The Power of The Blarney Stone (Cloch na Blarnan)

A number of stories attempt to explain the origin of the stone and surrounding legend. An early story involves the goddess Clíodhna. Cormac Laidir MacCarthy, the builder of Blarney Castle, being involved in a lawsuit in the 15th century, appealed to Clíodhna for her assistance. She told MacCarthy to kiss the first stone he found in the morning on his way to court, and he did so, with the result that he pleaded his case with great eloquence and won.

The Blarney Stone (Irish: Cloch na Blarnan) is a block of Carboniferous limestone built into the battlements of Blarney Castle, Blarney, about 8 kilometers (5 miles) from Cork, Ireland. According to legend, kissing the stone endows the kisser with the gift of the gab (great eloquence or skill at flattery). The stone was set into a tower of the castle in 1446. The castle is a popular tourist site in Ireland, attracting visitors from all over the world to kiss the stone and tour the castle and its gardens.
It is claimed that the synonymy of “blarney” with “empty flattery” or “beguiling talk” derives from one of two sources. One story involves the goddess Clíodhna and Cormac Laidir MacCarthy (see “Origins” above). Another legend suggests that Queen Elizabeth I requested Cormac Teige MacCarthy, the Lord of Blarney, be deprived of his traditional land rights. Cormac travelled to see the queen, but was certain he would not persuade her to change her mind as he wasn’t an effective speaker. He met an old woman on the way who told him that anyone who kissed a particular stone in Blarney Castle would be given the gift of eloquent speech. Cormac went on to persuade the queen that he should not be deprived of his land.
(From wikipedia)
This present to you a connection and an enhanced flow of the blarney stone energy and concept.
(with some additional blessings )
So relax and enjoy this empowerment then go forth and speak blarney.


So this field will improve our persuasive skills and speech?


Hooray! The energy of the stone, without the pee!


lol true

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Huh, that’s kinda a weird synchronicity

so this blessing is permament from listen one? Like kiss it from a distance and be blessed?


So is this supposed to help you speak more persuasively?

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[ Player Stats Updated ]

+100 Charisma


I have understood it in same way as you

Eloquence is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking. It is primarily the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion.



@Captain_Nemo spamming this to bring your work to others! :100::clap:


it’s one of those moments again where I get a random idea pop out in my head and then it happens — does dream send out updates in telepathic messages too :smiley:


Goddess Cliodhna seems magical!


Oh we surely connect to him!! Other way around it is :)


Hahaha same. I was just telling a friend a few hours ago, with a specific anecdote, how I admired my mom’s gift of gab. Her charm could melt stone hearts. To see it in action leaves me in awe. And I was like, Darn, too bad I didn’t inherit that from her. If only there were some way…

Thank you Dream!

PS. This would be great for job interviews!


Love this concept. Thanks @Captain_Nemo


Music of flute is so majestic
With every listening I am love it more and more

Music makes me to dance together with leprechauns on some Irish field around the fire lol


I’m mostly Irish :shamrock:. Def feel the sensations in my throat chakra when listening.


Imagine this + Knight

Oh i can feel the breeze in my hair while i look down at the lands conquered :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Express yourself from the heart with eloquence … :ok_hand:.

Our voice becomes a sweet melody :notes:

This audio will be added to my favorites :slightly_smiling_face:.

Very beautiful flute melodies, Thank you Sapiens medicine :pray::heart::sunny: