How can I meet with my best version from parallel worlds or the future?

How can I call my best versions to come to find me? I wish I could take the best advice from my best versions, today! Then, I could change my life and push it forward a little. There are many obstacles in my way that my power is not enough to overcome them. I feel/think my achievements in life don’t match my age. What if I spend 10,20 years or more but don’t achieve a normal life? Struggling with stupid things which shouldn’t have existed from the beginning took away my energy. I remember when I was 20 years old once I was crying in front of a counselor because I was very worried about the future but he only advised me to do my best as much as possible! I did it, but now I’m exactly at that step that I was worried about and it seems nothing makes it easy for me to decide what to do next for my future.


I was at a similar point not so long ago.
Try meditating to the higher self field and ask for help.

You can also try this one


I don’t know about parallel selves and also doubt if any of your parallel self would be living the exact same life situation to the t because would you want to play the same game from the beginning to the end overcoming the same challenges at the same junctures more than once?

Your best version from your current timeline is something you can experiment with as you would have an idea or the vision of your best version. You can try imagining meeting this best version and asking for advice while observing as a third person. Like day dreaming with a dialogue.

May be Neville Goddard’s teachings has something for this purpose. Anyone well versed with his teachings can add.


They’re already within you as potentials.
The way I’ve done it is meditate, and in meditation imagine the most amazing house I can possibly conjure up, with astonishing details, a garden, large rooms, I saw the corridor, kitchen, living room, etc. Completely fabulous.

Then I sat down in the garden and saw another me sit down beside me. He looked similar as me but the entire aura felt vastly different. It felt like me upgraded.

I was able to ask questions about pressing matters in this scenario, problems I needed to solve or general inquiries.

It was very wholesome and wonderful.
I haven’t gone back to that place in meditation yet, but I still see it vividly in front of my eyes.


Yes but the parallel selves should have their own set of challenges and may or may not be very helpful if the OP is looking for something very specific. My strong assumption is common things between parallel selves would be very limited, can be counted on fingers - in this current timeline you may have been born to an extremely abusive parent but rich, in another same extremely abusive parent but born in a ghetto, in another as a different gender but with same above two cases etc. so the variables will be played around to create a different life situation unique to each timeline. The possibilities are limitless.

A person born to an abusive parent in a rich family will have different challenges to overcome than someone born to an abusive parent in a ghetto, one’s advice from one timeline may not be enough for other from another timeline. There is nothing wrong in trying though.


Things can change—at any age. Don’t fret about the past; that’s being overwritten quite fast these days, soon to be Gone with The Wind. An empty trophy shelf won’t matter.

I do think the perfect is the enemy of the good, so I’d recommend trying to meet a better version of yourself instead of the best.
And I’ve never even met a better version of myself, but I’ve “morphed” myself into a better person, and fields have really helped with that.

I try to work with obvious fields with noticeable payoffs. Early on that was brain regeneration and super metabolism boost. I played until I noticed improvement and then kept at it. Before long, I was dealing with a better version of myself. Not the best by a long shot and probably something not even approaching a higher self, but it was enough for me to believe that continued improvement was possible.

I guess what I’m trying to say is accomplish a doable improvement. Make it stick and build from there. Don’t worry about the best version of you or a normal life—just improve a couple of things. And then you’ll be on the path in no time.

Of course, use Angelic Intercession, which I should have mentioned earlier—use it all the time.


@Kalacakra hmmm. I know what you mean, but I said my best versions, not any kind of versions. Even my best version(s) from the future. As time is an illusion, that version of mine already exists. (Don’t worry, I’m the worst version! I promise to not give them any advice!)
I think meeting my best version is very easy but I know no mentors who volunteer to teach me such a thing. I’m familiar with Neville Goddard and his method.

@Nice2knowU I think it’s very easy that someone sits in a safe place in the world imagining this dream or that dream. I’m living in one of the worst places in the world, the rate of exchange is terrible and I’m not that young. Also, I already spent so much money on my health issue. My dreams don’t influence the rate of exchange and they don’t reduce my age.

Replay talked about the past and the wind! Well, sometimes the past sticks to the present and future and wastes the dreams of many generations. Those who have lost their lives had many dreams too, they didn’t want to receive a bullet in their face! I don’t want to find myself in a grave!

I need something more powerful than dreams/hopes/imagination/etc. I need continuous advice on this journey. That’s why I said it could be very helpful if at least my best versions from the future could find me.


By mentors you mean your best versions?

You seem to be asking you want to know what you should do with your life with a complete map and knowing in advance what you will encounter at each turn. Wish it were so easy.

No. By mentor, I mean all those individuals who are capable of doing such a thing.

with a complete map and knowing in advance what you will encounter at each turn

No. We’re humans, not robots. I’m not looking for a map of life.
Now I remembered that Quadible had a field under the name of “the bright future”. At the time the video was released in the description there was something about having the help of one’s ancestors and future self. But in a day or two, the description was deleted. I don’t know whether the video still exists or not and to be honest I’m not interested to listen to the creations of other creators. But I wanted something like that and actually better than that. A real advice from real versions of mine.

Sounds like The Guided Path might be of interest to you, as well as the new The Blessed Path (Public NFT) (new replacement for the old BPIL tag).

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Yes it is very easy
But there have been people even in concentration camps (I’m thinking Viktor Frankl) and probably in other extremely dire situations who overcame these situations. (The book by the North Korean lady comes to mind as well).

I’m not trying to convince you of anything btw, the choice is ultimately always yours


I want to meet my best version or my higher self and tell him that


he is an A**hole for not helping me.


Ok, but for my own curiousity, when you say your best version already exists, you are not sure what the best version of yours turned out to be?

May be I’m missing something here, if I want to lose weight and my best version tells me to workout, eat better and use sapien fields consistently, should I be surprised or should I expect something more as an advice?

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Point as a nearby object, say “this X (mouse, keyboard, phone…) here”, point at a far object, say “that X there”. Repeat “this x here, that x there”, or even just “this, that”. Once you get the mental state shift, say “this body here, that body there”. This body here is like your mind’s view on it. That body there is like your higher self’s view.

This info by Harry Palmer.

Now try this one:

What am I seeing, perceiving? e.g. a feeling of loss. My father leaving.

Who /what part of me sees it that way? e.g. The abandoned child within.

How would love/calm see it?
And you wait for the shift, or go on.

This is the englightenment technique, by Frederick Dodson (basics of it, knowing the framework and context, and more about the technique would yield better results).

If you want to meet your best self, I’m afraid that’s gonna hardly happen. But you can become the silent witness (the higher self) with practice. That’s your best bet.

And to become your best self, you will have to love yourself the way your higher self does, so still a lot of work to do on that area.

I don’t want to bring you down or anything. There are methods to do this stuff. They are imagination based. You said that sitting down and dreaming nice stuff isn’t what you wanted (kinda). But it is how these techniques work.

They work a lot better if you can access deep, profound states of meditation. You probably wouldn’t need much guidance if you could access epsilon consciously.

There are methods that don’t rely in imagination and put you in touch with your higher self, but you still won’t have answers. You will access a state of no questions and no answers needed.

Your best self is your native self, who is neutral, and whose answers are probably gonna be something like “everything will be alright”. The subconscious and higher self have answers though. You could learn to access your native state, and then practice dowsing from there (otherwise, both the conscious mind and subconscious programming can give false answers).

I’ve had this interest for a long time, and did the imagination exercises and everything I could. Nothing worked. But you get what you focus on, so I dreamed a lot of parallel universes. I once met with a bunch of my selves in a dream. Most of them were doing even worse than me, and those of us that were better didn’t even want to get close to them. One of them seemingly had an infectious disease (maybe HIV) and was definitely on the brink of dying. It didn’t help me one bit, being in the state I was already in.

Then, I also had some dreams that gave closure on my mother’s death, years after it. The parallel universe dreams and massive deja vus started when she was dying at the hospital. It was my mind just trying to comfort me. I prayed to madness and felt waves of peace afterwards, which gave me some faith. Still my mother died. That didn’t help my relationship with anything spiritual.

All of this is to discourage you to force things. It takes time to get out of a really bad situation. There is no best self that has all answers, no parallel universe to which you can escape.

I’ve been helped and guided when I focused really hard on understanding things here. With my normal self and my normal mind. If you insist on something with your mind, you can get a breakthrough.

Luckily you have Dream’s fields too.

If you can’t calm down to meditate, have no time, or anything else preventing it, use the intercessions non-stop. Even for your goals, I’m sure aliens, angels and devas could have some answers. The mass consciousness field, and higher self field can give you answers too. And using the telepathy/empathy field regularly.

And seeing your state, I’d flood myself with all fields I could. The Essence of Faith and Prayer gives you extactly what it says…but sometimes some other energy is more beneficial than faith, even in really adverse circumstances. I’d take a look through all videos and see if anything calls out, and do like a round through the whole channels.

Also, keep focusing on what you want. Be opportunistic. Desperate situations call for desperate measures.

I got the impression you live in some place hit by a natural catastrophe or war. Some people get relocated to rich countries and get a head-start in those places, changing their lives for the better.

If that is happening there, make sure you are one of those people. If not, the same applies.

You need your wits on you more than any higher guidance. Until you can get specific answers (and even then), higher guidance tends to be too optmistic, gentle, etc. If you are in tough circumstances, you need to be tough too.

Some people have survived the worst situations with constant prayer, so that may be your last bet at some point.

My best advice is to keep using Dream’s fields.

I forgot this. The parallel universe guys that I know are Burt Goldman and Frederick Dodson. The only “best version” people I know of are hypnotherapists that basically ask you to imagine an ideal version and then step into it.

Using the scale of consciousness theory, I once saw a guy that said he shifted into a version of himself with no below-200 energies. He dropped all addictions, bad habits, and improved his health, etc too. It may be worth a try.

Some people do this in front of a mirror, imagining their reflection is another self that is in a better state, and trying to shift. But then there are those that say this meditation opens a portal to bad entities. Also I’ve read people that turned their life around with this technique, instantly. Only to be in the same place 3 months later. Plus you want the guidance, not to shift, so using imagination is better for that.

Answering from different perspectives may help too. Like you have a question, answer it as a funny person would, someone famous would, an expert would, etc…and then go for your higher self or parallel self.

When I said native state, I was referring mostly to stuff taught by Devon White, in a hypnosis track by him called “inner game installed”. Something I’m still working on.

To access your higher self, you can also do it through ultra-depth hypnosis. Or life between lives hypnosis.

Please stay safe and take care. Good luck.



PM me if you wish, if you need someone to talk to, or some help. We may be able to work something out.


Great advice :+1: bookmarked it.

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This is interesting, I’m hearing all these names and terms for the first time. But yes this technique seems to be very valid. Seth from Seth Speaks talks about reimagining a different outcome by playing the same situation in your mind that is basically how you change your past. Same technique was provided Neville Goddard as Revision technique. Also in the Kahuna teachings from Polynesia, a similar technique exists for example you stub your toe, you redo the same activity of bringing the toe but just stop before hitting the object and imagining the pain disappearing away.

The only way it works is by slipping into a different timeline because other people don’t remember but you would and you do.

The mechanics may be different but the technique seems to be the same. Imagination seems to be the answer for everything!

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Haha, another thing I forgot. I was gonna suggest Marjan to look into Huna as an empowering philosophy, that doesn’t rely on parallel universes and stuff. Cause the techniques to access higher self that don’t rely on imagination (although they exist in advaita) I first learned in a huna book. Mastering your Hidden Self, by Serge King. I only read that one and Urban Shaman by him, but they are wonderful. Full of golden nuggets here and there.

I never had success with the instant erasing thing from Huna though xD
Edit: lies, it worked a bit a few times…that I stubbed my toe…I think it was unconscious testing xD

When calibrating/reading Huna, it gives a low score in the consciousness scale, despite most people liking it and thinking it would be higher.

I once read a book, where they channelled Max Freedom Long, I think, and he said he took concepts from other fields (like hermetism and stuff, the kybalion basically), added hawaiian words to them and that’s how he brought Huna to the west.

Then, NLP practitioners mixed Huna teachings with NLP. I think that’s why it reads low, cause it started as a lie. But true hawaiian shamanism is top stuff, and even these versions are nice…I’m just saying for anyone that thinks it is low vibe. What reads low is that someone lied about it.

I’m done for the day, but later or soon I will come and ask questions about stuff that mostly comes from Huna (also Annunnaki/ancient persian mediumship…which are for some reason similar…weird connection there xD).


I highlited that just to show how dyslexic I am becoming xD

Another process by Frederick Dodson related to this was like this:

10-21 days where you review everything that happened during the day. Sadly I don’t remember if this was supposed to be done in order (from waking up to going to sleep) or backwards. @anon51404939 this helps with lucid dreaming. And lucid living so.

10-21 days where you do “revision”. Just slight improvements, realistic, not “ideal scenario”.

10-21 days where you “remember” the next day having gone as you wished.

I hope I can do this at some point xD

And another exercise related to time that consisted on talking to your morning self at night, telling him everything that happened. So every morning you become receptive to your night’s self message, and every night you tell your morning’s self what happened during the day.

It is supposed to create many synchronicities and accelerate manifestation. I never tried this one.

I find it easy to cheat…and it probably doesn’t work then.

Also, following this logic, we should be sending wisdom and knowledge to our past selves. This would become a “habit” at some point. The problem is, we haven’t learned much, or we don’t care. Same will be true of our future selves. So the best we can do is to forgive and love our past selves, to get the same from our future selves.

My apologies for the rambling xD. I hope this helps Marjan somehow.


Yes, I was speaking from Serge King’s books. Yes Huna is very powerful and yes no where he talks about parallel selves but I don’t see any other way it works. You can’t suddenly have no addictions which you battled with for years and decades in a minute, unless you slip into another timeline.

But one thing that bothers me is that you in this timeline may feel better but the other parallel self would be still struggling with addictions I think in another timeline. What do you think?

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That has always been my problem with this idea.


Some people just don’t care. Like, my compassion goes out for my former self, but I’m not going back there ever.

There is even a theory that says you exchange places. So your better self is now stuck in a lower place u.u

For me, I always preferred to fix things here…I thought it was just escaping into a parallel universe. So all my selves would be doing the same and one mofo is getting deja vus here suffering again and again xD

From a soul perspective, I think it doesn’t matter. It sees the universes as relative so…you should just shift to the best one. Maybe a lesson on non-attachment.

For me, I first had my mother. I didn’t try shifting cause of her. I experimented a bit once she died.

Then I met my girlfriend. Same thing. I don’t want to leave both of us forever stuck here. I think we should find solutions instead of “never had a problem” them xD. But man would it be nice to have the life we deserve u.u

I will never find an answer to this xD

In a dream, a higher version of me told me the difference between dimension, density, plane, timeline and a bunch of things, to make sense of this…I got too excited, woke up and instantly forgot all of it.

And recently I dreamed of my dragon servitor telling me I’m stretched thin across timelines and that’s why manifesting, healing, etc (even fields working) is getting so hard on this universe. I could even see and sense them. Almost a spider-web of timelines. Guess that’s too many for one soul.

Maybe we are all having too many lives, each one takes a portion of our soul, and so we don’t have much power in any one of them (this is how it works according to the lives between lives books).

I think this can be fixed by us by focusing more in our lives (like not getting interested into too manny things or investing our energy into a lot of stuff). And the timelines should take care of themselves too.

I don’t know. I always knew I had this problem but it is just that in today’s world you can’t focus on just one thing. At least I can’t…so I’m stretched thin indeed.

But yeah, I’m doing better now. When a dragon tells you something, you listen xD

My apologies for rambling again. You shouldn’t encourage me xD


No need to apologize. I hope some one can provide answers because I don’t like switching places either knowing very well that someone is suffering on behalf of me.

All I can think of is to your higher self it probably does not matter because else it would not set up a life of extreme abuse or some other great challenge in the first place. To your higher self it doesn’t matter if Drift1 or Drift2 or Drift3 … suffers as long as any one self suffers it will have its own lessons learnt and move up the level faster.