The Guided Path


The Guided Path

This works by allowing your subconscious to help you make those unconscious sequence of choices that lead towards the path of abundant living.

It helps guide you along those paths that you need to take to live the life you want to live. It works similarly to best path but is more geared toward the path to abundance.


I haven’t used it everyday but when I do it’s several times. I have quit drinking coffee. Its going on day 12. Really haven’t thought about it or wanted any. I have been drinking for over 13 years. A friend mentioned to me who is on a higher plane consciencely, that it blocks your third eye which is your awareness. I was hoping to up my discernment level. I have also been able to fast for 72 hours today and plan to do longer to deal with health issues. I can’t tell you the last time I was able to push myself that far along with working out daily and using the infarrd sauna I have in our home.

I have been striving to be more aware.with all that is happening and not be asleep like I have been for so long. Looking forward to completing these 2 things so I can focus more on meditation and knowledge enhancement with all of this because honestly there is so much, I have no idea where to start.


I don’t think a regular coffee will block your third eye. Maybe if you believe that it will then it shall.


True, but I don’t know for sure. The health benefits alone from quitting have been worth it. I never realized how much caffeine was similar to a drug, which is all I used to enjoy.


I imagine experiences are complex and can vary amongst individuals, as with many things. :slightly_smiling_face:

Some people experience things such as a congested feeling in the head after drinking coffee, or more constriction of the blood vessels in the brain than average, which could certainly impact the physical area around their third eye chakra.

Other people may not experience anything like this and instead experience positive effects.


Very true. I know quite a few relatives and friends who can drink coffee at night, not me, ever lol, unless I plan to not sleep until the next day. I never honed in on the fact that I would get a good nights sleep, require coffee the following morning for it to only slow me down more. Which felt more like it was unmotivating me, the opposite effect I was aiming for when drinking it. Always black so not added calories.

I have definitely had the feeling of brain fog. So much so, it’s amazing how much that has subsided in less than two weeks. I’ve been reading side effects of caffeine and I remember a fasting coach explaining that it heightens your cortisol levels, which in turn, you over react a lot more to daily situations. That has subsided also.

I almost wish I was one of those that had a positive reaction due to my grown love and nostalgia of coffee growing up but happy it only took me 13 years to figure out it’s not suitable for me.


Can anyone point out where to find, The Guided Path field?

Youtube and Itunes/Amazon.


It does lol. Coffee is the best weapon to fk your spirituality. Just like meat and many other stuff… especially if someone wants superpowers then these things must be avoided…also the coffee you drink it’s not even pure. It has many added chemicals in it as well…or even if it was then still same cuz there are some foods that are good for physical body but harmful for energetic body…


Good decision you’ve made… everything comes at a price. It will pay greatly in longer terms…and as uial mentioned that it’s not same for every person…mainly cuz they have their third eye strongly blocked. There was a time I could drink and eat anything without a problem but now if I even take a pinch of sugar my third eye starts hurting…it tells me what to do and not to even when making any decisions somehow…that’s cuz my third eye is detoxifying everyday and able to feel more negative energy…I might even end up getting serious headache even if I eat a little bif of junk food lol but when I wasn’t spiritual it didn’t do anything cuz it was blocked…but the benifits I got from it is just enormous. I quit not only coffee but tea, sugar, fast food, meat and everything. Even use of chemical products including fluoride paste… Yes these are not a must BUT if you wanna surpass the limits in Spirituality then you need to take action for it… you can use fields to grow but why not destroy the root causes that’s holding you back? Then you can reach a higher height…you need to make changes along with fields…(that if you wanna reach at VERY high level of Spirituality)


Can we put coffee and meat aside and actually talk about this audio? How has it impacted you ? I’ve just started listening recently. I’ll update you if I notice any effects :wink:


I first thought that this was a fancy English expression and even decided to use it in a sentence as soon as possible… until I googled it up :))) and read the previous posts lol.

To answer the question: this might be the one that I have used the least in the Bountiful album, so I could never really evaluate the effects. Then the Navigator of Awe came out and I’ve been more attracted to it, also in terms of “directionality”. Along with a few others.

But the Guided Path definitely deserves more long-term exploration.


Haha thank god we’ve got Google :sweat_smile: I’ll carry on listening to the guided path as the description sounds very promising :crossed_fingers::blush: