How and when to use Jing, Chi, Shen and Transmutation & Microcosmic audios

Me too lol

It would be very resourceful for the community :slight_smile:


Transmutation transmutes primal energy into spiritual energy.

Microcosmic deals with chi in the lower dantian.

You lose Jing every second of your life, sex and other things just increase the amount of loss. Its beneficial to play Jing daily, even if youre not losing it trough sexual means. (Stress depletes Jing faster than sex btw)

Chi is literally your life force, not jing, whatever you focus on, chi is sent there. So once again, unless you meditate 18 hours a day and sleep for 6 hours lol, youre gonna lose Chi. Just like Jing, its beneficial to play it daily.

You’ll know. Transmutation wont help much, microcosmic might because it expands your energy body. Plenty of ways to deal with excess energy, go figure.



Why no?

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Because wet dreams arent what you think.

Jing is feminine energy, an excess of feminine energy in a man should do the opposite of making him horny.

You never really “dream” alone, but if I say more you’ll get paranoid lol.


Utter trash advice.

ffs. will you please, PLEASE , stop posting about “sex” and/or “jing, ch’i, shen”.
It’s absolute trash advice… Absolute trash. Gar-bage!

One day when I’m either grumpy and/or peaceful enough, I’m gonna go thru the multitude of posts by you that are absolutely made up nonsense in this forum and clean it up.

Until, then…please, just stop. For your sake and everyone else’s.

It’s ok to NOT know and to NOT speak about subjects you do not KNOW…


For anyone looking for very good, not at all bad or made up advice on “sex”

Go here


I can’t wait.


I’m assuming you were referring to succubi although I don’t want to anger OM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m not gonna get involved in this feud haha



Relax, this is the internet, were just havin fun.

Dont fear the arcturian, hes a sweety.


Calm down wizard nerds


Subliminal peasant, be gone.


I was thinking to myself: I wish someone would make a compilation of Samu “flip-flopper” rai advices, precisely all the BS he spits out while trashing others/humanity to only come back a month later contradicting himself.



Don’t bring up my past😖

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“If i dont answer, dont take it personally, I dont like wasting time with stupid people”


What is it with bookworms and their superiority complexes…?

Read, accept as truth, develop fixed,subjective perception of reality, blind yourself to new realities

But its okay, I am open minded.

I will never claim to know truth, so again, instead of acting tough online, add your input, I am always ready to learn more.

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This thread has descended into chaos.


Consider this post an honor then! Especially since it will be my last on this subject, my point is clear no need to discuss further.

If you’re going to belittle others as “peasants”, “apes”, “primitives” and then proceed to give them advice, then indeed that seems like a superiority complex to me. The least you could do is make sure you know what you’re talking about, instead of comming off as a this impulsive kid who does it just for the sake of naysaying.

Your attitude shows otherwise. I can only imagine how much I would cringe if I had your post history.

I beg your pardon? If I recall correctly, you Philip and Samurai are responsible for 90% of the ever growing off-topic on this forum. When someone calls you on your BS you suddenly have a problem?

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By ‘chaos’, I was referring to a heated argument.

Add origin to that list :joy:

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bruh I just fuck around, my comments were never helpful lmao ayyyyy :alien:


I think that’s what he means by “ever growing off-topic” lol