Differences between Money/Career/Abundance audios

Reading about abundance for months here, gave me a great business idea.

I’ll get rich in the cardboard business :bulb:

Check my logic, many people here are on the path to homelessness. The majority of homeless people use cardboard for shelter, furnitures, entertainment, writing, begging. It’s the ultimate commodity at this end of the spectrum


Edit: other advises works, but they are basically gold digging. Change the way you think and treat the world and people will show up at the right time to fund your needs.
Nothing wrong with it and yes technically pride and self-respect can be limiting beliefs.


… abundance:

Sacral and base chakra : because it is absolutely important to feel grounded, again like you belong here and now on this Earth, that can provide you with your needs, that you are not alone, that the more grounded you feel the less your mind is up there just immersed in negative thoughts without looking for solutions. Its like imagine if you are in an airplane looking for a nice restaurant, would you find it easier up in that plane or walking down the street?

Throat Chakra : because that chakra is not only important for good communication but its also crucial for feeling good about yourself and secure in your choices and decisions, to ask for help if needed, to voice your issues to find solutions, fear and self consciousness stuck in your throat and stop you from asking around if someone has an available job… simple as that! And that was just one tiny example of why a blocked throat chakra is a big obstacle to keep pushing until you break through.

when we think is not our fault :

A lot of times when we cant find answers as to why i cant overcome this situation or why this keeps happening or why every time i am close to find a solution then it does not happen, so we start looking for who to blame outside us, and then all start making sense “so we think” and we come to the conclusion that we are cursed, or someone put a spell on us, or we have entitties bothering us etc etc

If you find yourself thinking that despite having played SLR for a while, or maybe you are right and some outer force is keeping your in the loop then you can try this to bounce back after a good cleanse.

I am going to mix here with the ones that can free us from family karmas, or in case you grew up without guidance, support or encouragement from your parents, because that too can affect big time how abundance come to your life.

You might have grown in a family that believes being poor is the way for “this family and thats it” or with fears of trying new ideas etc, for whatever related to outer influences :

Justice for All : because believe it or not when we think ppl has been injustice to us, is the victim mentality that stop us from moving forward, is recreating scenarios in our heads over and over of what happened or what could have happen if this and that person wouldnt have done this or that. This audio is not here to go bring upon people punishments in the name of your struggle (in case you were hoping for that) no, this audio help us feel secure and assured inside that everything absolutely everything happens in a harmonious way that lead us to where we should go next or learn now or then what we will need next. This audio helps us let go and move on knowing that everything is watched and seen in the universe and that if we walk light and hopeful without looking back and focus on being your best version every day youll reward will be there somewhere soon enough waiting for you. And whatever needs to happen for those who hurt you is non of your business and eventually they too would understand what was wrong. (DS/PT)

The Energetic Salt Cleanse : because when we are moving in a low frequency and vibration (due to negative thoughts and environmental negative or heavy patterns) is even harder to move forward, this audio cleanse our aura and transmutes all that negativity around you or stuck on you, so you can shine again and that light alone open new roads and uplifts your spirit. (DS/PT)

Etheric cord cutter : because we need to absolutely and completely free ourselves from any kind of bonding, tight, chain that keep us hooked to repeating the same situations by being connected to the vibration from others that are of not good for us delaying or obstructing our journey. (DS/PT)

The Grand Jealousy : because jealousy is the ego of the masses, misery loves company remember? As soon as you start seeing the light there comes the debbie downers trying to kill your efforts and keeping you down so you don’t accomplish what they havent been able to. Or even if they dont say it, you feel their jealousy energetically and that derails success. (DS/PT)

The Amethyst : because it has a super high vibration to clean your aura, strongly protect you and attract new opportunities that are perfect for you (one of my favorites :relieved: ) (EA)

Booted Bhoots : because if cuts any energetic cord, curse, evil eye, dark incantation with any purpose, we might have gotten attached through a very wide variety of scenarios, while also provides a strong protection that literally blocks any new one wanting to reach you. Ive felt this one super super strongly like it can go further back from this life and plane. (GR)

Curse Spell Removal and The Inhabiter : when you absolutely feel or know that youve been cursed, or that there are dark entities or energy vampires etc that keep sucking on your energy and light. (GR)

After addressing what YOUR possible culprits could have been then the following ones could start changing that abandonment, insecure, doubting feelings for remembering that you are as loved, nurtured and deserving as anybody else, watched from above and with a door opening in front of you full of new possibilities:

Honored Ancestors : because who can know better than them what is that you need, or what patterns have been running in your blood line, or how they could possible request intercession for you, this not just honored them, but also brings a powerful help understanding and love that you can feel right away. Just ask them :smirk: (DS/PT)

Archetype of Parental Love : because the unconditional love, encouragement and trust we could receive from them literally builds a strong core that pushes us to go after our dreams without hesitation, their trust is like any other for you to know that you are capable of anything you put your mind to, and you might have grown up without parents or missing one, or with lack of love and support or have lost them etc so this would bring that for you even if you dont believe it, the Divine Motherhood and Fatherhood goes above and beyond any behavior our 3D parents could portrait.

And if you grew up with that, then this strengthens it even more. (DS/PT)

The Hand of Glory : because its a super fast nudge we could receive from above, to set positive things in motions, to open wide paths for us, to give us trust in ourselves because we are infused with that above power. (DS/PT)

Spear of Destiny : because it brings an incredibly calm feeling, reassuring us that we are NOT alone and that the world is out there for us to conquer it! :muscle:t4: I absolutely love this one, even if i dont need it i love playing it, everything in this audio is magnificent, 3 loops and you just simply feel unstoppable and so so deeply genuine happy and safe. (DS/PT)

The Essence of Mantras : because it wraps us in a thick loving, wise, profound, ancient, powerful energy that moves within us from core to mind, body, aura and spread around holding us tight above any circumstances. Fast. And without judgment. (DS/PT)

Guided Path : because to start over or again, it is such a blessing to have a hand to guide us so we dont fall back ever again, when you know you have that by your side you are not afraid of taking chances, it connects you deeply to your higher self and an higher guidance that gently help you in your new journey. (DS/PT)

Wheel of Fortune : because the eagerly anticipated joy we feel when we know things are finally going to start changing boosts and propels that wheel even faster (EA)

Alchemical Holy light and Tower of Power : AHL specifically brings upon you the vibration of the Holy Cross, it is contained in the ToP with extra intercessions that you can think of or that you might need but dont know. It will help you securing your basic needs so you can focus on what you want to start, it also guides you (both of them) shows you the way, bring synchronized events etc (TS)

A life of Magical Abundance : because it keeps bringing little blessings or gifts or help along your way of recovery or healing first to then embark on your path to success, it is really magical haha unexpected gifts and help, finding money on the streets, its like unwrapping little rewards and gifts daily. And it keeps growing with continued usage.

Blessings for Heart and Home : because happy heart stronger magnetic heart to attract abundance and Home needs that vibe too so it harmoniously brings those blessing, so that home is always full and provided for. (EA)

Seasons Green Fluorite : because of its high frequency and energetic characteristics it helps in sooo many ways, specially to start a fresh, cleanses you, heals the heart, fix the chaos, fills you up with hope, mental clarity, new ideas, helps you bring out your shine, it bringd balance to the body mind, spirit, among many other things (EA)

Love Graviton: because as you raise your vibration, the vibration around from ppl and environment needs to be clear and high as well, so it keeps you in a constant good state. (DS/PT)

Shatachandi : :heart_eyes: uh ahem. The only reason why i am talking about her in this abundance portion is because she is the Divine Mother, of everything and Us. And tho, she as a Mother teaches while supports, she is a Mom after all and never leaves us behind if we absolutely need an urgent blissful touch or push. But will talk more about her along the other Gods/ddeses in the Wealth and Career portion. (GR)

Remember all the audios mentioned on this Abundance part are just options to take you back to a fresh start addressing the obstacles that need to be overcome first and foremost, with lack of abundance, and stress, anxiety and bills pilling up you cant move to a bigger dreams if your mind, heart and vibration are blocked or low.


Ill be back to talk about wealth :smirk:


A plug for
Aventurine (feat. Eilish Hassett)
as a field/stone for abundance


That is in the next portion ill type tomorrow


Ooo, there’s more! (Thank you)


Yes, Wealth then Career :money_mouth_face:


Ok lets talk about Wealth.

When we talk about Wealth, is simply abundance of valuable possessions or money. Extra money after having everything covered more than the basics, the state of being rich, material prosperity.

If this is your end goal, if its what you want to accomplish, then first remember wanting this has no correlation to being spiritual, being wealthy wont make you less spiritual, lacking it wont make you super spiritual either, if you think thats incorrect then, dont worry, it will never happen to you.

Unless you change your mind, then first thing youd need to do is work on those mental and subconscious blockages regarding money.

Wealth doesnt happen over night, unless you inherit it, win a lottery or steadily and consistently keep your vibration high high and develop your abilities to manifest without much effort (working effort)

Or you work hard at first or for a while then intelligently invest the money you earn, more likely through a designed plan youd follow closely until the break through happens in a big way. (Which ill cover in the Career part)

Whichever option you feel inclined to or youd like to happen to you, involves:

1- being in a consistent state of high vibration
2- being on ok terms with the cause and effect of your actions.
3- attract luck

1 and 2 are covered in the abundance part and well… how you live your life and relate to other human beings. (Yeah we know of hundreds of people stinky rich that are bad yet they are wealthy)

This post is for those who want to take the high road, others can check somewhere else, we know there might be a lot of ways to get there faster and easier, but not rewarding within, at least hopefully for majority in this community, this forum.

I am gonna talk about the audios that can bring that extra something… besides having a high vibration or working hard. Also because sometimes we all need extra cash for an extra thing we need or want, or because who doesnt like gifts, invitations, feeling like what you touch can turn into something that has a material value.

If you get to keep that steadily going then luck will always be by your side, one way or another.
Luck tho, has its own ways too, luck can manifest as things anybody would find valuable, just as it can manifests as saving you a loss of money for instance :woman_shrugging:t2: Luck can come in weaves, luck is like the heart that pulls in to gain momentum to then push out the blood, in those pulls in moments the heart is gathering the blood…
so in the moments of “no gain” people think luck has left but no… luck is gathering to then deliver. What you must do in those “no gain moments” is to keep doing what you have to do or prepare better, because when its ready to deliver again if you are not prepaired then youd miss it :blush:

What i mean by that? Luck = when opportunity meets preparation + a graceful touch from well uhm above? :wink:

I wont explain in detail but i hope you understand the hint.

Remember this is my perception and what ive encountered by experience over and over again.

:four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

So how can we gather, attract, expand and specially steadily keep those extra things needed? :


:smirk: :money_mouth_face:


Wealth :

The Kinetic Quasi Crystal : first on the stack you want to create, even a quasi crystal has the property of amplify things or energies that get in contact with it, plus so far ive been noticing that it enhances the fields, work faster and the field’s effects last longer.
Also any crystal, stone, quasi crystal or mineral first, cleans you, raises your vibration and empowers you, so if you havent worked much on raising your vibration and need urgent break through then this can help you. (GR)

Good Luck Charm Energy : this pretty much helps you to draw in luck, and the more you play it the more it stays around you, also it grows over time. (SM/PT)

Attract Wealth & Prosperity : this one has a very important element, apart from bringing in success and luck it also helps getting rid of mental blockages in regards to money and having more than enough.

777 luck & blessings : this can get you that extra luck when gambling, but also luck for new beginnings, finding the right job, finding the right partner, investors etc… with the energy of luck for that to happen. (DS/PT)

Voice of Gamayun/IPF/Pietersite : these 3 alone or better combined help you see beyond, have visions, develop your intuition, have clearer dreams, bring in synchronicities with information regarding luck and prosperity. You know… getting ready before gambling :stuck_out_tongue: (DS/PT-GR-DS/PT)

Taste of Mana : this among many other benefits, gathers and infuses you with a beautiful and powerful energy and natural force that is long known to strengthening and or expanding your manifestation works. (DS/PT)

The Magician : empower yourself with the mental strength and Magical determination of him, to push your manifestations to happen. And destroy any doubt you might have in regards of any dream.
The good thing also is that the more you play it the better he will understands what is that you want so it lands it off for you.

Taaffeite Crystal : this crystal turns around luck on to the good side :wink: it puts you simply in that state of luck. (DS)

Millionaire Mindset : this can definitely be played from when you are in the loop and need to bring back abundance into your life, but if you are already there then this alone would suffice, this would re wire your mind to think like a millionaire, to attract opportunities to keep growing, to live without the need to be frugal thinking you might have today but who knows tomorrow etc (SP/PT)

Amplify & Nullify Planetary Effects if you dont have the Navagraha Homam (which can be played every some weeks) then youd need these 2 to play once a day every day. These along SLR and Ego Dissolution are a daily must, if one, you want to avoid getting negative effects from the planets that can obstruct luck and opportunities and two because they enhance the good favors on the planets too. (DS/PT)

Luck & Probability alteration : :smirk: you well know what Luck is… but do you understand the element of “probability alteration”? … changing at the last minute the end result on your favor :sunglasses: this one is really really good and it works!! I use now the new one from Teespring Lucky Shoe Horse & Clover because it (in my opinion) compounds, dont need much loops, and it feels like a vacuum building around you that propels you or launches you far and fast lol so you know you can always choose or if you can afford it if not start changing your luck with the one on YouTube until you can buy this last one!

Coincidence & Synchronicities : this is like a steady luck lol luck happens fast and unexpected, this one here carries you on the right path one thing leading to the next to get something you want or need, is faster than Best Path in Life tag or the Guided Path audio, here is the difference, C&S is for quickly outcomes that you hadnt planned, that you didnt see coming, or that you wanted but had no idea how to get it, this leads you or puts you were you need to be for small things, but of course if you keep playing it it keep happening and widening the possibilities. (EA)

Conjunction of Spheres : this can be played along the amplify or nullify for planetary “blessings” or if you have the Navagraha which is not to be played daily then these audios can complement on the daily, specially Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun, if you dont want to play them daily then at least make sure you are looping each one on the specific day they control/affect, except sun, that one can be every day. (EA)

Aventurine : oh… this is a total Gem. :heart_eyes: its so gentle yet powerful, little by little it expands the abundance in your life, then prosperity then … :smirk: its also a very loving gem, that keeps your heart area constantly pouring out energy that helps manifest too, the closer you grow to it the more it brings to you. This one here alone can keep you in a high vibrational state :slightly_smiling_face: (extra tip: make one for servitors or dragons home) (EA)

Streaming Down Emerald : this is like Aventurine on steroids lol Aventurine has a “loyal” mission to serve you with abundance/prosperity and infuses you with love, The Emerald one strengthens luck and charm for prosperous partnerships or gambling but it does not compounds, Aventurine does.
Emerald is great for when you are already rich lmao but its true. It brings more and more but before is like meh… selective. So Aventurine then :arrow_right: emerald. (EA)

Citrine : this is one of the most powerful one. Hands down. It cleanses your aura, it calms your mind, it brings success, luck, money out of no where etc this one could be a really good home for a servitor that then youd train all in regards money and play the audio for it to learn more and align you with its energy. (EA)

The Fool : :woman_shrugging:t2: Yeah… the fool has zero fear, and its a lucky b*** lol that combination pushes you to risk knowing you will win something no matter what. Plus being from Captain, it only enhances the good attributes of the Card not like the immature aspect of it. (EA)

Feng Shui: it harmonizes your home and working place, business, like it Automates the balancing of all aspects in your life/home/space to bring good fortune (good everything really but we are talking about money here) and better, to make sure that fortune stays!! And it grows, and it expands from your home outside from your work outside, lifting the vibration around IN harmony to what you want. It affects the environment but towards you and your goals. (TS)

Vaastu Homam : it helps also to harmonize the space like Feng Shui but being a ritual (in real life) you dont have to play this one so often, it goes deeper cleaning every corner and aspect in your space. I wouldnt say one is more powerful than the other, i find that Vastu feels like a deeeeeeep cleaning at all levels and stays for a while. But Feng Shui one grows and grows and grows and strengths over time, and its like it gets to a point where the things or people that obstruct harmony are avoided or repelled. So to me eventually is permanent with occasion usage. It takes a whileee to fade away even from the very first or second listen. But Vaastu doesnt miss one little crack to clean it energetically, so you can choose what you need more urgently.

Heart & Solar Plexus chakra audio : it clears, grows and stimulates these chakras, to put it simple:
Heart Chakra = magnet to attract
Solar Plexus = power of action and determination

Magnetic Heart Coherence : it balances the interaction of emotions with Reasoning. And when that is balanced it keeps on loop a powerful energy free of mental blockages and strong connection to what we desire. So if what with desire is not stopped by a negative thought or doubt then, the manifesting light exuding out from the heart is the most powerful magnet we can use all the time, even without thinking about anything it is attracting all your heart desires. And when you put your mind to anything then it signals the vacuum in your heart to pull towards you pretty much everything. (GR)

Ok so these last audios uhm…

Are powerful to bring abundance, money, prosperity, Wealth, luck, open roads, new beginnings, turn of luck, sudden gains, unlimited support, protection etc

They work regardless of whatever in your life (thank Captain for that big time, because he is a bridge between what you should get by merit or not but its still being brought to you through him)

But… if your merit is low… then low youd get.
If your merit is big then big youd get.

:woman_shrugging:t2: Simple as that.

Whether you know these Gods/Goddesses (rune and feng shui elements) or not, its how they work.

The more merit… the moreeee blessings from them.

Here they are: though out of respect, i wont be giving just a short simple explanation i will link the posts about them in case you havent seen them, or if you want to go read through again. Specially to follow proper instructions.

Shatachandi Yagna

Maha Ganapati Yagna

Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna

New Release: Kubera’s Blessing

New Release: The Rune Jera

New Release - Jade Maneki-Neko Energy

Favors of The Sanxing: New Release


Next and final part will be Career :heart:


Last part…


There are 3 ways to become successful through your career.

1- choosing, following, working on what you really love and want, but you think what you like might not have much of a chance to be successful but you still want to push through.

2 - being chosen by the career… when you are great at something even tho you might not love it but you use it as a way to succeed to then one day do what you want lol (we all think that at some point in our lives yes or yes)

3 - the ideal one, when what you want you are also great at and have a high chance to be successful at.
The only thing that needs attention is how to maintain yourself being at the top or better keep growing without falling into a comfort zone, or lose everything from bad management or too much confidence.

Its ok whichever one, first 2 have benefits and perhaps more challenges than the 3rd option.

The 1st option might take you longer, might make you feel like you want to give up a lot of times, might have little support from family or friends, might barely be enough to pay the bills… but maaaan! You are so passionate about it you keep going and that alone could be just enough what you need to eventually succeed!! :muscle:t4:

The 2nd option can get you to the top fast if you actually dont lose focus on what you want… because itd push you to take advantage of your skills to succeed so you faster can one day switch and be doing just what your heart wants, however youd be surprised how many times people during their journey realize that what they are good at was actually a sleeping desire and the option 2 becomes option 3 :stuck_out_tongue::partying_face:

The 3rd option as said, its the ideal and the one that takes you faster to your goal, thing is how to keep that high spot and turn it into an steady last longing success.

What ill share next are the last set of audios that alone or combined can help you narrow the option you are at or would like to try out.

Just remember… this is from my own perception, experience etc :slightly_smiling_face:


great reminder!

i’m currently facing these limiting beliefs:

  • forcing myself to entertain when i don’t feel like it
  • feeling guilt when i am not actively working towards financial progress
  • feeling fear about losing money by not doing anything and letting the universe take care of me

i already listen to these morphic fields and not looking to add anymore at the moment:

  • abundance mindset
  • million dollar empire mindset
  • capital governance

i would love to hear your insights @JAAJ @anon46520955 if you’re available! anyone is welcome to add their thoughts and feelings as well!


What i see is fear of poverty or not being super successful, but i dont think they originate from you

Maybe you grew up with the family struggling to meet ends?

Maybe you grew up seeing parents or whoever you grew up with working hard non stop to provide a good life to you?

Maybe you grew up in a very competitive family that was always pushing to being more successful?

Because honestly those fears/guilt that you mentioned come from situations like that (what you grew up seeing, learning)

Because otherwise you wouldnt feel that.

If it bugs you that you are not doing enough as uhm… “what you should be” says who? If the worries were coming from your own mind you would be looking for solutions, but they dont come from you, in fact they come when you are just content and happy with what you have, but then those intrusive thoughts come in… when you remembered “how one should work hard all the time, other wise… youll be poor, you struggle” etc

Am I wrong?

If i am correct, then just live your life the way you want it, work on the financial goals you want to achieve because theyd provide the life YOU want, no matter how average or wealth that life seems to others (including family and close friends)

Dont feel guilty, you are not filling any one shoes but yours, you are not fulfilling frustrations from others that couldnt and now they expect it from you.

Get what you want at your own pace, whatever that is but that makes your heart happy not any ones else’s.

Even if you dont want to add more fields…

You kinda need New Perspectives :woman_shrugging:t2: Lol


thank you! this tells me you definitely understand who i am and where i’m coming from which i appreciate.

you’re 100% right! i guess i’m just sorting out what is me and what isn’t at the moment.

it’s on my wishlist! :slight_smile:


Hi dear
Thanks for this informative post.
Which field amongst Abundance Mindset and Attract Wealth, Prosperity is more beneficial in the long run? I’ve noticed that AWP doesn’t really stick to one’s aura. Meaning it doesn’t seem permanent. But mind settings can become permanent no? Because it’s the way we think?



All wealth, prosperity, luck etc audios are not permanent because those are things that need the little daily push since it can change come and go through many different aspects.

Main aspect? The way we think about money and abundance. Thats why those (the abundance and millionaire mindset ) re wire your subconscious to think different about prosperity. But even those need a reminder once in a while.

Just like Subconscious Limit Removal and Ego Dissolution need a reinforcement once in a while after you se they have kinda setttled


So I’ve reworked my playlist according to this. Let’s see how things change. Millionaire mindset has already changed many thoughts I have. Now it’s time for abundance mindset. ;)


that is indeed a very special one, i can confirm :pray:t4:

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Ok, where are the career audios?

My stab (since Luna has closed that account):

Depending on your chosen field, there have been a whole variety of community project fields which can enhance your becoming really good and successful in your chosen endeavor (which was another one of Luna’s factors from the post you replied to).

This is off the top of my head. I’m sure I missed a few. And I’m sure our friends will add in what I’ve missed.

Hope that helps.


Thanks <3 i will do a research on them

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