How can I generate attraction towards people?

I saw a post where someone said that I could generate attraction by practicing qi, jing, shen, but I don’t know how anyone knows how I can do it.

I seek to generate attraction to have all the sex I can.

Hi there @Percival

Welc WT and Aphrodite

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Use attraction fields. And use grindr app for the sex.

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Improve your look


Hello how are you, I recommend that you listen to audios of male beauty, get into the gym, audio of pheromones (androstenol, etc) and finally some audio to improve conversations, since you can’t pretend to have sex without saying a word I think haha

*The Magnetic Man
*Attract your desire

Besides the advice already given, work on your social skills.


You just need to find someone who’s as eager for that as you are. You don’t need morphic fields for that.


Why not just join a swingers club or sex club? You can generate attraction to the opposite sex but that doesn’t mean or guaranteed a girl will sleep with you

increase sexual energy.

If it’s sexual attraction, then imagine a red sphere in the area of your sacral chakra. Keep your attention focused on it, and as you concentrate, gradually increase the size of the sphere. Do this at least twice a day for 20 minutes. You don’t have to meditate or close your eyes; just shift your focus.

After a week, you can increase the time you focus and do it more often, like 5-10 times a day. You can even do this while driving or doing other activities—just keep your attention on your sacral chakra.

This will fill you with sexual energy, and women of all ages will start noticing you, especially those who are interested in sex.

If you want to become a general magnet for people, drawing them in like moths to a flame, you need to open your heart and vibrate at the frequency of love.


I was able to get really good results in the past as can be seen here: Attracting too much attention - Ask for Advice - Sapien Medicine (

The first person I did it too got so much attention she literally became scared of it :laughing:

My day-to-day life is literally just that. I get so much attention sometimes I get pissed.

But not everyone experienced those results since everyone has different backgrounds and some just refused to accept it was working.

I’ll take the blame as I offered the service.

I also don’t really think all that energetic attraction works as well as others do. I don’t use jing, chen, shi, or anything else, just the bodies natural energy.

I’ve been getting these results for the past several years myself and I’m telling you that no amount of qi, jing, shen or other energies are going to generate so much attraction you’ll have all the sex you want.

The nerds on this and other spiritual sites have been collecting $1000s of fields to address this when that money would rather be well spent in therapy. I’m sure there has been some success, but it’s just not worth it to me and I haven’t seen many people talk about any resounding success doing any of these methods.

The only people who had results would likely have had results with or without fields.

A lot of the “results” the other nerds got comes down to women staring at them or giving them a look and sometimes people just look at people :man_shrugging:
Even when they get results it’s hard to say if it was because of a certain field, their energy, or just a case of humans being humans and having sex.

The only thing I can recommend in this field would be Matchmaker 2.0, as I used the old version, and the new version seems even better (I have yet to use the new version) Matchmaker 2.0 - The Energetic Journey To Love! (


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From nobody to a gf + 10 other women chasing me and anyone I’m interested in returns that favor…no matter if they are taken or not. And I don’t have to look good, have social skills, be tall, or have money. Don’t even have to say anything.

Ya’ll just doing things blindly with all these fields.

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What is the best way to increase sexual energy?
Radiant sexuality?

As a friend wrote here in the forum

passion is sexy

Is this technique very effective? How long does it take to take effect once you start practicing it?

Have you already done it? And how did it go for you with this technique?

Try it yourself and see :)

Where your attention goes, energy flows. You simply keep your attention on the area of the sexual chakra and fill it with energy. People can feel this energy and respond to it.

However, this technique doesn’t remove blocks, improve, or transform anything. It just amplifies what you already have.

Yes, I used to do this a long time ago when I felt the need to be more noticeable, etc. It was super effective. Even now, when I start focusing, I immediately feel warmth. But after working through a huge number of blocks in all areas, my energy level changed significantly, and so did my priorities. Now, I don’t need to be overly sexual or overly attractive to others in a sexual way.

How has your sex life been since you learned to do this technique?

Have women been very indiscreet in wanting to ask you to have sex with them because of this technique?

Some are very insistent about having sex with you, do they ask you in a forced way?

Hey buddy, my spiritual growth has led me to opening my heart, not to sleeping with everything that moves. I didn’t use this technique for seeking sex with anyone.

This technique won’t turn you into a macho guy that all women will throw themselves at and beg for sex. It will just get you more attention and give more sexual energy.
What happens next depends on you—your confidence, charisma, subconscious beliefs, and appearance.

You can get similar results if you abstain from sex and masturbation for a month. Women will also feel your sexual energy. The surplus of energy.

P.S. Don’t forget, a woman’s desire for sex also depends on where she is in her cycle. Sometimes they really want it, maybe even more than men… even without any manpulations from the man’s side.