Horror movies and shielding

Would I essentially be feeding on negative energy if I have my shielding tag while watching horror movies?


You’re asking the right questions! Now we need the right answers lol

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So I’m currently rewatching “teen wolf” and I noticed I grip my hands sometimes, get anxious a bit and some low level of fear. (I don’t know these are symptoms of knowing what’s going to happen and I’m just trying to impose my knowledge to the characters at the moment) I want to say the unofficial answer is yes. You do feed of horror films, or better say they feed of you.

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Well, “negative” is not a thing in itself, it is relative to how one reacts to something, and how something affects a person. The same is applicable to not just horror movies but gore, drama, hell even news!


The way I see it, there is nothing positive or negative. Essentially, we (our energy systems) react positively or negatively to various things, and even that changes with time.

For example, are almonds negative? Yes, for people who react negatively to it due to intolerance, but not for many others.

While dealing with positive/negative energies as such is good to address the symptoms temporarily, the long-term goal should be to align with Neutrality (borrowing the term from Dr. Yuen). There is a notion that to be happy (which is the goal of everything we do right?) - (a) We need to achieve a bunch of things that are considered positive (b) Stay away from a bunch of other things that are considered negative - so says conventional wisdom. Now if we design our lives around doing “positive” things and avoiding “negative” things, the definitions of which change constantly, are we sure we will be happy and balanced?

Being aligned with Neutrality would be to rise above it all, to be not affected energetically by either things perceived as positive or negative. Even supposedly positive things/emotions can imbalance us. Energy is energy - at the core, it cannot be negative or positive, but the reaction or judgment to it is what makes it as such.

When one stays in a Neutral state, there is no need to block, shield, remove “negative” energies, or do any kind of acrobatics to attract the “positive” energies. Sometimes, entertaining a strong belief (/fear) that we need to block/shield against a certain energy/energetic pattern is what fuels that particular energy, manifesting an attack (I write this because many folks on this forum are constantly worried about entity attacks and actually manifest them). Not dwelling in a space of fear (block, shield, expel, avoid attack, remove demons) or lack (manifest, attract this or that, enhance this, increase that) fixes problems a lot faster than dwelling in such a place and then trying to fix issues.

Love energy is one way to be neutral (as long as it is not conditional and not restricted to an emotion), Mindfulness is another way. The field of neutrality is another way to look at Non-duality or Advaita where things are present, many many things, many many energies, we just exist in harmony with them all by realizing that at the core, it is the same energy that appears in myriad apparitions. The Vibration series should eventually get us into this Neutrality zone.


Umm. @Maoshan_Wanderer… Feel like this is way more confusing than clarifying for most posters here.


I thought that might be the case! Hopefully, a few got what I was trying to say in probably way too many words :laughing:


i liked your details! your perspective is similar to mine and i’m glad i could relate!


Well he asked for explanation and you gave one, lol

I can’t argue with what you wrote, but this is one of those things that is very difficult for someone to actually apply, unless they are anyway close to the state of neutrality.
This knowledge comes from experience.

People buy shielding tag and use aura clearing… if we were completely detached, thus experienced everything as is (neutral), we would not need these.


I think that content of what we watching definitely affects our consciousness, I so regret for watching some russian show about russian psychics and how they deal with negatives and clearing negative energies around people and how they deal with their tragic destines etc… next day I noticed change in my “mental behaviour” if I can so say it

Now I am avoiding it even though it’s very interesting show

@Maoshan_Wanderer Some good points here. Dr. Yuen’s technique is all about this. He is eliminating charges that are blocking you and getting you to a neutral place.

From my understanding and self-work, I’m working towards getting to a neutral place so that I’m not reacting to any positive or negative situations. There should be no charge on either side so then I can make the choices with a clearer head.

It’s about eliminating the +/- charges within yourself to get to a neutral state.

This is something that @_OM has mentioned as well with the Spiritual Technology techniques… eliminating polarities. This works faster, imo, because you are tackling both sides of the coin with this technique :slight_smile:


Getting scared from horror movies :sweat_smile:

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I don’t watch horror movies.

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If the movie has negative intent in it, the tag should convert the negative into positive energy for your use. But most movies contain negative programming in addition, I don’t think the tag blocks that


Horror movies are easy for watching because you all know later it’s some kind fantasy or it never happened, something like with a nightmares, you just know “it’s just a movie”, but when you watching movies or shows based on true stories in this reality with so much negative contents, well that isn’t easy… because you believe in it after, and especially after you made connections how it really all has sense… that’s what more affects consciousness IMO
It basically reprogram your belief directly, or affect it

Thanks for your detailed answer. Personally I like horror films but it seems they always leaved me with some undesirable/uncomfortable vibe to me or to the room after watching, so that’s one reason why I asked. Now with my shielding it seems like I’m not getting that problem, in fact I find them more entertaining, hence why I asked about the negative energies converting to positive ones, thinking that may be part of the reason.


Lmao this is me when I watch a horror movie with someone who’s actually scared of horror movies.


I LOVE horror movies! Lately, I am waiting for something that scares me even slightly haha… Movies these days are terrible in that department!


totally agree, i find i got a much better time seeing other people react lol.