New item: Best Path In Life

Would BPIL and Lucky sigil item clash if used together?


No don’t think so. Somewhere Sammy said, that only the “Reach For The Stars” Tag would clash with BPiL

Edit: wrote Glory Tag in original post, but I was wrong


Was thinking about Arcturian or Intercession 2.0

Maybe IBF when / if it gets re-released


Is it a new tag? Increased bowel functioning? :joy::joy:


Not gonna lie, I’m kind of bummed I got the old one because I much prefer the design on the new one.Since it’s an item i wear every day, the look is kind of important to me. If i got the new one, would I lose all my progress?


No, you won’t lose all your progress.

The Best Path in Life item simply helps you follow the path with the best possible outcome for your life.

You’ll still be in the same ‘place’ along your path when you begin wearing the new tag.

The new tag item won’t have grown quite as much, but it may not make much difference as you’ve only had the tag for a few months (if I recall correctly).

Also, the new item may work more effectively than your current tag in the long term as it won’t have been boosted. :smiley:


:joy::joy::joy: As a matter of fact, @ConkerRyan likes to joke with dates and letters ;p


New Talent: Unlocked! :grin:


i can only logically think that the morphic fields would be similar to the point that the newer one would just start where the old one left off energetically.

i mean, that’s ideally how replacing employees work. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Hey bro, did you know where I can find that tag (glory tag)?

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Hey, teespring stopped producing + selling tags. So Team Sapien is currently moving their tags to their new shop website here:

But Dream has to remake all the advanced fields and he said, that some of the old fields will be discontinued. So I don’t know when and if glory will be available again.


I hope dream remake that one, thanks man!

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Don’t know. Maybe your body was busy repairing and healing itself. From the video description:

and also help heal any damage to the system as well as the thymus and spleen.

Rest a few days. But keep listening to the Lymphatic Blockage Removal field And see how it goes.


Thank you so much

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These reactions are typical. Do what you want, loop a Reiki meditation, and don’t expect it to come back for days to weeks - but when it does, it will come back stronger. The more legit energy work you do to yourself, the sooner it will come back (or the deeper it will go, and both are good things).

Pairing with sacred flower tag :sunglasses:


It sounds like the blockage is being worked on but hasn’t been removed yet.

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Also drink a lot more water if you experience this.
How did it go?

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Hey guys, got myself the BPIL pendant 3 weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier with it.

Been working with DW’s fields for quite a few years and I know for a fact that they work great. Part of me, the fearful part, was worried about the impact of the pendant.

First night, it stayed in its box on my bedside table.
Second night, I decided to lay it on my heart chakra while I read before sleeping.

Lights off, pendant safely back in its box, my brain suddenly sprang to life to inform me that there was a serious problem with the data I’d sent my colleague a few days before. This data is used to produce the single most important report of our year in my field. Messing up is not an option.

It turned out that yes, there was a serious problem with the data, so I got up super early the next morning, put in 3 hours of solid work before the official start of my working day, fixed the data and advanced the report up to where my colleague had left if.

  • Professional credibility saved, check! :+1:
  • Career unimpacted, check! :+1:
  • Colleague forever grateful even though I was the one that (accidentally) messed up, check! :+1:

That alone makes the pendant worth its weight in pure gold! :grin:

That week, I was also offered a week of free refresh training in a healing modality I use already.

During the training course, I met another participant which showed me new techniques from other modalities, gave me the name of the people who trained her, and more generally gave me a sense of “I can juggle both my professional career and start building an energy healing practice”.

I have also noticed that, despite the current situation, I am more inclined to accept invitations to meet new people than I have ever been in my life and I see everything as a potential opportunity to move forward.

My only regret: not having bought this pendant sooner! :laughing: