How can I meet with my best version from parallel worlds or the future?

@Drift Hello. So many thanks for sending me these beautiful and helpful messages. I should review your messages a couple of times plus take notes. But, now I send a direct message to you.


Well, there was just one question, just once that I wished to be in another Universe, when my mom was close to deathā€¦

I wished that I would see her defeat her illness, I hope I have not done any mistake, I hope ā€œmy original momā€ (IF I have shifted Universes/Dimensions) is well or at least she did not die without at least a version of me doing Everything to help herā€¦

This thought is haunting, but I have lost my father as a teen and the pain (of losing a parent) is justā€¦

At least in this timeline, my mom is better.


I canā€™t see the DM :confused: Been trying for a while.

If it helps you, I donā€™t think you shifted in a ā€œsignificantā€ way. Some people would argue any change, little or small, is a shift. Or any big change is a shift. I donā€™t count those.

I count shifts as something bigger. Buildings that you know well (you pass by them every day) have changed, relocated, are missing, whatever.

Your body would be pale and give a feeling it is transparent or plasma-like. That sorta thing.

But then, if one argues we are always shifting, no harm done more than in the past. And you have a better reality. Iā€™d be happy with it.

Also, in spiritual sources, there was always a talk of other dimesions, but people would travel in different ways, not physically. Besides that, there wasnā€™t much interest in them (Iā€™ve seen parallel universes as the true explanation of possesion, levitation and other weird phenomena, that was misunderstood at the time).

So yeah, my point is you can meddle with spiritual stuff but physics seems to invite a lot of trouble.

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Yes, after all, a better life is Why we fight in the first place.
Thank You. :pray:

I deleted my message a week after sending it to you. Iā€™m still working on your advice. If I face any problem or have any questions, I will tag you here. Thanks.

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