Getting Accepted into College

Hey guys, my junior year of high school is over which means that I am applying for colleges now, I’ve applied to one already for early acceptance, what would be a good stack to increase my chances of getting in?


Assuming your grades are not a problem (that’d be a different sort of stack),

Probably tons more

Good luck!


@WellBeing the school i wanted to go to appreantly 2/3 of the teachers of the only course i want to do is leaving by the end of the year. What fields would you recommend apart from luck? I am worried as my friend said that they might not offer the course anymore. Although i dont know how vaild he’s opinion is beacuse he has to have teachers for next year right?

This is a different question from what Josh seems to be asking. (Unless, of course, you’re a second account for Josh, are you?)

Then, if this is happening, I would ask you, if this truly is a school that you want to go to?

Maybe it would be a good idea for you to find out how valid and accurate this information is? So, you can make some plans for yourself.

Perhaps, but the school doesn’t have to have teachers for next year for the course you want.

My boy you’ll be fine, just play some luck audios and navagraha Homam