oxidizes really fast so that makes it harder to use in reality.

Procyanidin B-2 Extracted from Apples Grows Hair in Clinical Trials of Male Pattern Baldness

  • The increase in number of total hairs and terminal hairs in the procyanidin B-2 group subjects was significantly greater than controls
  • 78.9% of subjects showed an increased mean value of hair diameter
  • Procyanidin B-2 therapy shows promise as a cure for male pattern baldness.”

Procyanidin B-2, extracted from apples, promotes hair growth: a laboratory study, Br J Dermatol . 2002 Jan;146(1):41-51

In this study, the researchers concluded that procyanidin B-2 acts to diminish protein kinase C isozymes, which play an important role in the hair growth cycle.

Procyanidin B-2 seems to promote hair growth by downregulating PKC in both the anagen (active growth phase) and telogen (resting phase) of the hair follicle. When the anagen phase is prolonged, and the telogen phase is shortened, increased hair growth results .

Apple Chemical Grows Hair in Clinical Trials- Procyanidin B-2 Hair Growth Formula


Gut flora is the key.


Hi, Airr! group welcome 5

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I was wondering if we can get fields for face masks which have been all the hype past 2 years. Something like from Demon Slayer where they have a mask charged for protection and ward off demons/negative entities. That be cool to have a face-mask with a warder charged into it

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This would also be great for plants ;)

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Training flexibility /mobility is really hard and in some areas extremely difficult to get successful in. I have really poor ankle mobility and was hoping for a field that improves the dorsiflexion etc.

I forgot mention, for eyebrow growth, can you make a field for the anagen phase to be longer just like the lashes one?

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But targeted to eyebrow area. That’s all thank you

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A field that causes the development of dimples.

I think we can all agree that dimples are pretty adorable — or at least, desirable.

@Captain_Nemo @SammyG

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The language - Ben McMahon effect field!

An experimental language field that targets the right side of the brain. Have you ever heard of Ben Mcmahon? He only knew basic chinese and got into a car accident/coma and woke up speaking chinese fluently. The doctors theorized that since the left side of his brain was off and healing, the right side took over both sides and it is said that the chinese language uses the right side of the brain unlike the English language that uses the left side. Can you imagine if a field like this was made, similarly to your subconscious voices experimental field? I would honestly love to learn Japanese, Swedish and many more languages instantly this way. Thank you!