Well, not new, but the artwork is updated and beautiful.
There are some new items in the Sapien Shop as well.
Well, not new, but the artwork is updated and beautiful.
There are some new items in the Sapien Shop as well.
i love the new look!!
@uial I just saw it! Whoohoooo!!! I couldn’t be happier!!! Thank you Sapien Team!
I wonder if the difference between this and the old one is only artistic
I also have the same question.
Is it a BEST PATH IN LIFE 2.0?
Is it an update?
It’s stronger?
What differences are there in relation to the previous one?
Or did the art just change?
Looks fantasticđź‘Ť
The old one will still work , right?
And how did the old one look? Description is ok.
Of course. Dream wouldn’t deactivate an old field, just to force us to buy a new one.
The old design is still listed on Enlightened States:
I’m also curious if this has become stronger @El_Capitan_Nemo
Yeah of course it works still
Its the same description
I just remade it and updated the artwork.
I wanted to make something beautiful looking also.
and more of a representation, as there is a bridge and the pathway changes and is a bit highlighted by the abstract design.
The old ones still work.
Considering that you’ve become much better at this I’m guessing that even though the description is the same, this would benefit from you having more experience, correct?
its a fair assumption
It’s simply logical
All new stuff are better and better
Today my BPIL tag came, the old one…
Right when the new one was released!
So if we have the old ones we must buy for this for stronger effects? I don’t like the continuous updates .I want the inner beauty tag
Is that not the nature of the world and everything else?
Look at TVs and Soundbars - I buy every other year something wanting the latest and greatest in the market and Samsung/LG/Sony release something better every few months! Technology is evolving, and so is the ability to dish out better products. That does not mean that the older models are useless, right? When a new product comes out - I may still buy it if it is significantly better than the previous model, or I skip and wait for something better to arrive…
I had Dale’s fields, and then DW appeared and produced stronger, more innovative fields - I replaced some of Dale’s fields with the newer fields; with some others, the old ones continue to work fine for my needs. New and better choices are always going to be available - it is not in anyone’s interest to resist and block innovation/evolution, as we always have the choice whether or not to buy a commodity.
I understand it can be frustrating when you bought something this week and an upgraded version comes out soon after, but that is the nature of the game! Dream is continuously evolving, growing, brainstorming for new ideas (this forum and its discussions contribute there) - so it is but natural that he releases upgraded versions, and we should applaud Dream’s constant quest for improvement!
Also, “Strong” and “better” are relative terms
We should be grateful cause it’s just like that
Complaining is insane in this manner
Exactly. I had it before 3 me a litle demanding I want ONLY the latest and the best. But you have right about what you said in the example.the artwork is INSANE beautifu
The artwork is beautiful, Dream!